Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Mors Tyrannis

Mors Tyrannis.  That means "death to tyrants" in Latin.  That seems apropos; after all, Latin is a dead language, right?  But what can be done about all those petty tyrants, drunk on their perceived power, who are screwing up our lives, our way of life, eliminating our history, and basically destroying the American culture?  Elected officials can be recalled, impeached, or simply voted out of office.  But what about those appointees, those despicable career bureaucrats who make policy, and who answer to no one for their disastrous actions?  What can we do about them?  The normal process of un-electing those idiots who appoint these rascals can take forever, and government officials are notoriously hard to fire or dismiss.

We can all identify some of these petty tyrants; they may be governors, mayors, city councilmen or county commissioners.  Or they may have a more prominent, public role like Tony Fauci, the pretend doctor who is single handedly destroying the American economy through his greed and lust for power and recognition.  But his fifteen minutes are just about up, and thank God for that.  His con job is being exposed for what it is, and even the MSM can't run interference forever.  Let's explore that for a bit.

First, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases invested a total of $7.4 million into the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab, which is the acknowledged source of the so-called COVID-19 SARS virus.  The Chinese virus, bat flu, kung flu . . . that one.

Second, the official publication of Fauci’s institutes, The Virology Journal, published an article way back in 2005, titled “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.”  Within the article is this gem: “...chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”  That means it both prevents the virus, and it also cures the virus.

So why would Fauci later deny the truth of that cure, reverse course and begin to advocate for a vaccine, all the while working to discredit the legion of doctors who have treated hundreds if not thousands of patients with this very same HCQ treatment? It's pretty clear. As our gal AOC once said, "it's all about the Benjamins, baby!"

Here's Fauci, a first class charlatan, having dropped to his knees for Big Pharma and Bill Gates, now promoting Gates'  deadly and debilitating vaccines, which have been used with terrifying and disastrous results in several countries in Africa.  It's abundantly clear Fauci's in it just for the money.  And what's worse, he's in the position of making policy for the United States.  Things like wearing a mask will be the new normal, and lock downs and permanent social distancing - whatever that is - will be gleefully imposed upon us by our intellectual betters.

What to do?  Fauci's not elected to anything.  How do we rid ourselves of this turbulent miscreant, as Henry II has famously asked?  Well, there's an answer to that.  Perhaps it is time to take matters a little more seriously, to cancel the tyrannical nonsense that has been overwhelming our lives for the last couple of decades, and which has become a proverbial avalanche in the last few weeks.  The tyrants, Marxists, communists, revolutionaries, anarchists, ne'er-do-wells, opportunists, and other vermin have become emboldened by the abdication of governance by certain major political players around the country, and have cast off any pretenses they may have had, and Fauci is but one.  It's all out in the open, and it's right in our face.  They're daring us to do something.  Okay, let's take the Antifa challenge.  Let's make a statement of our own.  Let's reach out and touch a few.    Anonymously and at a distance.

Am I advocating vigilantism?  Did I?  Draw your own conclusions.   But let's face it, we're in a situation that hasn't occurred for, oh, about one hundred and sixty years.  If we're historically and intellectually honest, we can debate the cause of that long past "adjustment" ad nauseum.  I doubt any minds will be changed, but we do have a precedent that can be applied.

It's going to get worse before it gets better.  There's an election coming up in just three months, the results of which will most likely be contested.  You can count on that.  So consider what position you will take when that eventuality happens. Trust the government, which has been shown to have interests other than the good of the country? 

Or something else?

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