Tuesday, May 17, 2016

More Blurring Of The Sexes

Just yesterday I posted a piece on the biological science of the sexes, pointing out how this notion of "confused gender identity" is a political construct.  Today, as I opened a new tab in my browser, I saw this statement under the Google search bar:  "Proud Supporters of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia."  Really?  There is such a thing?  A day against fear of homosexuals and fear of transmissions?  Apparently so.  The link connects to a two-minute-plus YouTube video put out by the United Nations, which I suppose is to create "awareness" of the inequality imposed on those who are confused about their sex.  Poor souls.  I tried to watch the video, but it was buggy and constantly reloaded and started over again.  Maybe that's due to my connection, which is buggy because of once solid Verizon's decision to sell its internet operations to some rinky-dink outfit called Frontier.  Or it could be that it's just a sorry example of marketing by the UN and its vendors.  Either way, I couldn't see it all, and if you have the inclination, it's all yours to watch. 

So we need a day to honor the 0.03% of the populace too self absorbed to even figure out if they're male or female?  Poor souls.  Or is this another effort to create yet another victim class, so snowflakes like these can find a safe space from "phobic" folks like me and the remaining 99.07% of human beings in the world who know who they are? I guess that's the lesson the UN wants to teach in this new 21st century: "Know not yourself; Impose yourself on others."  Very zen.  Very enlightened.

Image result for fags on parade
Actually, Genitalia Does Equal Sex
It's always been a favorite tactic of the Regressive left to create words that imply a negative position.  George Orwell called it Newspeak.  Example:  I'm male and heterosexual.  I like women.  Decidedly so.  Wanna see my magnificent Y chromosome?   So because I'm normally sexually oriented, I'm therefore defacto homophobic.  And, with this new phobia just introduced today, apparently I'm transphobic as well, whatever the hell that means.  But it's all nonsense, of course.  Few people care if one is enamored of members of one's own sex, or if one dresses like a  . . . whatever.  The bedroom is private, and what one does in there is exclusively one's own business.  In public, however, that's an entirely different situation, and it absolutely does matter what you do in the presence of civilized folks and their children.    

So no one denies these self absorbed cupcakes whatever gets them off, that's their preference.  We do however, require that you not conduct your dalliances in public, nor aggressively shove your perversions in our face.  That's not freedom, you dolt, that's assault.  And maybe even battery.

Once the Kenyan and his band of identity-confused fellow travelers are no longer in the control room, I suspect we'll see a return to normal human civility.  The freaks of the world will be seen for what they really are, and rightfully returned to the carnival tents from whence they came.

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