What's Wrong With California?
What can one say about the great state of California? Notorious for its weirdness and intellectual spaciness, it's been called the Land of Fruits and Nuts and Commiefornia, among other monikers not so printable. But what's the deal over there on the left coast? Is it something in the water? Fukushima radiation? El Nino?
Let's see what's unique about California. The wine is so-so (that is, once you get out of the valley and onto the coast) when compared to real and established vineyards elsewhere in the world. Home to the world's breeding ground for technological innovation, it's still a place of seemingly one-mindedness that, in equal measure, both intrigues and appalls sensible folks who live elsewhere. The home grown politics are bizarre, even in the context of today's Snowflake generation, and run counter to virtually all established constitutional constructs. The courts make decisions based on rulings based on meaning that simply isn't there. The geography is magnificent, I will concede that, but it's the people who live there who make things unpalatable for the rest of the country.
The instances are many. In Kalifrornia, one doesn't need legal standing as a US citizen to practice law there. Can you imagine hiring an attorney to represent you in a, oh, say a personal injury suit against an illegal alien who ran you over in his Honda Civic, and the lawyer you choose isn't even an American? Oh, well, he went through school here, and graduated law school here, so he's a defacto citizen, right? Nope. But only in California.
Mythical Aztlan |
Speaking of lawless lawyers, how about the facts surrounding one Judge Gonzalo Curiel of San Diego? He's the judge who has been appointed to decide the bogus and meritless class action fraud suit against Donald Trump's Trump University. So what's the rub? Well, it seems the good judge is a member of a radical, anti-American racial group known as La Raza. As you may know, La Raza is a group of Mexican racists who think that Aztlan still belongs to Mexico and they should have it back. And that the gringos who live there should go back to Europe. Peachy. Imagine the outrage if a Scot-Irish-German American Southerner from, say, Mississippi, called for all Yankees and Negros to emigrate back to their respective ancestral homes. There would be lynchings of southerners in every tree from here to Boston. No doubt about that. The irony is that it's not Caucasians who are here illegally; it's Hispanics. And despite Americans' largess, they continue to bite the hand that feeds. Operation Snowflake, indeed. But, as we've been taught through the left's insidious political correctness, Caucasians are the only race capable of racism; Negros and Hispanics cannot be racist simply because of Caucasian oppression. Pause here for deep breath. So we are to believe that Trump can get a unbiased ruling with a racist judge trying this bogus case? And the fact that the Anointed One herself is under criminal investigation by the FBI is a mere coincidence. Tit for tat, so to speak. Only in California.
Lest we stray too far from lawless lawyering, let's consider the matter of Edward Peruta v. County of San Diego, heard in the 9th United States District Court of Appeals, wherein Appellant Peruta sues for relief of San Diego's unconstitutional gun ban, seeking to legally " . . . carry concealed firearms in public . ." Considering that a vast majority of states recognize concealed carry as a right guaranteed by the Second Amendment, and considering the US Supreme Court's validation of the right for individuals to keep and bear arms, it's still not astounding that the 9th COA would rule in this way, ignoring and denying existing case law. Why, you ask? Because the 9th is most overturned court in the country, consistently ruling not from law, but from a left-wing social justice ideology. As they have done so in this case. And again, only in California.
And what's the genesis of the oh-so-delicate snowflake concept? It arose, consensus has it, from the Self Esteem movement, where success is guaranteed, and one is owed a place in the world. And what do we reap after a generation or more of this silly utopian nonsense? Metrosexuals, homosexuals, transsexuals, pajama boy, androgyny and "men" who aren't men. Oh, yeah, and feminists who bemoan the declining number of masculine men. And where should we look for this ridiculous cultural trend ? Only to California.
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