Saturday, August 08, 2020

Gunning For The NRA

Well, we should have expected this.  In fact, many NRA-lifers like yours truly did so, we just expected it to be yet another just-in-time October Surprise from the deranged and desperate left.   Enter - on cue - New York State Attorney General Letitia James, to announce the state's suit to disband the NRA, an organization founded in 1871, and seeks to “dissolve” the gun rights group over alleged financial “fraud and abuse.”  The suit names CEO Wayne LaPierre, former Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer Wilson “Woody” Phillips, former Chief of Staff and the Executive Director of General Operations Joshua Powell and Corporate Secretary and General Counsel John Frazer, and alleges they variously used the funds for international trips, jaunts on private jets and expensive meals. While the lawsuit seeks to impose fines and recover the allegedly misappropriated funds, none of the four men cited is charged with a crime.

It seems Ms. James is incensed that the top brass at NRA allegedly siphoned off funds from the not-for-profit, without NRA board approval, to enrich themselves and their families.  Maybe they did.  In fact, these allegations have been bandied about for years now.  Oliver North, former President of NRA, resigned in April 2019 over disputes with LaPierre regarding the organization's funds management.  For example, in 2015 NRA reported nearly $28 million in surplus cash, and in 2018 it's a $36 million deficit.  Ouch.  That doesn't sound good for NRA's four million members, and we're sure to see some house cleaning in the near future.

While the suit is frivolous and without merit if for no other reason that it's an obvious political hit job, water carriers for the far left such as CNN have taken the ball and run with it publicly.  But the NRA isn't rolling over.  They responded with a 19-page counter civil lawsuit alleging NRA that James “made the political prosecution of the NRA a central campaign theme” during her 2018 run, and has continued to denounce the group as a “criminal enterprise” and “a terrorist organization” since, according to Fox News.  President Trump also reacted on Twitter, writing:

“Just like Radical Left New York is trying to destroy the NRA, if Biden becomes President your GREAT SECOND AMENDMENT doesn’t have a chance. Your guns will be taken away, immediately and without notice. No police, no guns!”
Oh really, ya think?

As congress passes more and more anti-gun laws, such as the recent insidious "red flag" laws, members such as myself wonder how big this 800 pound gorilla lobbying entity really is, and why those kinds of slippery slope confiscation laws get passed.  Other pro-second amendment lobbying groups are in the fight as well.  Gun Owners of America (GOA) has done yeoman's work in defeating many of these left wing confiscation bills.  And The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is a patriotic bulwark against the insane anti-Americans in congress and elsewhere.  These three organizations exist solely to protect Americans from internal tyranny, and to ensure that the 2nd Amendment is never diluted or worse, erased.

So even if it becomes apparent the NRA has some leadership problems, and that may or may not be the case, the membership itself will see to it that things get squared away.  NRA, GOA and CCRKBA are too important to let some radical black racist female - with way too much power - get involved with eroding basic constitution rights of the American people.

So to sister Letitia I say- go find meaningful work to do for the state of New York, and keep your nose out of other people's business.

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