Thursday, May 26, 2016

Say It Ain't So, Brad

Brad Thor on Glenn Beck: ‘If Congress Won’t Remove’ Trump from White House, ‘What Patriot Will Step Up’
Brad Thor (l), Glenn Beck (r)
One of my all time favorite authors, Brad Thor, recently made some curious and outrageous statements on air.  Wednesday, on the Glenn Beck Radio Program, he and host Glenn Beck discussed their fear that a Trump presidency would cause irreversible damage to the country and the American way of life.  They fear, presumably because of Trump's bombastic personality, that he would govern by edict and essentially shred the Constitution.

Are you kidding me?  Nothing like that has been going on for the last seven and a half years, has it?  Where were these defenders of freedom when the Kenyan revealed himself to be the first totalitarian dictator in American history? How can a man like Brad Thor, whose fictional hero Scott Harvath, who epitomizes the anti-authoritarian alpha male, not recognize the difference between Trump and the Kenyan?  The contrast between the two is glaring:  Trump's an unmistakable alpha male, who loves beautiful women.  The Kenyan is an effeminate homosexual who loves transsexuals.

Nonetheless, Thor asks the hypothetical question of what patriot will step up to ensure that freedom continues to ring by "taking out" Trump were he to be elected president. Whoa. That's pretty harsh.  Had they exchanged the word "Trump" for the Kenyan's name - either one or all of them -  in that broadcast, the Secret Service would be kicking in the studio doors in ten seconds flat!

Given that Beck has had his moments of questionable mental lucidity in the last few years, one doesn't expect this kind of nonsense from someone like Brad Thor.  It's obvious that a good deal of Trump's appeal is that he says what's on his mind, despite whether it's politically correct.  Political correctness is censorship, pure and simple, and by not only ignoring political correctness, but mocking it, Trump heralds the return of freedom of expression, and that resonates with the American people.

So Brad, I can think of several folks - both male and female alike - who need killin', as the old saying goes, who have done irreparable harm to the country and so far have suffered no consequences. But Donald Trump isn't among them.

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