So You Think You Know Pain?
So. You think you know pain? Maybe you do. Maybe you know the pain of that nonsensical tyranny of being forced upon you as you're "required" to wear a face diaper for the last year or so. Or maybe you know the pain of being infected with the ChiCom's latest bio weapon, a lame-ass virus that is highly contagious, but not very fatal to anyone who's not already respirtorily impaired. Kinda like Legionnaire's Disease Lite. Being infected with that bug is not painful, but it is certainly an inconvenience, especially when one is "required" to self quarantine for two weeks.
Maybe you know the pain of losing your job because of the tyrannical and nonsensical lockdowns imposed upon businesses by those who consider themselves our betters, and who know what's best for us. Now that's painful.
Maybe you know the pain that's here now, and more coming ever since Dementia Joe and his fascist handlers stole the 2020 election, and appointed themselves emperor supreme. That's painful. Gas is at $2.90 as I write this, and there's a couple hundred thousand illegal gate crashers down on the southern border, all diseased and sexually perverted, just waiting to storm your town and start banging your wives, sisters and daughters. Mothers, too, as no one is safe from these desperate creatures.
Pain is watching as your countrymen, dumbed down and complacent, dutifully wear their little masks in full and patriotic compliance; watching their government's Ministry of Truth "news" shows spewing the approved propaganda, and believing - yes, actually believing - they know what is going on. That's painful to watch as most of us know the country's been hijacked, and the once mighty America is now just a joke of a third world country.
Pain is seeing your highly educated and financially savvy friends seeking dual citizenship all over the world, as your once friends and now ex patriots seek to save the fruits of their labors by getting out of the country, the United States of Tyranny.
Pain is seeing Margaret Chao, wife of Surrender Caucus leader Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and others get fat at the teat of the Chinese Communist Party, and nothing is done about their treason and sedition. Or of those obvious traitors in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, and elsewhere embedded in the swamp. Pain is watching government corruption go unchecked, unchallenged, and unjustly ignored.
All that is annoying, yes, but I'll tell you about pain. Pain is having your life shattered in a blink of an eye. Pain is having the love of your live show you the door. Pain is realizing you gave up your life, your love, your business, and your very fucking soul to someone who has devoured all that you are, psychically sucked you dry and spit out the remaining bone and cartilage. Discarded you without even a second thought. Pain is starting over - from the very bottom, and having to claw your way back up to where you once were. And pain is knowing that you're having to do this after becoming a septuagenarian. That, dear readers, is pain.
And now you know where ol' Lightfoot Cruise has been for the last five months. But I'll fight back. For myself, for my home, for my family, for my tribe, and for my culture. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Will you?