Saturday, October 29, 2016


NOT GUILTY: Oregon Jury Exonerates All Seven Defendants in Refuge StandoffSometimes you just have to shake your head at the irony and the insanity occurring in law enforcement in the United States today.  While a corrupt, seditious career criminal continues her campaign for the office of the president of the United States, the federal law enforcement apparatchiks gun down and arrest American ranchers for having the audacity to protest the heavy-handed antics of the Bureau of Land Management.  I wrote about the so called standoff here back in January, and the unfortunate and wholly unnecessary murder of Lavoy Finium, and the wounding of Ammon Bundy.  With his hands up, Finium was shot multiple times in the face and in the back. In front of his family.  By heavily armed BLM agents.

But last Thursday, all seven remaining defendants from the case that grew out of the 41-day standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge were found not guilty by a jury in Portland, Oregon.  Not guilty.  Exonerated.  Hopefully, this verdict will open the door for civil liability cases to be brought by these American citizens against all-too-happy-to-kill federal agencies.  Unlawful death verdicts and awards are certainly warranted.

So the Feds see no problem killing ranchers who may allow their cattle graze on disputed BLM-controlled land, but the most corrupt public figure in American history is still walking free.  That's a pretty big bite to swallow.  But perhaps some sanity is seeping back into the American citizenry's psyche.  If a jury will free wrongly accused and harassed ranchers, perhaps law enforcement will finally indict the nation's most vile and corrupt politician for her crimes.  Recent developments can be seen as trending in that direction, as FBI Director James Comey reopens the Clinton email case, despite objections from the bought-and-paid-for Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

So in memory of Lavoy Finium, and in hopes that the greatest political and judicial system on earth has finally got its act together, and will throw off the corrupting politicization and weaponization that this vile administration has cast over it.

In that we can only hope.

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