Orlando: When Government Propaganda Fails
Let's study this incident and see what - or who - really is to blame.
At the first news of the shooting, Caucasian Christian bigotry was blamed. Oops. The shooter is in fact of Middle Eastern descent and a Muslim, who is lionized in Islamic media. Interestingly, and perhaps telling, is that the Muslim population if Orlando and environs has increased 10-fold in the last ten years.
Then lone wolf private citizens were blamed. Oops. The shooter was a security operative, trained in weaponry and employed by a contractor for the Department of Homeland Security. He was a radical Muslim working for the very organization that is supposed to keep us safe. Oops, again. There's much more information that will come out in coming days and weeks that may attest to a larger threat than believed. Thank God for the inalienable right to keep and bear arms, and thanks to the Bill of Rights that guarantees same.
Then homophobia was blamed. Oops. The shooter is now learned to be a closet homosexual. The Pulse Club was a homosexual mecca, the shooter was a patron, and we presume that many, if not all, victims were homosexual. They evidently eat their own.
Then racism was blamed. Oops. It's been known that the shooter was influenced - coached - by an Imam in Orlando, who is Negro, and witnesses to the shooting have said that the shooter asked each victim if he were black. If answered affirmatively, the target lived, if not, was summarily shot.
Then Trump was blamed. Oops. He's blamed because of his sensible and logical statements about, among other things, the incompatibility of Islam with democracy, hence the lunacy of importing them into the US. But Trump didn't incite this shooter. A Negro Imam in Orlando and several as yet unidentified contacts in Saudi Arabia influenced and activated this sleeper shooter.
And now we come to the heart of the matter. As always, given a perfectly good crisis, the rabid left invariably blames guns. Oops. A gun is an inanimate object made of composite and steel, with no volition of its own. As shown above, this shooter had a lot of reasons to do what he did, and his preferred choice of tools for the job is almost irrelevant. In point, another crazed rabid Muslim killed a Paris police officer Monday. But he used a knife. Shall we ban them, as well? But no good crisis can go to waste, so everybody from Jeh Johnson to Bill O'Reilly and Gretchen Carlson want to ban AR-15s. Okay, why not call for the ban of Glocks, as well? No problem, the left assures us, we'll get to that. The UN, Hillary, Rolling Stone, and other totalitarian voices are screaming for "something to be done," which translates into the ban of guns.
Ignored by the Kenyan and his psychopathic fantasies is the fact that what's coming into our homes is not a unicorn at all, but a foreign fanatical existential threat that cannot be mitigated, only eradicated. And for that we need to be heavily armed, not disarmed.
Good luck in disarming Americans, all you fascists. Molon Labe. Look it up.
Good luck in disarming Americans, all you fascists. Molon Labe. Look it up.
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