I'm always amused, in a cynical way, by the disingenuous American media. There are significant threats to Americans and the American way of life in the world, to be sure, but it's sadly amusing what stories the American media chooses to report. That constitutes lying by omission. Take for instance the boy-and-the-gorilla story. That's a tragedy, and because of some woman's carelessness, a
magnificent primate had to be killed. Sad. But despite hours of video on news channels, the story was initially rather thin. Who was the caretaker of a 4 year boy? Why did she allow him to get near the barricades? What was the gorilla's motivation? His intent? Why isn't the cause of this clearly avoidable accident analyzed? What is being hidden? You can see how a viewer may be cynical about the "real" story here, as opposed to just taking sides in the emotional boy-versus-gorilla hype. Good, boy, bad gorilla? Or is it poor gorilla, misbehaved boy? But now we know a little more, and the pieces fall into place as we suspected they would.

Maybe it's a distraction story. Put out there so we the news consumer don't get too emotional about the other true threats to us. Like the Muslim invasion, or the Kenya's fecklessness. In his final months as Dear Leader, he goes about the world apologizing for what he perceives as America's misdeeds. For example, on the very eve of Memorial Day, he essentially
apologizes to Japan for the US decision to drop atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It's literally insane for him to do such a thing. Seventy years ago Japan was an enemy, a brutal, vicious empire, and was defeated in a war. Today Japan is an ally, evolving in that time from a near feudal monarchy to a vibrant, successful democratic nation. Why apologize for saving a people from obliteration? Further, Japan has never apologized for its brutal, aggressive conduct during the first half of the twentieth century. But our homosexual mulatto Dear Leader feels it necessary for the leader of the United State to apologize to Japan for winning a war. Had those bombs not been deployed, the US and allied armed forces would have had to invade Japan's main islands, at a staggering cost in lives and treasure on both sides. My father was in the US Navy in the Pacific Theater in 1945, and was slated to be in the vanguard of that assault. Chances were good that he would not live through it. So from my perspective, I'm glad Truman made that historic decision, and Dad was able to come home and have a family, like probably a half million other US servicemen. Otherwise, I and thousands of others, wouldn't be here.

Another threat to the US that the media conveniently avoids is the Islamic jihad that seeks to conquer the world under a Caliphate compliant with sharia law. As the Kenyan goes behind Congress's back, and in defiance of the courts' prohibition, he lawlessly imports thousands more jihadists and other terrorists into the country. Why would the media be silent about a story like that? Could it be because the
Muslim Brotherhood has operatives in the Kenyan's administration, which is already highly sympathetic to Islam? And could it be because the media is merely a mouthpiece - a propaganda arm - for the Kenyan and his policies? Decidedly so.
Freedom of the press is defined as "The right to circulate opinions in print without censorship by the government." And yet this government nonetheless influences the the compliant media to the detriment of the news consumer. Dissemination of misinformation and disinformation is, by definition, lying. either by commission or omission. Therefore, the press lies, by both omission and commission. But readers of the alternative media already knew that.
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