Monday, October 03, 2016

IRS: America's Enemy

IRS: A burden on American Taxpayers
The federal government is so corrupt that almost everything that comes from it is neither believed nor found shocking. I refer of course to the latest revelations by the Internal Revenue Service that Donald Trump didn't pay income taxes.  The leak was to the New York Times.  Records that were illegally obtained.  And legally private.  And disseminated anonymously.  Of course some hack at the IRS would try to illegally leak the confidential income tax information of an American taxpayer to the vicious NYT for the sole purpose to destroy a political adversary.  So what's new?  The weaponized IRS has been at war - yes war - with Christian, conservative and anti-establishment American taxpayers for years.  When caught in the act of denying tax exempt status to Christian and/or patriot groups, the corrupt overloads everywhere in the federal government just shrug.  These folks are the enemy, the IRS and department heads tell us, and deserve no quarter.  The enemy of the statists' status quo, that is.

This is a lame replay of Harry Reid's accusation - unverified and untrue - that Mitt Romney paid no tax during the 2012 campaign.  Well, it worked that time.  But Trump isn't Romney.  Power is addictive, and the statists who run our once free republican system of government are bound and determined to hold on to it in any way they can.  And they do.  And the IRS certainly helps them do that.  So Trump had some losses years ago, and paid no income tax because he had no taxable income.  Horrors.  Yet the NYT itself paid no tax in some years, and they actually showed a windfall after-tax profit.  Double standard.  As always.  Even HRC paid no tax in certain years, because the tax code allows for deductions from stated income for losses, expenses, bribes and graft, and God knows what else.

But the NYT story today is Trump Pays No Tax!, when it should be Trump Legally Avoids Excessive Confiscatory Taxation.  But of course it isn't.  Every American who has ever been audited or has had dealings with the IRS knows the true story of its methods and ideology.  And most Americans despise and fear it, and deservedly so.  That's why every attempt to change, overhaul or reform the existing tax structure has met with failure.  The current code is unwieldly and literally no one knows the whole of it, and within that behemoth lies the statists' power over American citizens:  the tax code says what we say it says.

So while the NYT tries to make hay out of this nonissue - hoping it to be the October surprise no doubt - it falls flat like everything else the statists have tired.  Meanwhile, HRC's self enrichment, anti-American corruption and treason continue to come to light, and ever so slowly the party bosses know the Democrat goose is cooked.  If the democrats ever want a place at the governance table again, they had better throw HRC - and her so called foundation - over the transom and be quick about it.

If they don't, Julian Assange certainly will.  Bet on it.

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