Monday, May 16, 2016

Why The "Y?"

As we watch in horror, our Dear Leader The Kenyan issues "guidelines" to help confused mentally ill children be comfortable in their "gender identity crisis."  This nonsense translates into allowing biological males into biological female restrooms, among other nefarious things.  What can possibly go wrong?  Well, gee, everything.  [An aside here:  the word gender refers to grammar, despite its common usage in this matter.  If we're discussing biology, the proper word is sex, as in transsexual or sexual identity.]

Image result for images y chromosome
One Pair of Chromosomes Of 23 In Human DNA
First, let's dissect the issue, starting with biological science. The Y chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes in humans (the other is the X chromosome). The sex chromosomes form one of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes in each human cell. The Y chromosome spans more than 59 million building blocks of DNA (base pairs) and represents almost 2 percent of the total DNA in cells.  Each person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell, with the Y chromosome present in males, who have one X and one Y chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes.  It's the Y chromosome that defines maleness. One is either a male or a female, and it is biologically impossible to change that fact.  Modern medical science can alter physical appearance, hormones, and even add or remove genitalia, but cannot change the basic DNA sex chromosomes.

So, as God designed, each person is either a male with one X and one Y chromosome, or a female with two X chromosomes. That chromosomal blueprint determines one's biological sex.  But being advanced beings, we humans have a complex brain, which creates emotions.  And in some there can be a mental disruption, causing one to experience confusion as to what sex one may be.  That condition, and I'm speaking of transsexualism, is one of mental illness, not one of biological sex ambiguity.  According to numerous studies, it affects only .03% of the population, yet our Dear Leader sees fit to issue more edicts that penalizes the other 99.97% of Americans with absurd totalitarian laws such as the so called bathroom issue.

So what is the real goal behind this pseudo-science of transsexualism?  I see several.  And as with everything emanating from this godless administration, they're all political.  First is governmental totalitarian control; getting Americans used to being under government control in every single aspect of their lives, including dictating which restroom they may use.  Another is the forced breakdown of decency; of moral codes that have been in place in civilized societies for millennia.  So a man, who sees himself as a woman but is still biologically a man, replete with male genitalia, can simply enter a ladies room at will, and avail himself of any and all of his urges that may still be present.  How enlightened we are!  Yet ignored in all this enlightenment is the women and girls who want to go about their most private business privately.  And certainly not with males present.  And lastly is the assault on maleness itself.  The enlightened Regressive view is that maleness is responsible for all the evil and hurt in the world. The Kenyan hates what he is - and is not - in my view, and like so many other despots, his destruction, while aimed subconsciously at himself, adversely impacts us all. 

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