The Great Censorship Movement
It appears that the great Censorship Movement is very much alive and well, thank you. And it's growing and thriving all over the world. Let's just look at two examples, one in the UK, the other in the US.
The last time he tried to advertise his latest book, The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama, on Facebook they banned him for a week for "spamming." Facebook never explained how paying for advertising and then distributing that ad in conservative groups is "spamming." Now Facebook is doing it to him again. This time Margolis attempted to buy an ad for the re-released and updated version of his first smash hit, The Worst President in History; The Legacy of Barack Obama. After filling out the appropriate form, Margolis received this response from Facebook: "Your ad was not approved because your Page has not been authorized to run ads with political content. What to do: Complete the authorization process."
So,in order to engage in commerce by selling his book, Margolis started the long and arduous process to "authorize" the ad. The ad, mind you, represents income to Facebook. But nope, we can't have an ad promoting a book that exposes the corruption of our Dear Leader The Kenyan. Even if we loose money by doing so. But wait, in fairness, Facebook did - sorta - agree to run the ad if only Margolis would give Facebook his home address, a copy of his driver's license (both sides), and his social security number. Right. That should do it. Now let's be clear: with the revelation of what Facebook really does with your private information, I'm sure any trusting soul would gleefully render his driver's license and his social security number without question. And neither did Matt Margolis. So if you're a conservative, and you write conservative books - especially if they are unflattering to the Kenyan or his gal Hill - you have zero chance of buying ad space on Facebook. Censorship? Hell, yeah.
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Tommy Robinson arrested for showing the truth |
Or how about the unbelievable case of Britain's Tommy Robinson across the pond in the UK? On Friday, the saga of Tommy Robinson entered a new chapter. British police
officers pulled him off a street in Leeds, where, in his role as a
citizen journalist, he was live streaming a Facebook video
from outside a courthouse. Inside that building, several defendants
were on trial for allegedly being part of a so-called "grooming gang," a group of men, almost all Muslim, who systematically rape non-Muslim
children, in some cases hundreds of them over a period of years or
decades and in so doing prepares them for a lifetime of sexual slavery. Forced prostitution. But rather than focus on the heinous crimes of these Muslims animals, the British government found it more expedient to charge, arrest and incarcerate the journalist. No trial. No appeal. Straight to prison for thirteen months. Consider that because the vast population of prisoners are Muslim, our Mr. Robinson has a very good chance of becoming dead before his sentence ends. That's British injustice for you. Worse, yesterday there were protests from large crowds of angry Brits who recognized the application of George Orwell's warnings in his book 1984. Protests were held at 10 Downing Street, as well, and those citizen concerns have also fallen on deaf ears. Haven't heard of this, you say? Well, it's because some heavyweights have essentially instituted a complete media blackout on it. Of my British cousins I ask, doesn't Neville Chamberlain's infamous policy of appeasement teach you anything about the proper way to deal with tyranny? It seems to me that the Nazi threat of then is the same as the Muslim threat of today.
So isn't it curious, that on two separate continents, in two separate cases of ham-fisted censorship, we find that the truth about Muslims - whether outed or closeted - are so tyrannically implemented?
Actually, I think it tells us a lot.
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