Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hillary For Women's Rights? Ask A Mulim

Hillary likes to say she's the champion of women's rights.  Right.  Ask the ladies Bubba Bill has known.  She's got the gender card, we're told, and she's ready to play it.  Yet in the same breath, she advocates for the US to "do more" in helping poor, war-weary Muslim refugees invade - er, migrate - into the US.  And therein lies the contradiction.  There are no women's rights for Muslims, yet our gal Hill wants to import even more barbaric sharia law followers into the country.

Multiple reports have documented how mass Muslim migration into the United States has brought with it unique challenges to assimilation.  Muslims are the fastest growing bloc of immigrants into the United States, according to a 2015 report from the Center for Immigration Studies. U.S. Census data reveals that Arabic and Urdu – Pakistan’s national language– are the fastest-growing foreign languages spoken at home by U.S. residents. Arabic is now the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of recent refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

Last year, filmmaker Ami Horowitz interviewed Muslim residents of the Cedar Riverside section of Minneapolis, many of whom said that they would prefer to live under Sharia law. As CBS has reported, “The Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis is sometimes called ‘Little Mogadishu’ given that it is the center of the nation’s largest concentration of Somalis.” CBS notes that the area is also fertile ground for Islamic terrorist groups recruiting new fighters.  Really.  Ya think?

Muslims Pray at White House Evan Vucci  AP Photo
Coming Soon To Your Town
Mass Muslim migration into the United States has also brought with it some troubling implications forr women’s rights within the U.S.  Europe in general, and Germany especially, is now experiencing a massive crime wave by created by Muslims.  In every crime category statistic, especially rape and sexual assault, illegal immigrants and asylum seekers were massively and disproportionately over represented.  In the US, absurd practices such as "honor killings" have increased dramatically.  This sharia practice allows for the killing of women for such infractions as "disgracing" the family, or wearing "immodest" clothing. Women can be beaten, brutalized, humiliated, and even disfigured by their husbands or families for little or no provocation.  Welcome to sharia law.  And as always, Hillary has it wrong.

Peachy.  We understand that there exists a culture, if I may call it that, that is literally diametrically opposed to the United States' culture of personal freedom and responsibility as guaranteed by the Constitution. That cult is Islam as followed by its Muslim practitioners.  There can be no assimilation, as Germany has seen, and as Sweden has learned.   The two - a civilized culture and a barbaric cult - cannot exist together.  That's not opinion, it's a fact that's being verified in every country in the world. 

So, Hillary, you want women's rights?  There are none in Muslim countries.  So choose wisely.

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