What Feminism Hath Wrought
Feminism as a concept is a pariah on the American culture. Whatever the goal of feminism was in the beginning of that movement many years ago, it certainly isn't the same now. Back then the feminazis - shrill, ugly hags who couldn't get dates - just wanted equality with men, or so they said. But today feminism seeks to make men more feminine and women more masculine, and thereby turn the whole idea of the vive la différence of the sexes upside down. And they've been damn good at doing so, too.
Gender confusion has been one such result. Now we must deal with - what? - maybe six or so types of sexuality? Kids as young as five or six years old are being taught that their sex is fluid. Mom, I feel kinda girly today. I call BS. Biological science is pretty straightforward in confirming that - even today - there are only two sexes. Yeah, the fetus begins as female, and depending on which X or Y chromosome it gets, may stay female or become male. I get that. But except for the rare case of being born a Hermaphrodite, one is either male or female. Sorry, snowflakes, the science is settled.
As the cultural misandry spreads and men become, well, something other than men, we're advised by the feminists that men are unnecessary in the family. Dads are ejected from the family unit to allow the woman to "grow," whatever that means. I guess it means that male children grow up without a strong, reliable father role model, and either seek sexual transformation, or shoot up a school. To the misandrist, that's called "progress." Destroyed and decimated families with dysfunctional children are another fine result of modern feminism.
Perhaps feminism is simply trying to emulate Islam, in which one sex has total and tyrannical control over the other. In the Muslim world, "a woman's rights" is an oxymoron. Here in the west, feminism seeks to apply a reversal of that notion in the woman's favor. The result is movements such as MGTOW, where men just refuse to have anything to do with women. Personally I like women in general, I guess because I'm an archaic chivalrous male heterosexual. But even I was stunned the other day when this issue came up unexpectedly. I was yakking with my mechanic and a retired chap who was hanging around. This guy said he had little to do except loiter around the shop. I jokingly said, "You need a woman, man!" Both my mechanic and this fellow - in unison - loudly and affirmatively decried such a notion. No, they're not homos, they're just battle-weary guys tired of the constant chaos that is part and parcel of having a modern feminist woman in their lives. Another result of modern feminism is men simply avoiding the shrill sex. A consequence of that is noted by the birth rate in this country is down dramatically.
Want more? How about the rise of things like Rosie O'Donnell's vicious observations? Or the idiotic #MeToo thing, where women who use their charms - and are rewarded as expected - suddenly are appalled that they were successful in getting what they wanted? Or the unstoppable murder of millions of babies every year through Panned Butcherhood, the darling of the radical feminists?
But the topper is this: Millennial women say that they are repulsed by the effeminate girly-boys that several decades of castration has produced. They love the idea that the difference between boys and girls has become blurred, that's cool, but they just don't want to date one. Or marry him. Those ingrained biological urges that demand women seek a strong and stable man keep bubbling to the fore, despite the feminist indoctrination. In fact, studies a few years ago revealed that the more society accommodated women, the less happy and fulfilled they became.
So, man-bun, get a trim and grow a pair if you want to be desirable to women as a human male. You won't get your foreskin back, but at least it's a start. And faddishness aside, biology will triumph.
For the rest of those men waiting for the sexual culture to stabilize into normalcy, maybe soon there will be no need to deny "You need a woman, man!"
Gender confusion has been one such result. Now we must deal with - what? - maybe six or so types of sexuality? Kids as young as five or six years old are being taught that their sex is fluid. Mom, I feel kinda girly today. I call BS. Biological science is pretty straightforward in confirming that - even today - there are only two sexes. Yeah, the fetus begins as female, and depending on which X or Y chromosome it gets, may stay female or become male. I get that. But except for the rare case of being born a Hermaphrodite, one is either male or female. Sorry, snowflakes, the science is settled.
As the cultural misandry spreads and men become, well, something other than men, we're advised by the feminists that men are unnecessary in the family. Dads are ejected from the family unit to allow the woman to "grow," whatever that means. I guess it means that male children grow up without a strong, reliable father role model, and either seek sexual transformation, or shoot up a school. To the misandrist, that's called "progress." Destroyed and decimated families with dysfunctional children are another fine result of modern feminism.
Perhaps feminism is simply trying to emulate Islam, in which one sex has total and tyrannical control over the other. In the Muslim world, "a woman's rights" is an oxymoron. Here in the west, feminism seeks to apply a reversal of that notion in the woman's favor. The result is movements such as MGTOW, where men just refuse to have anything to do with women. Personally I like women in general, I guess because I'm an archaic chivalrous male heterosexual. But even I was stunned the other day when this issue came up unexpectedly. I was yakking with my mechanic and a retired chap who was hanging around. This guy said he had little to do except loiter around the shop. I jokingly said, "You need a woman, man!" Both my mechanic and this fellow - in unison - loudly and affirmatively decried such a notion. No, they're not homos, they're just battle-weary guys tired of the constant chaos that is part and parcel of having a modern feminist woman in their lives. Another result of modern feminism is men simply avoiding the shrill sex. A consequence of that is noted by the birth rate in this country is down dramatically.
But the topper is this: Millennial women say that they are repulsed by the effeminate girly-boys that several decades of castration has produced. They love the idea that the difference between boys and girls has become blurred, that's cool, but they just don't want to date one. Or marry him. Those ingrained biological urges that demand women seek a strong and stable man keep bubbling to the fore, despite the feminist indoctrination. In fact, studies a few years ago revealed that the more society accommodated women, the less happy and fulfilled they became.
So, man-bun, get a trim and grow a pair if you want to be desirable to women as a human male. You won't get your foreskin back, but at least it's a start. And faddishness aside, biology will triumph.
For the rest of those men waiting for the sexual culture to stabilize into normalcy, maybe soon there will be no need to deny "You need a woman, man!"
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