If you wanted to destroy a nation from within, how would you do it? Perhaps you would kick out the very underpinnings of the precepts on which it was founded, and let it come crashing down. That's what's happening in the country right now, and if you're on the side of the Original Principals of the founding of this great nation, The United Stated of America, you're losing this cultural and religious war.
Pope Francis: "We Must Breed With Muslims." |
Those Original Principals included faith in God, family and moral values, and personal responsibility. Our nation was born of Christian teachings, despite what the secularists say, and those Principals are being mocked and eroded at a frightening rate. To demonstrate the depth at which the war has progressed, one needs only to quote the leader of the Catholic faith, Pope Francis himself, as he embraces Muslims and worships not God, but "tolerance" and multiculturalism. Pope Francis, who has taken in 3
Syrian Muslim refugee families into the Vatican but no Syrian Christian
refugees, seems to think that the armies of Muslim migrants pouring into
Western European countries are nothing to be concerned about. He is
absolutely wrong, it is an economic and sociological disaster, and yet he even encourages interbreeding with them. Islam has been - and still is - the sworn enemy of Christianity for millennia, and it's quite unnerving to see the faith's titular leader embrace not only that self proclaimed enemy, but the secularists as well.
But there is a voice crying out in the secular wilderness. One Robert Carnival Sarah (sar AH), who was appointed as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments by Pope Francis in 2014, addressed hundreds of prominent Catholic clergy and lay people attending the 12
th annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Tuesday in Washington. In what he called "portentous times" for the Catholic Church and for the
world, Cardinal Sarah condemned same-sex marriage, transgender bathroom
laws, and attacks on the family as "demonic". "In your nation, God is being eroded, eclipsed, liquidated," he stated. “All manner of immorality is not only accepted and tolerated today in
advanced societies, it is even promoted as a social good. The result is hostility to Christians and increasingly,
religious persecution. This is not an ideological war between
competing ideas. This is about
defending ourselves, children and future generations from the demonic
idolatry that says children do not need mothers and fathers. It denies
human nature and wants to cut off an entire generation from God.”
God is being replaced in our country, thanks in part to the Muslim in Chief, with the God of the secularists, Tolerance, and the god of Islam, Allah the moon god. The Episcopalians, the Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Catholics and others have all jumped on the pro-tolerance, anti-God bandwagon. It's an in-your-face persecution and it's being accepted and embraced by many who may be ignorant of the ultimate consequences. Under the guise of tolerance, fairness, and political correctness, this insidious blasphemy goes unrecognized by the masses who think only of what's "fair", rather what's morally right. And because it's easy to persuade very young children, who have no practical knowledge of, or experience in, the way the world works, we have indoctrination rather than education. And that's why Common Core seeks to accomplish two things: the aforementioned statist indoctrination, and the removal of influence from the parents. The family must be neutered and rendered moot. And so far the dark side has done a pretty good job of it.
I'm not Catholic, but I must say, Cardinal Sarah has nailed it. The Church’s challenge today is to “fight with courage and hope… and
not be afraid to raise her voice to denounce the hypocrites,
manipulators and the false prophets” who would lead the faithful astray. “The
battle to preserve the roots of mankind is perhaps the greatest
challenge the world has faced since its origins,” Sarah said. “Be
prophetic, be faithful, pray” for the soul of America and to “help stem
the tide of evil that is spreading throughout the world,” the cardinal
exhorted. “For in the end, it is God or nothing.”
In a nation of freedom of religion, and of freedom of speech, why is mine repressed, and others' not?