Monday, August 15, 2016

Get Right, Get White

Another nigga on the trigga
It's becoming almost de rigueur nowadays that when police officers enforce the law, Negroes riot.  Well, there's a reason for this, but like everything else emanating from the insane far left, it is a clearly unreasonable reason.  I speak of the riots in Milwaukee this weekend, where both government aid recipients and paid agitators joined together in a act of joy and love to protest civilized society's enactment of law and order.  The back story is that a Negro perp (photo above) and his crew did some armed robbery.  The police are called, chased their fleeing vehicle, stopped it and demanded the perps exit the car, hands up. Armed perp one fled, spun and fired at the police.  Police obligingly returned fire. Perp one took one round to the torso and one to the eye.  He hit the pavement dead.  So where's the problem?  Let's review:  Bad guy engages in armed robbery, fleeing the police, and shooting at officers.  He gets killed in the process.  Check and mate.  End of story.  

But that's not quite the end.  Always quick to incite when a crises opportunity arises, the government aid recipients and paid agitators mobilized the community to riot - that's what most folks called their peaceful protest demonstration - and burn down the neighborhood.  Oh, yeah, and while we're at it, let's find some white crackas to beat up.  

So what is it that they're protesting?  White cop shot a black man, they say.  Oops, the shooting cop is black.  Well, the cops shot a black boy, then.  Oops, the perp was shooting at the cops, just robbed some folks, and besides that, had a lengthy criminal record.  Well, rich white folks ain't giving the black man enough money (that's an actual quote from one of the demonstrators).  Oops, white folks don't owe you or anyone else a living, Sambo.

But the event itself was enough for the far left opportunists to capitalize on another tragedy.  More people shot, more buildings burned, more anger on both sides, and more golfing from the Agitator-In-Chief.   Negro extremists like the Peoples New Black Panther Party go on radio to publicly state "this is a war."   Yes, it is.  Damn shame, but we are indeed in a war where our enemies seek to destroy not only us, but our way of life.  And that's not sitting too well for Americans who see this existential threat for what it is, whether coming from the Negro or the Muslim. And Americans know just who is fanning these flames and inciting this unrest.  He promised it, and he delivered it; and it's not a solution.  

Image result for teddy roosevelt on immigration
No hyphens.  Ever.
What are the real solutions to this race baiting?  Well, there's an answer to that.  You won't see it in the national media narrative because it's pretty far from being politically correct.  And that answer is this:  subcultures within the American Idea on these shores must assimilate to the American culture.  Get right.  Get white.  It's fine to honor one's heritage, I get that.  I'm strictly European white Protestant (Scot, English, German, for instance, and yes, my American family line goes all the way back to the Mayflower. True).  The wife is of Irish and Italian Catholic heritage. We honor our heritage and traditions, but we are at the core American.  And like all real Americans, we resent the notion that subcultures expect us to assimilate to them.  America is great because immigrants who came here did assimilate, and by doing so, enriched the melting pot for the better.  But now, some people have become radicalized malcontents, and want to tear down the American dream.  But there's a better solution:  For Negros, if you want to live in a completely Negro-run democracy, go to Liberia.  It was founded in 1816 for just that purpose.  Muslims, if you want a country that adheres strictly to sharia law, go to any number of Middle Eastern countries which are of Islamic culture. But don't bring that here.  Like Will Smith's character K's famous line to the giant roach in Men in Black, "Don't start nuthin', won' be nuthin'".  Sage advice, my friends.

So harmony can be restored in one of several ways:  Get right, get white.  Or get out.  Or lastly, fight us and get dead.  Your move.  Check and mate.

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