Sunday, May 22, 2016

Pope Francis: Whose God?

I was raised an Episcopalian. I'm christened, baptized and confirmed as an Episcopalian, as were my ancestors for literally hundreds of years. But not now. I remain a spiritual Christian, even though I have little, if anything, to do with the established Episcopal church. Why this sea change? Because of a radical homosexual Episcopal bishop - one Gene Robinson - who hijacked the church years ago, and virtually perverted every one of Christ's teachings in favor of a secular, homosexual themed dogma. Other protestant religions have gone that same route, Presbyterians, Methodists, and others, and lost membership in the process. The deep thinkers in the US bemoan the fact that, oddly enough, fewer Americans are going to church these days. How surprising. Americans want to find solace and comfort within the spiritual realm, not to be condescended to and talked down to with inane "tolerance", "inclusive", "egalitarian" and "multicultural" themes. I remember clearly that Christ taught us to be prepared to make hard choices, especially in discriminating between good and evil, and I'm sure most Christian Americans do so as well.

But comes now this Pope, reveling in the recent election of Sadiq Khan as the first Muslim mayor of London, and insists that mass Muslim migration is necessary for Europe to repopulate. He went on to blame Paris and Brussels for the Muslim attacks on those cities. Well, blaming the victim is a tired and true leftist tactic. As the supposed titular head of the Catholic Church, shouldn't the Pope be citing God and His love of mankind, rather than defending the followers of Allah, the ancient moon god? Apparently not. Suggesting that the West's “fear” of the Muslim invasion of Europe is partly based on a fear of Islam, he said, “ . . . there is a fear of Islam as such but of [IS] and its war for conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.” Are you kidding me? He compares Jesus' proselytizing to Jihad's slaughter?

So that he is not to be confused in his admonitions against Christians in any way, those near the pontiff suggest that this Pope harbors anti-American views as well. Respected Vatican journalist John Allen says the Pope’s dislike of America and Americans springs from his Latin American origin and the fact that the “resentment of the U.S. is sort of mother’s milk across the region.” Allen cites various coups engineered by the the U.S. in Honduras, Chile, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic. There is a fair bit of petty jealousy that Latin America has always stood in the religious, political and economic shadow of the United States. Allen didn't mention the billions of US taxpayer dollars given in aid, though, nor the outright murderous corruption one may find in these countries. Obviously the Pope, like many other leftists, sees things one dimensionally.

So there it is. He's a leftist advocate rather than a spiritual leader. You can take a radical leftist out of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and make him Pope, the head of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. Fine. But when one dons the sacraments of the Catholic Church, one must transcend the petty politics of common man and rise to a higher level of spirituality. That higher calling puts the Christian true God ahead of false prophets and third world national pride.

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