An Ill Wind Doth Blow
In Idaho, discussing Muslim crime is a crime. Wendy J. Olson, the U.S. attorney for Idaho, issued a statement Friday that Idahoans who spread “false or inflammatory information” about a Muslim gang rape of a special needs 5 year old girl may be subject to prosecution. Sorry, but that kind of speech is, and always has been resoundingly, protected by the First Amendment. Further, the whole act was videoed by another Muslim man. There's not much to be left for interpretation, it's pretty straightforward: they gang raped her. But as this US attorney is a Kenyan appointee, we know she does her Muslim master's bidding, protecting Muslims, without regard for the Constitution. And what does the Kenyan do? He sends even more diseased Muslims to Idaho. Spiteful and narcissistic, as usual.
Speaking of the Constitution, Judge Richard A. Posner, a Republican Jew who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and serves on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago, has published an op-ed at Slate declaring that studying the U.S. Constitution for judges is a waste of time. So the magnificent, timeless ideas of a few dead 18th century white guys have no standing in a modern, technological world, right, Judge? That's what our Dear Leader believes as well, as he dictates from the Oval Office. Peachy. There must be something in the water in Chicago. Or possibly the corruption there is so prevalent that the air is thick with the malodorous putrescence of the body politic. That's my bet.
And speaking of death, have you noticed how the far left and its propaganda appendage, the media, views death? It's perfectly all right to kill babies in the womb, even if the "doctor" or the "clinic" have no minimum safety oversight, leaving the abortion industry to continue to reign unchecked as mothers are subjected to subpar conditions. Yep, that's what the idiot left wing Jews and their followers on the Supreme Court - Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kagan, along with Kennedy and Sotomajor - ruled yesterday. Kagan recused herself, but was of the majority opinion, so the media touts the ruling as 5 to 3. Whatever. But while the White House giggles with glee over this ruling, it pushes ever harder on eradicating the Second Amendment. Americans feel this wind of oppression, and ever vigilant, are arming themselves at the highest rate in history. Many of these are homosexuals arming themselves for the first time. FBI statistics indicate that some 52,000 guns are bought every day under the Kenyan's reign. Muslim terrorism is the catalyst for this re-arming of America, and as the Kenyan seems to hate life in the womb, he seems to also hate American lives as he aids and abets the Muslim slaughter of American innocents. And that's why he's pushing for total gun registration to brand gun owners as domestic terrorists and criminals, as Hawaii just did.
In a nod to his sexually confused supporters, and as another poke in the eye to moral Americans everywhere, Our Dear Leader issues yet another unlawful edict. Circumventing Congress yet again, the Kenyan now bans single sex restrooms in all US National Parks. The fallout on this will be intense, but it clearly illustrates that this man's narcissism knows no bounds. One wonders if this psychopath will willingly leave office in January, so drunk with power is he.
Sniffing that ill wind, let's review: discussing Muslim crime is a crime; the US Constitution is "dead", replaced by a "living document" reflective only of the ideology of un-elected judges; the death industry is alive and well; the government continues to disarm and criminalize gun owning Americans; the government seeks foreign intervention to stem and eliminate "domestic terror" of and by Americans; foreign military equipment and materiel are seen within our shores; and the Kenyan takes it solely upon himself to rid us moral Americans of the right to privacy in our most intimate moments.
So. What could possibly go wrong?
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