Corruption In America
Strange days, these. In observing all the government corruption going on, one can only wonder at the depth and breadth of it all. It's no wonder then, given the daily bombardment of insanity, nonsense and outright propaganda, that many folks are just throwing up their hands and tuning out. To me, that's an odd choice - I'd prefer to know of the dangers that surround, rather than not. But I guess some folks just don't want all that harsh reality seeping into their Pokémon sessions. Oh, well. C'est le vie. So let's look at the context of American government corruption of late.
On the election campaign front, nothing comes close to the revelations that the Democrat presidential nominee continues to sell out the nation's vital interests for her own person gain. Pay-for-Play, they're calling it. Clinton cronies get favorable State Department treatment, and all they have to do is pay the Clinton Foundation outrageous fees for a speech from Bill.
Worse, the corruption isn't limited to just the State Department. Nope, the FBI was given strict instructions to not investigate the Clinton's crime family foundation. And FBI Director Comey had to lie to the public about the implications of treasonous behavior that was uncovered in the "missing" email investigations. The DOJ is now run by a Bill Clinton appointee, Loretta Lynch, promoted from obscurity to prominence by the Kenyan himself, who obediently does the bidding of the Clinton-Kenyan cabal. Those who know of the inter workings of this DC mafia, like Seth Rich, John Ashe, Shawn Lucas and others, are turning up dead at alarming rates. But that's the Clinton modus operandi and has been so for decades.
The corruption doesn't end at Justice, either. Treasury is rife, as well. Despite all the publicity about IRS director Lois Lerner's refusal to grant tax exempt status to conservative and Christian groups, the IRS continues to do just that. No worries, people forget and news gets old. We can go on doing what we always do: reward our friends and punish our enemies. Lost on these political apparatchiks is the fact that those "enemies" are real Americans. Or, then again, maybe they believe real Americans are the enemy.
Two private concerns have done what the FBI ostensibly could not do: require the State Department to turn over Clinton's missing emails. Judicial Watch and Citizens United filed a FOIA suit, and lo and behold! Forty four emails are found that implicate Hillary Clinton selling influence for cash. Rand Paul and others have called for her immediate indictment, and in the face of this new evidence, imprisonment. Can you imagine the panic in democrat headquarters, facing the possibility of their one and only candidate could be taken out of the race? Even Nate Silver had to be talked back from off the ledge this week. Who else can they run? Uncle Joe? Of course the democrat propaganda arm, known euphemistically as the mainstream media, is engaged in a full-court press to discredit and destroy Donald Trump. They are even joining with the Never Trump crybabies. Yet what else can they do? They can't promote damaged-goods-and-thoroughly-corrupt Hillary, for crying out loud. But all their tried-and-true textbook plays to destroy the Republican candidate fall flat this time. And that's because the folks out there in fly-over country see right through the subterfuge, and they're having none of it.
There's only five more months before the Oath of Office is taken by the new boss in January. Uncertainty - always a factor in elections - is off the charts on this one. Well, maybe not so much if Hillary is elected. It'll be more of the same Destroy America policies that the Kenyan has been so successful in implementing over the last dismal 8 years. If it's Trump, however, I'm of the opinion that he will surround himself with the best and the brightest constitutionalists, and will do what it takes to restore freedom to our great nation.
Until then, there will be more strange days, indeed.
Worse, the corruption isn't limited to just the State Department. Nope, the FBI was given strict instructions to not investigate the Clinton's crime family foundation. And FBI Director Comey had to lie to the public about the implications of treasonous behavior that was uncovered in the "missing" email investigations. The DOJ is now run by a Bill Clinton appointee, Loretta Lynch, promoted from obscurity to prominence by the Kenyan himself, who obediently does the bidding of the Clinton-Kenyan cabal. Those who know of the inter workings of this DC mafia, like Seth Rich, John Ashe, Shawn Lucas and others, are turning up dead at alarming rates. But that's the Clinton modus operandi and has been so for decades.
The corruption doesn't end at Justice, either. Treasury is rife, as well. Despite all the publicity about IRS director Lois Lerner's refusal to grant tax exempt status to conservative and Christian groups, the IRS continues to do just that. No worries, people forget and news gets old. We can go on doing what we always do: reward our friends and punish our enemies. Lost on these political apparatchiks is the fact that those "enemies" are real Americans. Or, then again, maybe they believe real Americans are the enemy.
Two private concerns have done what the FBI ostensibly could not do: require the State Department to turn over Clinton's missing emails. Judicial Watch and Citizens United filed a FOIA suit, and lo and behold! Forty four emails are found that implicate Hillary Clinton selling influence for cash. Rand Paul and others have called for her immediate indictment, and in the face of this new evidence, imprisonment. Can you imagine the panic in democrat headquarters, facing the possibility of their one and only candidate could be taken out of the race? Even Nate Silver had to be talked back from off the ledge this week. Who else can they run? Uncle Joe? Of course the democrat propaganda arm, known euphemistically as the mainstream media, is engaged in a full-court press to discredit and destroy Donald Trump. They are even joining with the Never Trump crybabies. Yet what else can they do? They can't promote damaged-goods-and-thoroughly-corrupt Hillary, for crying out loud. But all their tried-and-true textbook plays to destroy the Republican candidate fall flat this time. And that's because the folks out there in fly-over country see right through the subterfuge, and they're having none of it.
There's only five more months before the Oath of Office is taken by the new boss in January. Uncertainty - always a factor in elections - is off the charts on this one. Well, maybe not so much if Hillary is elected. It'll be more of the same Destroy America policies that the Kenyan has been so successful in implementing over the last dismal 8 years. If it's Trump, however, I'm of the opinion that he will surround himself with the best and the brightest constitutionalists, and will do what it takes to restore freedom to our great nation.
Until then, there will be more strange days, indeed.
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