Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Papal Smackdown: They Do Want To Kill Us

Image result for pope vs isisAs soon as Pope Francis last week declared Islam a religion of peace, and that all this radical terror is merely a bunch of malcontents, and we should love and respect one another in our religious differences, ISIS today declares that that's all nonsense.  In an answer directly to the Pontiff, the Islamic terror organization publicly rejected those sentiments, and assures us that the war being waged by Islam is in fact religiously motivated and is sanctioned by Allah the moon god himself, as is written in the Koran.  Ouch!  That's gotta hurt.

In the most recent issue of Dabiq, the Islamic terror group's propaganda magazine, the article Break The Cross criticizes the Pope's naïveté in clinging to the conviction that Muslims want peace and that acts of Islamic terror are economically motivated.  Nope, the Islamists say, it's a full-on religious war.  Always has been for 1,400 years, and continues to be so to this very day.  Islam will kill or convert anything not Islamic, and that's the simple nature of the matter.  Sorry Pope, you're wrong. 

We Crusaders - that's what ISIS calls Westerners - are also naive.  Despite the obviously religious nature of their attacks, the article states, “many people in Crusader countries express shock and even disgust that Islamic State leadership ‘uses religion to justify violence. Indeed, waging jihad – spreading the rule of Allah by the sword – is an obligation found in the Quran, the word of our Lord.The blood of the disbelievers is obligatory to spill by default. The command is clear. Kill the disbelievers, as Allah said, ‘Then kill the polytheists wherever you find them."   Pope Francis has struggled against reality in his efforts to portray Islam as a religion of peace, the article insists, before going on to urge all Muslims to take up the sword of jihad, the greatest obligation of a true Muslim.

Obligation.  Not choice. Not preference.  Obligation.  Yet in spite of this blatant admission, the Kenyan has Jeh Johnson, head of DHS,  issue 18-month amnesty visas to hundreds of thousands of illegal Syrian invaders within the US.  And recently John Kerry, speaking for She Who Will Not Be Named, assures us she will import another half million Jihadis in her first few months as Tyrant-In-Chief.  Useful idiots, these, to be sure.

In the next few months, as we have seen before, all the stops will be pulled to ensure the status quo remains the sole power bloc in this country:  the globalists, the party bosses and their lapdog media, the billionaire elitist tech giants.  Trump, using clear vision and common sense, sees what most Americans see, and what the entrenched elite refuse to acknowledge:  We're in a war.  And not winning.

Pope Francis, they've called you out.  You better get with reality and reassure your flock that action against this Islamic cancer is needed and warranted.  What's not needed is rainbow-unicorn platitudes about peaceful religions.  And action is needed now.  

Otherwise, you, me, Christianity - and all of western culture - will become a mere forgotten relic of the past.

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