More Winning
Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing. Vince Lombardi said that. This administration is winning so much, it has almost run out of promises. That's a good thing. DJT has made good on nearly every promise he made during the campaign. Well, okay, we're still working on the wall. Have patience.
But one of the most notable accomplishments that has been made is not a policy change, or a tax cut, or massive job creation, or reuniting the races, or abandoning self destructive deals, or recognition of some pet issue from one of the snowflake identity politics groups.
Nope, the most amazing things is his recognition and identification of the nation's enemies, both foreign and domestic. Consider the intestinal fortitude - that means guts - it takes to do something like that. But as the late great F. Lee Ermey has observed, sometimes guts is all it takes. Gunny is right. And Donald J. Trump has guts.
As the so called religion of peace continues with its policy of murdering everyone and anyone in sight, and that includes some 14 million other Muslims Muslims have killed since the dawn of this new enlightened century, Trump's efforts have reduced the Islamic State and its adherents from a caliphate to just a consortium of lone-wolf insane malcontents. If they're happy killing each other, I'd like to support that effort. Let me know when the last one is left; I'll take it from there. But the media mafia and their cohorts in the Democrat party go apoplectic over an American President realizing that Islam is an existential threat, not only to individuals of all creeds, but to the Western way of life. Oh, and to Christians, too. But Trump knows this, and says so, and seeks to ban Islam from the US just as have Poland, Russia and Japan. And that's wise.
Domestic enemies include the Deep State, that swamp of lawyers, lobbyists, and other unelected bureaucrats who run things outside - and out of sight - of the will of the people. Remove them. Fire them. Charge and arrest them if necessary. The damage they have done is evident by the exposure of the corruption at the FBI and the Department of Justice. Those folks were political hacks that sought to overturn the results of a fair and legal election. Rather than go quietly into that good night after the election, these denizens of the swamp chose to corrupt two (or more) of America's most trusted institutions. And the Kenyan's Marxist/Islamic will is writ large over all of this nonsense and corruption. And Trump has rightly called them out over it. Some of these hacks may yet see prison time.
Foreign enemies, like our friend Rocket-man, Dear Leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un, have seen the light of what a strong, powerful and determined foe can be. Trump politely asked Kim to dispense with all the nuclear threats and posturing. Or else bad things are gonna happen to you. We have two naval fleets on either side of you, and this will be over in less than two hours. And I don't bluff. Lunch?
Further, I think Kim got a reality check when the last NoKo nuke test blew up an entire mountain, seismically destabilizing the whole peninsula. Right Kim, that was way too much gun. Now, Kim can't do enough to make nice with the US. Hey, y'all come on over and watch as I take apart our nuclear capability okay? Sure, Kim, we'd be happy to do that.
So President Trump is only eighteen months into his first four year term, and judging by the rumbling on the street - that's the vibe that it's clear that most Americans have had enough of the left's constant maniacal witch hunt - there's a lot more winning coming. Even pollsters are seeing that not only will there be no blue wave, the midterm tsunami will be red, white and blue Americans. Even the worst of the worst talking heads at NBC, ABC and CNN are grudgingly admitting that DJT is not only right, but he will be proven to be a Great President.
If only the Kenyan would go away forever, and take our gal Hill with him.
The rest of America will keep on winning.
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