Tuesday, March 09, 2021

So You Think You Know Pain?

So.  You think you know pain?  Maybe you do.  Maybe you know the pain of that nonsensical tyranny of being forced upon you as you're "required" to wear a face diaper for the last year or so.  Or maybe you know the pain of being infected with the ChiCom's latest bio weapon, a lame-ass virus that is highly contagious, but not very fatal to anyone who's not already respirtorily impaired.  Kinda like Legionnaire's Disease Lite.  Being infected with that bug is not painful, but it is certainly an inconvenience, especially when one is "required" to self quarantine for two weeks.

Maybe you know the pain of losing your job because of the tyrannical and nonsensical lockdowns imposed upon businesses by those who consider themselves our betters, and who know what's best for us.  Now that's painful.

Maybe you know the pain that's here now, and more coming ever since Dementia Joe and his fascist handlers stole the 2020 election, and appointed themselves emperor supreme.  That's painful.  Gas is at $2.90 as I write this, and there's a couple hundred thousand illegal gate crashers down on the southern border, all diseased and sexually perverted, just waiting to storm your town and start banging your wives, sisters and daughters.  Mothers, too, as no one is safe from these desperate creatures.

Pain is watching as your countrymen, dumbed down and complacent, dutifully wear their little masks in full and patriotic compliance; watching their government's Ministry of Truth "news" shows spewing the approved propaganda, and believing - yes, actually believing - they know what is going on.  That's painful to watch as most of us know the country's been hijacked, and the once mighty America is now just a joke of a third world country.

Pain is seeing your highly educated and financially savvy friends seeking dual citizenship all over the world, as your once friends and now ex patriots seek to save the fruits of their labors by getting out of the country, the United States of Tyranny.

Pain is seeing Margaret Chao, wife of Surrender Caucus leader Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and others get fat at the teat of the Chinese Communist Party, and nothing is done about their treason and sedition.  Or of those obvious traitors in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, and elsewhere embedded in the swamp. Pain is watching government corruption go unchecked, unchallenged, and unjustly ignored.

All that is annoying, yes, but I'll tell you about pain. Pain is having your life shattered in a blink of an eye.  Pain is having the love of your live show you the door.  Pain is realizing you gave up your life, your love, your business, and your very fucking soul to someone who has devoured all that you are, psychically sucked you dry and spit out the remaining bone and cartilage.  Discarded you without even a second thought.  Pain is starting over - from the very bottom, and having to claw your way back up to where you once were.  And pain is knowing that you're having to do this after becoming a septuagenarian.  That, dear readers, is pain.

And now you know where ol' Lightfoot Cruise has been for the last five months.  But I'll fight back. For myself, for my home, for my family, for my tribe, and for my culture.  Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Will you?

Thursday, December 03, 2020


War is a mere continuation of [political] policy by other means, as Karl Von Clausewitz has so brilliantly observed. But there's a refinement to his axiom as well.  There is also Low‐Intensity Conflict (LIC is the Pentagon's preferred acronym), and it refers to a level of hostilities or use of military power that falls short of a full‐scale conventional or general war. It includes peacekeeping, anti-terrorism, assistance to foreign countries for internal defense, fulfillment of international treaty obligations, assistance to foreign law enforcement agencies, and commando operations.  Might we also include high level propaganda operations, and media blackouts in that definition as well?  I think so, too.  So in essence, LIC is any less-than-lethal operation.

And war, dear readers, is the state we find ourselves in today, just four days short of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the Japanese attack on the US naval Base at Pearl Harbor.  This war however, is an internal coup d'etat, and doesn't include an attack by a foreign power, unless, of course, you count Communist China as an agent provocateur.  It's between the globalist "deep state" elite and the constitution of the United States, and the people who love and support it.  So confident is the deep state/democrat/media complex in their coup, that they actual have told us they would steal the 2020 presidential election, and how they would do it.  And true to their word for once, they did exactly that.

But some patriots and concerned attorneys have taken up the gantlet and are fighting back.  Let's review some recent legal actions as reported by The Epoch Times:

This cannot be called a contested election, because it wasn't truly a fair and open election in the first place.  It was a complete theft by fraud, deceit and fabrication. But to Americans all, and no matter who you wanted to win, I say we cannot have one side or the other rigging or cheating in elections of any kind.  If that were to happen - and it may very well already have happened - then we no longer have a republic of, by and for the people.   We have some fake banana authoritarian oligarchy.  See Cuba, Venezuela and Hong Kong for reference.

Is this Low Intensity Conflict, resulting in an attempted coup, treason?  Yes, it is.  Are the players in this coup, politicians, billionaire financiers, and the media pundits all traitors?  Yes, they are.  Are there laws against treason and sedition?  Yes, there are.  Will the people get their country back, and will justice prevail? 

Only time will tell.

Monday, November 09, 2020

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

WTF - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot in phonetic alphabet - is the deal with Dominion Software?  We exposed the issues with this unreliable and wholly manipulative software in the last post, here.  Now we learn that the scandal surrounding Dominion is even bigger - read that as "worse" - than we imagined.  How, you might ask.

Well, Sidney Powell - a high powered attorney who is on Trump's team and who is also General Flynn's attorney - interviewed Maria Bartiromo, an American conservative television personality, anchor, Fox Business network host, and author.  During that exchange, Maria shared the following about Dominion that runs the application used in Michigan where thousands of Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden.  Read more here.

It seems that Nancy Pelosi's longtime Chief of Staff - Terri McCullough - is a key female executive of that company. But it gets even better.  Richard Blum, Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband is also a significant shareholder - to the tune of 60% holding - of this company.  And then it gets even better.  Dominion is also linked to our gal Hil's Clinton Foundation, as well.  But they're completely neutral, as you can see.  Just the fact that the Dominion voting machines flipped votes to Biden in at least two instances in Michigan alone is reason to audit all states where Dominion is used.

Some reports I've seen suggest that Trump knew of all this prior to November 3rd, and set up a sting wherein he could definitively record Dominion's manipulations of voters' electronic ballots.  If he did, it will be explosive. It will destroy the deep state and the hard core left establishment for generations to come.  If not, it's going to fall to the courts to enforce a fair and free election. Only time will tel how all this will end.

But remember this: Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union's communist dictator said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

Think about that.

Sunday, November 08, 2020


The Democrat Party, along with the Mainstream Media, Socialists and Communists, just three days after election day, have called the 2020 presidential race for Joe Biden.  But why are we surprised?  They told us months ago that they planned to steal this election, and true to their word, they did.  Joe himself, in a video posted on Twitter said this:

"We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

Well now.  How's that for having a deep regard and full respect for the rule of law, or for sanctifying the integrity of the secret ballot?  It isn't.  But in today's political climate, winning is the only thing that matters, and ethics be damned.  And the left thinks it has won.

But wait.  We have incontrovertible evidence that voter fraud did occur - in several states and on a mammoth scale - and the Trump team, known for their street fighter persona, will not take this lying down.  And while the left is running for inauguration, the Trump team is headed for the Supreme Court.

In democrat controlled states and counties we find uncounted military ballots; more voters than adult residents; ditched mail-in ballots by USPS; censorship of all conservative and Republican content on social media; and mysterious carloads of blank ballots delivered in the wee morning hours to the ballot counters.

But that's all just rookie street thug stuff.  It gets worse.  The real voter manipulation crime is the  revelation of a "glitch" in vote processing software.  Yep, Dominion Software is noted for being less than accurate or reliable - in Texas alone for instance, Dominion Voting Systems was turned down three times for certification in state elections for numerous major security issues - and yet it was selected by Democrats for voting management in 30 states, including every single swing state.  That's right: Every. Single. Swing. State. Dominion is now linked to voting irregularities in both Michigan, where it was found to switch 6,000 votes cast for Trump to Biden, and in Georgia, where voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after Dominion's electronic devices crashed.

These are just some of the blatantly fraudulent issues with this election.  These frauds  are well documented too, but are not only ignored by the MSM, but enthusiastically and disingenuously denied.  That's why MSM should be mockingly known as the Ministry of Truth.  Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge echoes my position perfectly on this:

"What I find most disturbing is the impunity with which Democrats are gaming the system. They’re not even trying to cover their tracks. They are 100% certain that there will be no consequences for their actions. They know that the media, which should be a watchdog on behalf of American citizens, is actually an arm of the Democrat party that will do everything necessary to cover for Democrat election crimes."

But put aside the Biden-Trump contest for a moment and look solely at the integrity of national elections.  Did your vote get counted?  How do you know?  Did you vote in person, giving your vote to a machine? Or did you vote by mail, and is your ballot smoldering in a burning dumpster somewhere?  How do you know?  Is this the kind of election we want?  That whoever can cheat the best wins?  And if he wins, he gets all the marbles?  Or do we want to have a fair and safe election, wherein we know our vote is counted fairly, and may the best man win?  A fair and safe election wherein those who cheat are caught, charged with federal crimes and punished, and the sanctity of a ballot filled out in a safe and secure voting booth is upheld?  Yeah, that's want I want too. 

So yes, it is imperative that Donald Trump and his team of lawyers take this issue to the furthest extent of the law.  Not just for him alone, but to reestablish integrity of the one man-one vote idea.  If the country allows this kind of in-your-face cheating, Republicans will never win another election again.  It's that serious.  Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis says this:

"Despite projections by many news organizations Saturday that former Vice President joe Biden has won the presidential election and defeated President Trump, the media don’t have the power to decide the outcome of American elections. Legal challenges by the Trump reelection campaign, where I serve as a legal adviser, are still before the courts and we await judicial rulings on our challenges.  In other words, as the late baseball great Yogi Berra said in 1973, referring to the National League pennant race: “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

And ladies and gentlemen, it definitely ain't over. 

Looking realistically at the returns so far, and taking into consideration that many districts are in contention, it's clear that Trump won - and is continuing to win - the election.  In 2000 Al Gore lost, but was given another month or more to count all the "hanging chads" in contested Florida, you may remember.  Trump's team deserves no less.  The left is thumbing its collective nose at us, and the message is clear:  "We'll do whatever the hell we want, and y'all can just sit down and shut up."   So.  You think there's nothing we can do about this blatant in-your-face corruption?

Think again, commie.  Think again.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A New Red Flag?

With less than a week before the 2020 presidential election, it seems as though the Democrat party has crashed and burned in this campaign.  Sleepy Joe can barely climb out of his basement to campaign, and when he does, he butchers the talking point narrative.  And that's assuming he even knows where he is and what he's saying.  This week for example, he informed us that he's Kamala's running mate.  Well, he is in a sense, I suppose.  Kamala hasn't been seen too much, and when she is spotted, she's contradicting one issue or another.  Meanwhile, towns and cities continue to burn with the left's useful idiots BLM and Antifa acting out in spoiled brat fashion.  

If the complete lack of a cohesive, comprehensive and identifiable campaign wasn't enough, we now learn of the bombshell revelation of "big guy" Joe's son Hunter's peccadilloes involving China, Ukraine, and other nefarious actors on the world stage.  It seems Hunter and daddy-Joe have been selling United States access for years, and have made quite a stack of cash at it, too.  Hey, self enrichment is what public service is all about, if you're a democrat.

So with Trump rallies all over the US bringing out thousands of supporters, and with ad hoc mini-MAGA rallies on nearly every street corner in the land, the dems must be beside themselves in panic.  But rather than curl up into the fetal position and wet the bed, like they did in 2016, these democrats have taken it to the streets.  Violence, looting,  murder and other means of peaceful protesting is the order of the day, and the dems need something - anything - to get the Hunter Biden corruption story off the front page, even if it's only on the front page of conservative media outlets.  Which it is.

So what to do?  Well, some folks think there may very well be another false flag event coming, a staged tragedy orchestrated to change the focus.  Another assassination attempt on Trump?  Maybe.  A mass murder at a Trump rally?  Possibly.  A fake spike in the fake flu scam?  Could be.  But whatever the satanic left  chooses to disrupt the election, it will fail.  The inertia for draining the swamp with DJT at the helm is too vast to stop now.  Even if he looses the popular vote due to Democrat cheating, as was the case in 2016, the electoral college landslide will keep him office for another 4 years.

And the left, far from admitting defeat again, will pull out all the stops to halt this populous uprising.  So regardless of the outcome of Tuesday's results, we can look forward to four more years of violence, murder, looting, and coup attempts.

And it's all because the left has been exposed for what it really is, and that's tyranny writ large, and now they have to act accordingly.  

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Not A Coincidence

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does.  The current situation reminds me of an ancient saying that warns of evil:  "If the demon sees you, he will know you.  If he knows you, he will torment you."

The demon, known to some as the democrat party and their complicit accomplices in the media, have pulled out all the stops, using every trick in their playbook to end this presidency.  And every single crisis or scandal or political attack has failed.  But one particular trick that our gal Hil has always used to her advantage might have been played against the president this week:  Arkancide. 

The talking heads are quick to convince us that Trump catching this lame-ass plannedemic, brought to us by none other than the fascist pretend doctor Little Tony Fauci, is nothing but the karmic consequence for his telling us the truth about the ChiCom-built bio weapon and how utterly ineffective it really is.  So they conspired to use his catching covid to kill the president, or more probably, use his "illness" as an excuse to activate the 25th Amendment.  Nancy is third in line for the Oval Office, keep in mind.  Deep in the bowels of the demon's own political party, we can almost hear the plan being hammered out.  "He criticized our little virus scam, so let's make him die by those words."  And the assassination plot was hatched.

And so, President Trump, First lady Melania Trump,Senior White House adviser Hope Hicks, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., former adviser Kellyanne Conway and even former N.J. Gov. Chris Christie all managed to "catch" this virus at exactly the same time.  All of them.  At the same time.  What a coincidence.

But only Republicans caught the virus, no democrats.  Not a single one. Isn't that mighty strange?  Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit asks,

With only top Republicans, including the President, contracting the China coronavirus this week, Americans are curious why no Democrats contracted the virus. Now authorities have been able to determine that a recent outbreak started in Cleveland at the site of the Presidential debate.  Now let’s see if authorities can tell us who these people are and how this happened.

Yes, let's see indeed.  Officials for the City of Cleveland said 11 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus could be traced back to the Sept. 29 presidential debate, a result of debate pre-planning and set-up.  Contact tracing is ongoing, and Cleveland officials are trying to identify a single "carrier" who may have been present or involved with the debate setup.  Or perhaps it was the event at the White House rose garden.  All those folks named above were present there as well.  But one event was held in a contained and closed environment, while the other was outside in the open air.  Maybe someone just walked through either area  - or both perhaps - with an aerosol sprayer.  By the way, it's reported that Thom Tillis was dutifully wearing his face mask at the time.

As of this writing it appears President Trump will be released from Walter Reed tomorrow, and if so, this thinly veiled assassination attempt will have failed. But those who planned and executed this treason will walk the streets as free as they always have been.  

And the demon will smile and tell you, "Oh, it's just a coincidence."

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Justice For Jake Gardner And The Rest Of Us

Of all the dubious "justice for [fill in the blank]" memes out there, mostly of career criminals who got sideways with law enforcement officers merely doing their job enforcing the law, none are more  egregious and outrageous as the sad  story of Jake Gardener.  

In Omaha, Nebraska, on May 30, one such career criminal named James Scurlock was "peacefully protesting" George Floyd’s so-called death in police custody in Minneapolis by breaking into offices and causing wanton damage, all of which was recorded on video.

Soon Scurlock, who tested positive for meth and coke, and other rioters peacefully "wilding" that night, made their way to Jake Gardner's two bars, The Hive and The Gatsby.  Jake, an Iraq War veteran and Trump supporter, was keeping watch over his businesses during the riots, aided by his father and a security guard. The short version of this story is that the rioters broke into one of the bars, and Jake lifted his shirt to show he was armed, and advised the rioters politely to be on their way.  Naturally the drug induced rioters then mob-attacked Jake both from the front and the rear, and in the ambush, Jake shot and fatally wounded Scurlock.

Gardner was immediately taken into police custody for questioning and held until late the next night.  Upon review of the myriad videos taken of the incident, it was clear - and the District Attorney and twelve investigating deputies unanimously agreed - Jake acted in self defense and there would be no charges filed against him.

But wait.  We can't have a white man killing a black man, whether in self defense or not.  So the Soros backed Antifa/BLM/Marxist, along with the woke "community" mob pressured Don Kleine, the DA, to "review" his conclusions.  At that point, Kleine completely caved. He bowed to the mob’s demand for “justice” by calling in a black prosecutor to ensure the grand jury indicted Gardner on a litany of trumped up charges.  It didn't matter to the black racists that Gardner had already been found innocent. As he was expected to do, Franklin produced a series of fanciful indictments, including manslaughter and other invented infractions. 

But wait.  It gets worse.  Gardner's landlord evicted him.  Why?  Well, just because he's white and that's bad. Jake's bars had to be closed, and he had no income. Then, after friends established a GoFundMe account to help with Jake's illegal "law-fare" indictments, GoFundMe took the page down.  Why?  Well, just because he's white and that's bad.

Gardner was excoriated in the press. His livelihood was destroyed. He was denied a way to pay for his legal defense.The very legal system he fought to preserve had not only abandoned him, it literally turned against him.  Jake was done.  Finished.  He had no chance.

Meanwhile, the drug using career criminal Scurlock's family has raised over a quarter of a million dollars.  How?  On GoFundMe.

Sadly, after four months of the stress of facing this kangaroo justice system libel and slander - Hillary famously referred to this technique as the "politics of personal destruction" - Jake took his own life. 

But there is a lesson here. Ann Coulter put it very succinctly:

It’s official: You can’t protect yourself. Not even a blameless ex-Marine could defend himself from being choked to death. The D.A. will call in a “special” prosecutor to throw you to the wolves, and they’ll both be praised for railroading an innocent man in the Omaha World Herald, while the “elite” media defame you.

So Americans, there you have  it.  You're on your own.  You've been forewarned.  It's your move.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Vive la Revolución!

Well, the American may well be forgiven if he wakes up today and thinks he may be in Fidel Castro's Havana in 1959: cities on fire, rioters wantonly killing police, racist narratives demanding that Caucasians must now suffer at the hands of the Negro, tyrannical government agencies spreading debilitating fear among the populace, and the ever-growing call to arms echoing throughout the land.

But it's not Havana in 1959, it's Democrat run cities in the United States of America, it's the evil unelected cabal of bureaucrats in Washington DC known as the Deep State, and it's the fawning mainstream media taking the narrative - unendingly - to the American people.  With the presidential election only a relatively few short weeks away, chaos and confusion must be made the order of the day.  

And no matter who wins, who loses or who doesn't concede, there will be war.

Let's review some interesting pronouncements that support this. First, let's look at the continuing debilitating fear the government has caused concerning this plannedemic.  You can see that fear in the faces of millions of kool-aide drinkers who wear their masks faithfully.  Well, at least from the parts of their faces you can see.  But contrary to conventional flu management our government overlords now demand masks must always be worn, and they are relentlessly going to impose this tyranny forever.  From The Federalist regrading the discredited and disgraced pretend doctor Tony Fascist:

Dr. Anthony Fauci just spilled the beans: contrary to the implicit promise numerous politicians made that COVID-19 restrictions would only last “until there’s an effective vaccine,” Fauci says the arrival of a vaccine won’t mean life will return to normal, perhaps for more than a year.

“If you’re talking about getting back to a degree of normality which resembles where we were prior to COVID, it’s going to be well into 2021, maybe even towards the end of 2021,” the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said on Friday.

Of course he has a lot to gain by this.  By instilling this mortal fear into more people he hopes it will drive them to "buy" the vaccine that he and his compadre Bill Gates will foster upon us.  And God only knows what malevolent processes will conceivably go along with forced inoculation.  After all, Gates' vaccines have been deadly when he used them on the children in Africa recently.

What about all this race-identity nonsense?  In the United States everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, right?  Not anymore, especially if you're Caucasian, as the American Thinker puts it, 

What makes us squirm is being forced to relinquish our jobs and property on the basis of our skin color -- to others based on the color of their skin, as if this somehow evens the score:  We were once oppressed, now you must be.  We were once slaves, now you must be.  We didn’t have opportunities, now you must suffer.  You were once our masters, now we are yours.  Welcome to the cancellation plantation.

Well, since you put it that way.  So what we're seeing is an organized and orchestrated revolt, whose foot soldiers are probably the most coddled people in history.  Further, because so-called racial revolutions aren't ever about skin color, there must be a larger underlying motive for this little revolt.  And of course, there is.  An insightful article from The Noisy Room puts it quite succinctly:

Color revolution is a known tactical CIA operation that uses a seemingly spontaneous act as the precipitating event to destabilize a country and effect regime change. Color revolution is what is happening in America, and its front line soldiers are Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).

America’s Own Color Revolution,” a June 29, 2020, Geopolitics article explains how “Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a U.S. President, but in the process, the very structures of the U.S. Constitutional order.”

The organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) is not about black lives. BLM is a Marxist organization disguised as a civil rights organization. Instead of improving race relations, BLM exploits racial tensions to collapse America from within and replace our constitutional republic with socialism/communism. BLM is the ultimate humanitarian hoax being perpetrated on unsuspecting Americans who still believe that BLM cares about black lives. They don’t.

Marxism, socialism, and communism are often used interchangeably, but Sandra Campbell clarifies the differences and shows how each builds on the other. “Marxism is the theoretical framework which lays the foundation for the economic and political philosophies of socialism and communism.” Communism is the end game. . . . Karl Marx argued that capitalism, with its strict adherence to free market principles, divided people because of competition. He believed communism was the solution.”

The failure of Karl Marx’s experiment is that in the real world, socialism and communism create the same centralized government with the same tyrannical, binary feudal structure of rulers and ruled. Globalism is centralized government on an internationalized planetary scale.

Sobering thought, isn't it?  But what about the war?  Is that a serious threat?  Even Shadi Hamid of The Atlantic thinks it's a probability.

"I find myself truly worried about only one scenario: that Trump will win reelection and Democrats and others on the left will be unwilling, even unable, to accept the result,” Hamid wrote before warning that liberals could take to the streets if Trump wins.
Foretold is forewarned.  Even the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, has some advice on how to zero-in your AR-15 rifle.  It's a fifteen minute video, but well worth the time.

Unlike Cuba in 1959, where Castro destroyed an island paradise and implemented a failed communist state in its place, the United States has an excellent fighting chance.  There are tens of millions of armed Americans, and there "would be a rifle behind each blade of grass" as Admiral Yamamoto once observed.  The American won't stand for a globalist communist revolution overthrowing the greatest form of government in the history of man, and he'll make it painfully clear to those who try.

So bring on the revolution.  Let's put this failed communist beast back into the past where it belongs.  For good this time.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Little Virus That Failed

Well, well, well.  It turns out I was right.  Again.  Not only is this so called CoVid-19 plannedemic a full on hoax, and that WHO director Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus either lied through his teeth or was grossly and incompetently uniformed about its lethality, and that Little Tony Fauci and Deborah "The Scarf" Birx played on that misinformation to deceitfully advise the President to shut down the nation's most vibrant economy, and that the power-crazed leftist governors in democrat occupied states continue with their tyrannical and unconstitutional mask-wearing edicts, but this week the Center of Disease Control (CDC) has quietly announced that had the so-called death count wrong.  Abysmally wrong.  Here's what the director said that caused the panic:

While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.

Lets run some numbers.  3.4% of a population in the United States of 350,000,000 is 11,900,000.  So WHO and Fauci and Birx are telling the President to expect 12 million deaths from this bat flu.  It was nonsense then, and it's proven to be nonsense now.  But even over the last few months, with the general MSM unrelentingly running article after article promoting this propaganda, and breathlessly counting the bodies being piled up in the streets, the best United States death toll the CDC could fabricate was 153,504.

Birx acknowledged at one point that this "body count" would include any that were positive for SARS-CoVid-2, regardless of the existence of any other comorbidity present.  In our area, a healthy young man was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident, but was counted as a CoVid-19 fatality.

This week, the CDC very quietly revised its toll to show that only 6% of all coronavirus deaths were related to the coronavirus alone.  The rest of the deaths pinned to the China coronavirus are attributed to individuals who had comorbidity, that is, other serious issues going on.  Naturally as one would assume, most of those deaths are related to very old Americans. By the CDC's very own report, only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid, and from CoVid alone.  That’s 9,210 deaths.

Let's put that in perspective.  CDC estimates that illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza. That's less than 1%.  And that was in a severe flu season.  

But after all the chaos, lies, tyrannical edicts, shut downs and ruined lives, the facts now show that this plannedemic hoax killed fewer than 27% of the deaths occurring in a normal severe seasonal flu season. In the United States population of 350,000,000, that death toll constitutes 0.000026%.  That's twenty-six-one-hundred-thousandths of a percent.  A statistical zero.

To recap, the CDC has finally admitted there never was a reason to impose the emotional, psychological and economic damage on our great nation.  None.  Zero.  But for the greed of people like Fauci, who's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) along with Bill Gates and other Big Pharm players who stand to make billions in faux-vaccines for a bug that doesn't really exist, there is no reason for these last six or eight months of government imposed fear. 

Well, there's one: to destroy President Trump and everything he's accomplished to reverse the Kenyan's Reign of Terror Tour 2008-2016. 

And now we know that that too will fail.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mors Tyrannis: Two Dead In Kenosha

It had to happen.  With chaotic lawlessness rampant in democrat controlled third world shit holes, which were once great American cities, the American has had enough.  So he had to step up.  And in Kenosha, Wisconsin, American Kyle Rittenhouse did just that.  The BLM-Antifa-Soros-funded cowardly agitators looting, burning and rioting in that town got a taste of their own medicine when 17 year old Kyle took down three of them as the violent mob shot at him, chased him down, threw a flaming object at him, and beat him with a skateboard.  But Kyle shot back in self defense.  Killed two - one with a head shot, one center of mass - and one serious injury with part of the arm holding a pistol was shot off.  After the shooting, the mob suddenly dissipated, cowards that they are, a firm testament to the power of the American armed citizen.

The media is spinning this story as best it can, but when you have several hundred people - all armed with smart phone cameras - filming every second of these riots, it's getting harder and harder to lie and spin the truth.  The MSM spent hours delving into Kyle's background, trying to pin him to white supremacists, redneck militia, and booglaloo militias.  But he's none of those. He's just a patriot helping the police and business owners defend their property and lives from these anti-American communist revolutionaries.
So who were these innocent protesters who Kyle mercilessly gunned down?  Contrary to the MSM's pathetic characterizations of them, they are all criminals and certainly not peaceful protesters. Joseph "Jojo" Rosenbaum,a registered sex offender, chased Kyle and threw him to the ground and got shot in the head.   Anthony Huber, who has a rap sheet including battery and strangulation, beat Kyle with his skateboard and was shot in the chest.  Gaige Grosskreutz, connected to the far left group People’s Revolution Movement and also has a lengthy rap sheet, shot at Kyle with a pistol, and was himself shot in the right arm. Rosenbaum and Huber sleep with the fishes.  Grosskreutz may loose his lower right arm.
Rittenhouse has been charged with first degree murder and taken into custody, but many feel that this is being done for his own protection.  With cowardly identity-confused idiots like Shaun King openly doxxing the names of police officers in Kenosha and calling for their assassination, police protection for Kyle may be a good idea.  With the overwhelming video eye witness evidence out there, it's doubtful a case for murder one can be successfully prosecuted.  Further, defense attorney Lin Wood, of the Covington High School win, says he will defend Rittenhouse pro bono and that “the video clearly shows justified acts of self defense.”
So perhaps mors tyrannis - death to tyrants and terrorists alike - begins in Kenosha Wisconsin.  Perhaps others will step up to help quell the violence and destruction in American cities that the Soros-enabled democrats want so badly.  Maybe, we'll see.  But the good news today is the score:  Good guys 3, Bad guys 0.
And this just the beginning.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Enemies Of The State?

Well, we are a little over two months away from what President Trump called "the most important election" ever, and he may very well be right.  I lived through the radical political and cultural upheaval of the 1960s, and that nonsense pales in comparison to the polarization we're living in now.  The insane Marxists - formerly known as the Democrat Party - have gone full-on communist revolutionaries, and have openly called for the destruction of the constitutional republic.  This ain't JFK's Democrat Party anymore.  Not by a long shot.  Even the deranged and perpetually angry Nancy Pelosi recently called real Americans "Trump cultists" and "enemies of the state."

Well, Nance, if you consider yourself and your Marxists/Globalists fellow travelers in Washington DC "the state," you may very well be right.  In that case we are indeed your enemy.  In a classic episode of pathological projection, Nancy opines that it is we, the Constitutionalist Trump supporters, who are her domestic enemies.  But in truth it is the upper echelon of the Democrat Party, bosom buddies with the ChiComs, Ukraine and Russia who are America's enemies, both foreign and domestic.

But she's not the ringleader.  She's just the head of the snake.  Responsibility of all this chaos and unrest  falls at the feet of the despicable homosexual bastard Muslim Kenyan.  Yep, that community organizer from Chicago, whose stated goal was to "transform" America, and who did a damn fine job of it in his eight-year reign of terror.  As always, he's leading from behind, and our gal Nance is ready, willing and able to take the point position.  And she has done so in her many loud and hateful rants.  And all the while, from his brand new offices at Netflix, the Kenyan continues to give America the finger.

With gun sales off the charts, setting records every month, and with Americans arming up like never before, I guess our gal Nance sees the writing on the wall.  While the woke elitists encourage the Soros-funded over-educated white liberals and their willing underclass Negro patsies to riot, burn, loot and murder, and then watch as their own cities burn, real Americans are taking notes.  Some citizens are starting to take the fight to the cowards, those with their backpacks, masks and i-phones, and stopping those anarchists from looting and burning down their places of business.

So Nancy, yeah, I guess we are the enemies of your "state."  But the good news is after November 3rd you won't have to be concerned with it any longer.  Because by January 21, 2021, you'll be among the ranks of the unemployed.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Are We Winning Yet?

Are we winning?  Let's see if any progress had been made in the citizens' campaign against the evil, globalist, anti-American Deep State apparatus.

Philip Haney does not go quietly into that good night.  And that may be a good thing, for the United States at least.  We may recall that Haney, a patriot whistleblower from Department of Homeland Security, had raised red flags about the Kenyan's Reign of Terror Tour 2008-2016 and its coziness with radical Islam.  That is, right before "they" shot him and left his body on a lonely California desert road.   I wrote about that recently here.  "Haney’s controversial accusations that the [Kenyan's] administration could have prevented terrorist attacks were polarizing among Americans", says a talking head on CNN back in February.  Polarizing?  Are you kidding me?  Several brave Americans, including our ambassador, are murdered at the hands of violent subhuman animals, and the government under the Kenyan, along with the Department of State under our gal Hil, does exactly nothing about it.  Well, okay, they did do something.  They sent the despicable lying Susan Rice to go on every MSM network and lie that it wasn't a terror attack on our embassy in Beirut, oh no, it was reaction to an obscure video that no one had ever seen. Well, Philip Haney gets dead - shot in the chest and back of the head - because he spoke the truth.  And radical Islam continues its tsunami campaign of overwhelming American culture with "diversity", "acceptance" and "tolerance".  Always for them however; never for us.

Attorney General Barr assures us there will be an "announcement" today relative to the investigation of the Mueller fiasco.  Read the entire two-volume report here if you're having trouble sleeping.  In May last year, Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to look into issues related to the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation.  But Trump Derangement Syndrome and anti-Trump hate is so pervasive in DC that I for one have little hope that Comey, Brennen, Strozk, Page, Wray and others at highest levels of both CIA and FBI, all complicit in an attempted soft coup of a sitting president, will see any justice for their treason.

Our littlest fascist is back in the news, flip-flopping his way through the MSM networks.  Yep, it's Little Tony Fauci again, telling us - without any supporting evidence whatsoever - that the United States would have been much worse off had we not shut down the entire country for weeks.  For all his support of nonsense about masks, social distancing, shut downs, etcetera, thousands of brave and informed doctors have come forward to rebut Fauci's insanity.  One of my favorite rebel doctors, Dr. Ted Noel, MD, states it right up front.  Read his full article here.

There is a thread of magical thinking that says that since a problem exists, the government can provide an answer to it. A related magical thread says that for every problem there is a possible man-created solution. The facts say “NO. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own fact, and facts are stubborn things. 

In this case, COVID-19 will supposedly be solved by some combination of mask mandates, lockdowns, hand sanitizer, social distancing and vaccines. None of this is possible. This virus is in the wild, has been in the wild since before we realized it was here, and attempting to contain it is like trying to block mosquitoes with a chain-link fence. No human intervention can stop the epidemic. It has to run its course.

In Dr. Noel's in depth article, he states categorically, the primary way a sick person passes COVID-19 to someone else is through aerosols.  Follow this link to learn about aerosols. The truth of the so called plannedemic is that it is an exercise in compliance and control.  Nothing more.  I wrote about this and Fauci's evil personal involvement in this contagion - and perhaps a viable solution -  here.

So here we are, faced with enemies on all sides:  an unelected Deep State that seeks to overturn the Constitution and enforce the suppression of liberties; a radial cult that seeks to annihilate a republican government and replace it with a theocracy so vile that it is shunned the world over; an onslaught of a fake health scare that instills needless fears in everyone; and an upcoming presidential election between an America-firster and radical a Marxist who has promised a major "transformation" of government; and an attack on our traditions and culture by the sexually deviant and confused. 

So in the face of all this, we may very well ask, are we winning yet?  I'm not sure.  But I know that at a certain single moment, there will be a tipping point wherein the American will stand up and put down this multifaceted insurgency.  He most assuredly has the means and opportunity to take the country back.

It remains to be seen if he has the motivation - the will - to do so.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I'm Not Food

"If you look like food, you will be eaten."  That is Clint Smith's immortal warning to the weak, submissive, compliant and unsuspecting folks who wander about blissfully unaware of their immediate situation.  Clint is the co-founder of Thunder Ranch, and while his admonition primarily pertains to staying armed, it can aptly be applied as one's daily mantra in this current environment of civil insurrection.

An example of this irrefutable natural law was presented to me recently.  One of my dearest and closest friends and I endeavored to twice have lunch at local chain restaurants.  Readers of these pages have come understand clearly that I do not wear a mask.  Ever.  Period.  And in spite of my rebellious non-compliance, I have shopped at many stores and restaurants for months - unchallenged - all over my home town.  But my companion, who by her professional training and very nature is eager to enhance the calm, typically complies with the mask wearing edict.  Here in these parts all that is necessary in restaurants is to wear the mask from the front door to one's table.  And in both cases regarding my friend and I, the distance from door to the high top table was less than 4 meters.  Twelve feet.  Six steps.  Three seconds. 

And in both these cases, I had dined at these establishments recently unchallenged and unmasked.  But not on these days in question.  On these two instances I was challenged for not wearing a mask, offered one, but denied service unless and until.  In one case my companion wore a mask, in the other did not. In both cases we elected to dine where our money and patronage would be better appreciated.  By the way, both of the servers-acting-as-maitre d' were twenty-something females, one black, one white, both assertively convinced of their righteousness.  Make of that what you will.

So why the change in attitude exhibited by these two separate and unaligned restaurants regarding my being unmasked?  After all, I'd been in each many times recently, and always unmasked.  Could it be the docile and gentle nature of my companion triggered an instinctive animal awareness of possible prey in these petty tyrants that wrought such aggressiveness?  I think yes.  Even the weak and stupid can perceive non aggression. 

Clint is right.  If you look like prey, you will be attacked.  It's just that simple.  Yet strength comes from within.  As I've written here endlessly, be strong mentally as well as physically.  Regarding this CoVid hoax, you're being lied to.  Simply don't comply with these needless nonsensical petty edicts.  None of these edicts - mask wearing, social distancing, self isolation, whatever - has any bearing on catching a virus; it's merely a test of how much control can be applied to a populace, and how much acceptance and compliance the populace will tolerate.  So far, there's been a hell of a lot of complyin' goin' on.  

And that ain't good.

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Gunning For The NRA

Well, we should have expected this.  In fact, many NRA-lifers like yours truly did so, we just expected it to be yet another just-in-time October Surprise from the deranged and desperate left.   Enter - on cue - New York State Attorney General Letitia James, to announce the state's suit to disband the NRA, an organization founded in 1871, and seeks to “dissolve” the gun rights group over alleged financial “fraud and abuse.”  The suit names CEO Wayne LaPierre, former Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer Wilson “Woody” Phillips, former Chief of Staff and the Executive Director of General Operations Joshua Powell and Corporate Secretary and General Counsel John Frazer, and alleges they variously used the funds for international trips, jaunts on private jets and expensive meals. While the lawsuit seeks to impose fines and recover the allegedly misappropriated funds, none of the four men cited is charged with a crime.

It seems Ms. James is incensed that the top brass at NRA allegedly siphoned off funds from the not-for-profit, without NRA board approval, to enrich themselves and their families.  Maybe they did.  In fact, these allegations have been bandied about for years now.  Oliver North, former President of NRA, resigned in April 2019 over disputes with LaPierre regarding the organization's funds management.  For example, in 2015 NRA reported nearly $28 million in surplus cash, and in 2018 it's a $36 million deficit.  Ouch.  That doesn't sound good for NRA's four million members, and we're sure to see some house cleaning in the near future.

While the suit is frivolous and without merit if for no other reason that it's an obvious political hit job, water carriers for the far left such as CNN have taken the ball and run with it publicly.  But the NRA isn't rolling over.  They responded with a 19-page counter civil lawsuit alleging NRA that James “made the political prosecution of the NRA a central campaign theme” during her 2018 run, and has continued to denounce the group as a “criminal enterprise” and “a terrorist organization” since, according to Fox News.  President Trump also reacted on Twitter, writing:

“Just like Radical Left New York is trying to destroy the NRA, if Biden becomes President your GREAT SECOND AMENDMENT doesn’t have a chance. Your guns will be taken away, immediately and without notice. No police, no guns!”
Oh really, ya think?

As congress passes more and more anti-gun laws, such as the recent insidious "red flag" laws, members such as myself wonder how big this 800 pound gorilla lobbying entity really is, and why those kinds of slippery slope confiscation laws get passed.  Other pro-second amendment lobbying groups are in the fight as well.  Gun Owners of America (GOA) has done yeoman's work in defeating many of these left wing confiscation bills.  And The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is a patriotic bulwark against the insane anti-Americans in congress and elsewhere.  These three organizations exist solely to protect Americans from internal tyranny, and to ensure that the 2nd Amendment is never diluted or worse, erased.

So even if it becomes apparent the NRA has some leadership problems, and that may or may not be the case, the membership itself will see to it that things get squared away.  NRA, GOA and CCRKBA are too important to let some radical black racist female - with way too much power - get involved with eroding basic constitution rights of the American people.

So to sister Letitia I say- go find meaningful work to do for the state of New York, and keep your nose out of other people's business.

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Mors Tyrannis

Mors Tyrannis.  That means "death to tyrants" in Latin.  That seems apropos; after all, Latin is a dead language, right?  But what can be done about all those petty tyrants, drunk on their perceived power, who are screwing up our lives, our way of life, eliminating our history, and basically destroying the American culture?  Elected officials can be recalled, impeached, or simply voted out of office.  But what about those appointees, those despicable career bureaucrats who make policy, and who answer to no one for their disastrous actions?  What can we do about them?  The normal process of un-electing those idiots who appoint these rascals can take forever, and government officials are notoriously hard to fire or dismiss.

We can all identify some of these petty tyrants; they may be governors, mayors, city councilmen or county commissioners.  Or they may have a more prominent, public role like Tony Fauci, the pretend doctor who is single handedly destroying the American economy through his greed and lust for power and recognition.  But his fifteen minutes are just about up, and thank God for that.  His con job is being exposed for what it is, and even the MSM can't run interference forever.  Let's explore that for a bit.

First, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases invested a total of $7.4 million into the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab, which is the acknowledged source of the so-called COVID-19 SARS virus.  The Chinese virus, bat flu, kung flu . . . that one.

Second, the official publication of Fauci’s institutes, The Virology Journal, published an article way back in 2005, titled “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.”  Within the article is this gem: “...chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”  That means it both prevents the virus, and it also cures the virus.

So why would Fauci later deny the truth of that cure, reverse course and begin to advocate for a vaccine, all the while working to discredit the legion of doctors who have treated hundreds if not thousands of patients with this very same HCQ treatment? It's pretty clear. As our gal AOC once said, "it's all about the Benjamins, baby!"

Here's Fauci, a first class charlatan, having dropped to his knees for Big Pharma and Bill Gates, now promoting Gates'  deadly and debilitating vaccines, which have been used with terrifying and disastrous results in several countries in Africa.  It's abundantly clear Fauci's in it just for the money.  And what's worse, he's in the position of making policy for the United States.  Things like wearing a mask will be the new normal, and lock downs and permanent social distancing - whatever that is - will be gleefully imposed upon us by our intellectual betters.

What to do?  Fauci's not elected to anything.  How do we rid ourselves of this turbulent miscreant, as Henry II has famously asked?  Well, there's an answer to that.  Perhaps it is time to take matters a little more seriously, to cancel the tyrannical nonsense that has been overwhelming our lives for the last couple of decades, and which has become a proverbial avalanche in the last few weeks.  The tyrants, Marxists, communists, revolutionaries, anarchists, ne'er-do-wells, opportunists, and other vermin have become emboldened by the abdication of governance by certain major political players around the country, and have cast off any pretenses they may have had, and Fauci is but one.  It's all out in the open, and it's right in our face.  They're daring us to do something.  Okay, let's take the Antifa challenge.  Let's make a statement of our own.  Let's reach out and touch a few.    Anonymously and at a distance.

Am I advocating vigilantism?  Did I?  Draw your own conclusions.   But let's face it, we're in a situation that hasn't occurred for, oh, about one hundred and sixty years.  If we're historically and intellectually honest, we can debate the cause of that long past "adjustment" ad nauseum.  I doubt any minds will be changed, but we do have a precedent that can be applied.

It's going to get worse before it gets better.  There's an election coming up in just three months, the results of which will most likely be contested.  You can count on that.  So consider what position you will take when that eventuality happens. Trust the government, which has been shown to have interests other than the good of the country? 

Or something else?

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Mandela And 100 Monkeys

Calm down, this isn't about race, you bloody racists! It's about the fluidity of reality: alternate dimensions and/or alternative universes. It's about two different phenomena that challenge our understanding of what we know, and how we know it; Epistemology in all its permutations. In light of the intense political gaslighting to which we've been exposed during the last forty-eight months, I thought this would be a timely topic to discuss.  It may serve to help those with severe cognitive dissonance, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon wherein a large number of people believe something, usually an event or an occurrence, that simply didn't happen and isn't true.  Sound familiar?  It was first identified in 2009, when professional paranormal researcher Fiona Broome was attending a conference. 

". . . when she got onto the subject of Nelson Mandela’s death. She stated memories of him passing away in a prison in the 1980s, which of course is not true. However, many of the people at the conference shared the memory with her. In fact, some could remember it quite vividly. How could this be? It’s a case of false memory and is of specific interest in the field of psychology. Fiona Broome coined the term “Mandela Effect” in 2009 and has dedicated a website and plenty hours of research to understanding the phenomenon."
So how does this happen?  How can a large number of people share a false memory?  Enter quantum physics and the theory of alternate universes.  Such a theory suggests that there is more than one timeline of events existing in different alternate realities, which then may cross paths or merge or "bleed" into each other.  This, the theory goes, may occur only in a specific space-time thereby affecting some, but not necessarily all.  It involves shifting between different realities as things change; the memories of a certain group of people will therefore be different than the memories of others.  If metaphysics being defined and explained by quantum physics leaves you in a state of, well, confusion or skepticism, read on.

Staying firmly in the safe discipline of psychology, how about the concept of false memories from association?  In this theory, it is suggested that memories are stored in a neurological framework and grouped together within the brain. When similar memories are grouped together, it's called “schema”. When trying to recall a memory that may be closely associated with another, it can set off the neurons in the brain, recalling information or a memory that isn’t precisely correct, but has vague similarities to the actual event. You may have heard this condition similarly expressed in the media lately as someone who has "conflated" two ideas or events, that is, a memory that’s a bit garbled with other information.

Now let's talk about the monkeys.  The 100th monkey effect is an accidental discovery by a team of researchers in 1952, on the Japanese island of Koshimain. The team was studying the Macaca monkey that was provided sweet potatoes that the monkeys enjoyed eating. The potatoes were dropped in the sand, and the monkeys liked the spuds, but didn't like the beach sand that stuck to them.  Soon a young female realized she could rinse the sand off in the surf.  She taught this to others in her group, and between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable. Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys - described as the hundredth monkey - were washing sweet potatoes, and virtually immediately, almost every member of the island's tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them.  It seems the knowledge of washing spread with the hundredth money to the entire island by a simple transition of awareness.  There's more.  First, the effect was not a complete and total paradigm shift within the monkey population. At best, all that occurred was a transition of awareness; the newer monkeys learned about the washing method, but did not automatically begin washing the potatoes.  But knowledge of the washing skill jumped to other islands, where the phenomenon replicated itself.  Those monkeys went through the 100th money paradigm as well.  All of this suggests a synchronization process, which is a property of waveforms or systems of frequency. The mind and consciousness have long been associated with frequency and rhythmic patterns, and this knowledge transmission effect perfectly matches what can be observed in other phenomenon, such as synchronizing metronomes. 

So we're back to metaphysics, after all, aren't we?  What the hundredth monkey effect strongly suggests is that there is absolute validity to such metaphysical disciplines as remote viewing, telepathy, healing at a distance and other arcane practices. I've written ad nauseum about mind-brain studies such as these and their practical applications, as well as the importance of Epistemology in our everyday lives.

But these two effects can aptly explain what we are experiencing in politics today as the left continually attempts to bend reality to their point of view, and thus is rewarded with cognitive dissonance.  In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, or participates in an action that goes against one of these three, and from which experiences psychological stress.  In other words, what they firmly believe to be true is shown not to be.

The effects of Mandela and 100 monkeys is most likely one of the greater causes of TDS.

Co-Vid-19 Never Killed Anyone

The hysteria continues.  Science contradicts the hysteria.  Does it matter?  Well, yes it does matter to thoughtful folks who can actually think.  But no, it doesn't matter to the poor brain-dead sheep who consume the daily kool-aid the mainstream media serves. 

Yet another doctor-written article has come out that utterly destroys everything you thought you knew about this so-called pandemic.  At least, what the agenda-driven fake media has told you about it.  And that is what your humble narrator has been saying for months: CoVid-19 never killed anybody.   

Yep, go ahead and roll your eyes and click off this page if that's your choice.  After all, that's blasphemy!  Call me a heretic!  Oh, yes, I am all that and more!  But wait.  From Ted Noel, MD, a retired physician who is trained in Critical Care Medicine, and who writes extensively on medical and political issues, I quote:

The US is treating the Wuhan Flu as if it is a single disease that has killed so many people that it will kill the rest of us if we open up. Because we are allegedly having a massive spike in new cases, we have to reverse actions to open up our society. At the very least, we have to put masks on everyone.

In other places I’ve discussed how masks do no good and can actually cause harm. Others have discussed how the actual data on mortality and case count are vastly inflated. But this completely misses a couple of very important points. First, COVID-19 doesn’t kill people.

There. I’ve gone and said it again. There’s a very important reason for this conclusion. If all you get is the Wuhan Flu, you may get a bit sick, but you won’t even need to go to the hospital. You’ll get over it. That’s because you don’t get a “Cytokine Storm.”

But we can't have science and truth interfering with our perfectly executed global planned epidemic, so you won't see this or any other refutations of this CoVid-19 nonsense - or should I say, planned and executed effort to overthrow all national governments by a totalitarian global cabal of billionaire elitists - anywhere in the MSM. 

In layman's terms, a cytokine storm occurs when one's immune system is so fully engaged that it attempts to defeat the invading pathogen at the expense of the host organ.  Educate yourself about this and other corona viruses. Don't accept the MSM's lies at face value.  Follow the links Dr. Noel cites in his article.  Learn what science really says about Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) viruses. Unplug from the mainstream media who carry water for the Marxists as well as those greedy billionaires behind Big Pharma. They're lying to you.

The reality of this flu foolishness is that the Faucis and Birxs and Gates of the world are implementing creeping totalitarianism by demanding we wear masks all the time, or stay six feet apart or whatever.  And guess what?  We, the idiots that we are, are doing it!  We of the "just keep me safe" mentality.  I quote from my own post last month:
What to do?

First, unplug from the dominate Marxist democrat media complex.  You simply do not need Facebook, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or especially PBS.  There are dozens of online news services that scan news sources all over the world and present straight up, unfiltered real news.

Second, do not succumb to every stupid edict coming from the petty tyrants who think they can control your every thought and act.  Here in Hillsborough County Florida, for example, an edict was declared requiring mask wearing in all indoor businesses throughout the entire county.  It's a second degree misdemeanor: 60 days in jail and/or a $500 fine for not wearing a mask.  Free will?  Free Choice?  Freedom of association?  Not in Hillsborough County.  So simply ignore it.  Shop in an adjacent county.  There's less of a threat from bat flu than there is from the common cold, and that's been studied and documented endlessly.  But we destroyed a vibrant economy and millions of peoples' lives and businesses to worship at the feet of the fascists who fostered this hoax upon us, and who continue to do so today.

Third, it's time we stopped enabling these dictatorial stupid and ignorant petty tyrants with their petty ordinances that they force upon us.  What the hell:  they've rid us of our police, so who's going to enforce failure to wear an idiotic mask?  An army of Karens?

And lastly, stand up.  Be American.  Simply say, "I will not comply."  And mean it.
Reread that last paragraph:  Be American.  Simply say, "I will not comply." 

And mean it.

Friday, July 03, 2020

What Firearm Is Right For You?

In the coming Civil War, which seems at this point to be all but inevitable, folks may well ask, "What firearm is best for me?"  And that's a good question to ask, because a firearm is merely a tool, and as such, it has to be the right tool for the right job.  In a satirical vein, let's explore some common scenarios that are sure to arise in the coming weeks and months, and what tool will be needed for which job.

Mob Attacks
Yikes!  When the yowling, agitated mob comes marching down your residential street, with banners and baseball bats and Molotov cocktails in hand, ready to do harm to the first available victim, you'll want a firearm that's equal to the task!  When outnumbered you'll need a long gun with plenty of ammo, as you'll want to stop the threat long before it gets anywhere near you!  That calls for the lightweight and manageable AR15 style rifle.  I prefer the M4 variant, because of its shorted barrel it's a little more maneuverable in close quarter combat.  Get one that's pre-ban so you can attach the formidable M7 or M9 bayonet to it.   Most AR15s are chambered in the very common 5.56mm NATO round, or .223 caliber, and the weapon has a detachable box magazine of either 20 or 30 round capacity. Accuracy is good, and recoil is non-existent.  Even petite ladies and man-bun soy-boys can easily manage the weapon. It's very versatile, and you can trick it out by adding lasers, pistol grips, flashlights, bipods, bayonets, and holographic sights, too.  Effective range is roughly 500 meters, or about a third of a mile. 

Personal Defense
Who knows what will offend the perpetually angry and offended, so one needs to be ever vigilant and be prepared to protect oneself at all times.  This means concealed carry of a a handgun.  What if a thug accosts you in your car as you're stopped at a traffic light?  Can you quickly shove a pistol in his face and suggest he be more civil?  Or will you be unarmed and defenseless?  There are several acceptable calibers, .45, .357, .38, .380, and 9mm spring to mind, but there are many others, too.  Caliber will determine the size and weight of the handgun, and that's a personal choice based on one's size, experience and tolerance to recoil.  European police and armed forces have favored the 9mm cartridge for decades, and it's a proven and formidable round.  Hundreds of models of guns are offered in that caliber, and ammo is readily available and relatively cheap.  Americans seem to prefer a larger round, and police departments can be found issuing 45, 40 and even 10mm weapons.  They tend to be larger and heavier, of course, and thus more challenging to conceal.   There are other considerations, as well.  Revolver, or pistol?  Double action, single action or DA/SA?  Hundreds of choices are to be made, and familiarity with the options is tantamount to acquiring the right handgun for you.

Home Defense
It's the wee hours of the morning, and you're awakened by breaking glass.  You need to investigate, but what do you need to take with you?  A shotgun of course, with an integral rail for attachments such as laser and flashlight accessories.  But wait.  There are more choices.  What gauge?  Pump or semi?  A vast array of shotguns can be had, and again, it's all a personal choice.  The most common defense shotgun is the 12 gauge, which is used by both military and law enforcement.  There are several suitable loads for that gauge,  one being double aught buck (00 buck).  That load will certainly stop anything in its path, like windshields, car doors and anything else you point it at.  Each shell contains nine pellets of roughly 9mm caliber, and it will stop whomever may be trying to liberate your big screen.  The recoil is significant and not for the weak and wobbly.  The good news is that ammo is found anywhere - including Walmart as of this writing, and is inexpensive, as well.

Okay, this one is not for the uninitiated, nor those of squeamish tenancies.  But sometimes, every once in a while, the need arises to reach out and touch someone - from maybe a mile away.  And to do that, one needs a specific tool, and this is the tool that holds the record long distance kill.  One such tool is the Accuracy International AWM  chambered in .338 Lupua Magnum.  It's been battle tested.  In 2009 a British corporal, using this weapon and cartridge, set the current record of long distance kills in Afghanistan when he took out two Taliban machine gunners at 2,707 yards.  That's over a mile and a half away.  Of course other less expensive and less exotic weapon systems are available, and your preferences and available funding will impact your choice of tools.  Why may you need this tool?  Well, many of the tyrants who are ruining the country today are nameless, faceless bureaucrats, and because they're not elected it's difficult for the citizenry to remove them from their petty offices of power.  Enter "other means necessary" as a solution to the problem.

We've now covered the basics of firearm selection for specific and varying tasks, and now it's up to you. As we've seen, there's a proper tool available, and the choices for each are numerous.  To have a complete and functioning toolbox, however, one must have one - or more - of each.  Use these tools to gain competent familiarity with them, and you'll make it alive through this contrived civil and cultural war the left has thrust upon us.  And if it comes down to shooting, you'll be prepared and forearmed.

Remember:  Keep your eyes focused on the front sight, and keep the front sight on the target.  Squeeze the trigger and fire until the target is down.  Reload, repeat.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Where Are All The Mohammedans?

The other day She Who Shall Not Be Named noted causally that she hadn't seen any Muslims lately.  In the Greater Tampa Bay area, wherein the Kenyan imported thousands of them during his Reign of Terror Tour 2008-2016, it's not uncommon to see them publicly flaunting their stylish headgear, driving aggressively or just being generally obnoxious and unpleasant.  But I had to admit, she was right - we hadn't seen the usual parade of sleeper cell members since the whole bowel-movement-matters-riot-for-profit campaign began.  Well, except for the huge neighborhood sleeper cell meeting that happened last week. Or perhaps it was just a family get together.  Or perhaps not.

But what could this sudden exercise in going low profile mean, if anything?  Based on prior knowledge and experience, I assumed it was a planning session for the next phase in their ongoing social manipulation.  It turns out, I'm probably right.

Yesterday in Arizona, a Muslim community college student joined the Council on American-Islamic Relations (the infamous CAIR, which many countries have designated as a terror group) and have filed a lawsuit to stop the use of course materials they say falsely teach that the only interpretation of religious texts is that Islam "mandates" terrorism.  Naturally the suit whitewashes the Koran, and claims that Islam is peaceful, and doesn't teach murder or terrorism. Scottsdale Community College responded by saying that nowhere in any of the course materials is it stated that Muslims have a theological mandate to kill non-Muslims or that Islam is terrorism.  That's what CAIR's mission is:  to continue to sue, harass, and intimidate American institutions until sharia law replaces the concept of individual freedom.

Closer to home, a Broward County sheriff's deputy, Nezar Jason Hamze, organized a rally in Ft. Lauderdale ostensibly to protest the death of the small time career criminal George Floyd.  What's unique in this is that this particular rally was co-sponsored by a group headed by a Deputy Sheriff. It's the radical Muslim outfit, known as the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF).  Imagine!  A cop sponsoring a rally to further endanger members of fellow law enforcement officers.  But he's a radical Muslim, and for radical Muslims, the implementation of Islam  and sharia law is the only goal.  All three of the Broward Sheriff's Office Majors who had evaluated Hamze during the hiring process, had unanimously recommended Hamze not be hired. Hamze was found to be lying on his polygraph exam about the “use of” and “buying illegal drugs.” Worse, Hamze, at the time was a representative for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization with foundational and financial ties to Hamas.

Even more alarming is the joining of forces of CAIR with the radical and violent BLM organization, in California, in Chicago, and other cities as well.  CAIR is the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, and by their own admission, the Brotherhood claims ownership of BLM. I quote:  “Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”  As American police officers are being targeted across the nation, CAIR is more than eager to join in and target cops as well.  Within the recent exposure of the genesis of BLM and its founder Patrisse Cullors, we find that her ideology is decidedly hard core Marxist, openly homosexual, anti-American and as such, BLM is a perfect fit for the radial terrorist Mohammedans.

It seems that they're still in the fight, they've just been behind the scenes lately.  Under the radar.  But make no mistake:  BLM and radical Islam is a tag team, and they are out to destroy you, your culture, your country and your way of life.

You've been forewarned; now be armed and ready, because even more violence is coming.