Friday, October 14, 2016

The Return Of Hate

Could it be that the American societal culture is becoming more aware of the damage done by political correctness, and they're beginning to reject it? Maybe folks are returning to an environment wherein one could speak his mind, openly and freely, and say what he really means.  To call a spade a spade, perhaps?  Or to call a corrupt crook a corrupt crook, not to put too fine a point on it.   Dear Lord, I hope so.  But the entrenched elites, panicking at the thought of being stripped of their censorship, call it hate speech.  And if one speaks the truth, one is labeled a hater or any number of other pejoratives that the left can concoct.  

Image result for HateFor example, just today, a fourth member of Second City’s ETC revue quit after multiple occurrences of offensive behavior from audiences.  Someone named Peter Kim told WBBM that audiences in Chicago and elsewhere across the country where he has toured, seem to feel emboldened by the no-holds-bars, speak-your-mind style of Donald Trump. “I really think he gave people carte blanche to act and behave hateful,” Kim said.  Hateful?  Because your humor degrades and offends most people, it must be hate? 

Unbelievable.  So a talent-challenged comedian, raised on jokes made at the expense of most hardworking Americans, is upset and quits his job because of audiences finally essentially booing him offstage.  The left has had carte blanche opportunity to make fun of, and laugh at, mock and ridicule regular people for decades.  Now that real folks are pushing back, this little snowflake and.his bed wetting compatriots are in high dudgeon.  Poor things.

So the demise of political correctness has begun, in one sense because Mr. Trump has demonstrated how to do it.  And good for  him.  It's about damn time.

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