Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Visual Message?

Obama oval office finger point (Pete Souza / White House)
Look closely at this photograph.  It makes a statement, one that should give Americans pause.  It's obvious some of us weren't wrong about the Kenyan's true mission.  Think about it:  in his final months in office, the Kenyan releases this particular posed photo.  Why?  Let's analyze the body language displayed here.

First, note the finger gun pointed at the desk.  Remember that this is the historic Resolute Desk,  It was made from the timbers of HMS Resolute, an abandoned British ship discovered by an American vessel and returned to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. When the ship was retired, Queen Victoria commissioned the desk to be built and presented it to President Rutherford Hayes in 1880.  It represents the solidarity of the democratic West in the US and UK, and has been used by presidents since then.  The gun pointed at the desk is clear imagery: "I will kill the Caucasian democratic West."

Second, notice his unnatural pose.  No one rests a foot at a waist high level, it's unnatural and uncomfortable.  But placing a shoe on a person, or on the desk, is the ultimate insult in Muslim and other Mid Eastern cultures.  It's vile and foul to them.  To be shown the bottom one's shore, or to have a shoe placed upon a body is the ultimate in disrespect and disgrace.  But given Our Dear Leader's leanings, it's a clear visual statement of something like: "The US is a pig in filth."

Third, he's apparently speaking on the phone.  Coupled with the first two statements, it's obvious that he's telling someone what's he's thinking and doing.  So, he's telegraphing his insult and disrespect for the US to the entire world in this photograph.

What about some of the other props in this photo?  

Consider the meaning of the photo directly behind him.  It looks photoshoped to me.  I've never seen a framed photo of just the extending arm of the Statue of Liberty, so it has to have meaning.  America holding the eternal flame and truth of Islam, perhaps?  Or maybe it's just a diss to enframe just a portion of this American icon.  Whatever, it seems to be disrespectful on it's face.

You'll notice three unusual objects on the desk: a conical object that looks like a stone talisman of some kind, a small engraved possibly wooden brown box, and a triangular object that may be a clock.  These are unidentifiable, and most likely have meaning to him, but whose meaning is yet to be deciphered .

QuiĆ©n sabe.  I may be way off base, but there is something too odd about this obviously posed and structured photograph.  What do you think?

It's Not The Gun, Son

Conressional Dems: Enemy of the People
According to the New York Times today, Republicans are about to go wobbly on the gun control issue.  Again.  There's a sea change in the public's attitude about guns after the Muslim attack in Orlando, they say.  People want more government control over the availability of "assault weapons", they say.  The public wants the government to "do more" to stop these types of mass killings, they say.  


The NYT and democrats in congress push this same tired old line every time there's a mass killing.  It's just propaganda - you know, repeat a lie often and loud enough, and people will eventually believe it.  Guess what?  It works.  So that becomes the narrative.  On and on and on.  Guns bad.  There's no such thing as personal defense.  We don't need assault rifles.

But wait.  It's not working this time.  Americans know the scam, and are wise to it.  The enemy is not guns, it's Islam. (And perhaps Democrats in Congress, as well.)  But the Muslim in Chief, with his inter circle made up of Muslim Brotherhood agents and other Muslim fellow travelers, lets not the word pass his lips, so ideological is he. Yet Americans know who the enemy really is.  Intuitively.  That's why, according to FBI background check statistics, under his dictatorial administration, the Kenyan has caused an average - average - of nearly 52,000 rifles and handguns sold per day.  Per day.  That figure verifies that Americans know that being armed is the only effective way to ensure one's safety.  Deterrence works on an individual level, as well as it does at a national policy level.  

Furthermore, Americans know that when seconds count, the cops are  just minutes away.

Yet instead of attacking the attackers - Islam - this administration attacks the victims, made even more defenseless by insane, unconstitutional gun control laws or gun registration schemes.  Yet in other countries, where a citizen's right to arm himself is non-existent, Muslims kill people at random with impunity.  That's the nature of terror, after all.  Yesterday in Turkey, hardly a bastion of gun rights, in a Muslim attack on Istanbul Airport, another slaughter kills dozens, wounds hundreds. As in Paris and in Brussels and in London and in San Bernadino and in Ft. Hood.  Defenseless folks get killed by violent savage Islamic cultists.  Still don't think the enemy is Islam?  They kill innocent people, and Muslims celebrate.

It's Islam, the insane death cult, that's causing all this carnage. But it's not the gun, son.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

An Ill Wind Doth Blow

Image result for an ill windCan you feel that?  That certain something in the wind, an ill wind, a vibe if you will, of something evil this way comes.  It's a trending theme, and it's popping up all over; the icy grip of immanent totalitarianism.  Let's see some examples of the creeping seriously scary Orwellian oppression:

In Idaho, discussing Muslim crime is a crime.  Wendy J. Olson, the U.S. attorney for Idaho, issued a statement Friday that Idahoans who spread “false or inflammatory information” about a Muslim gang rape of a special needs 5 year old girl may be subject to prosecution.  Sorry, but that kind of speech is, and always has been resoundingly, protected by the First Amendment.  Further, the whole act was videoed by another Muslim man.  There's not much to be left for interpretation, it's pretty straightforward:  they gang raped her.  But as this US attorney is a Kenyan appointee, we know she does her Muslim master's bidding, protecting Muslims, without regard for the Constitution.  And what does the Kenyan do?  He sends even more diseased Muslims to Idaho.  Spiteful and narcissistic, as usual.

Speaking of the Constitution, Judge Richard A. Posner, a Republican Jew who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and serves on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago, has published an op-ed at Slate declaring that studying the U.S. Constitution for judges is a waste of time. So the magnificent, timeless ideas of a few dead 18th century white guys have no standing in a modern, technological world, right, Judge?  That's what our Dear Leader believes as well, as he dictates from the Oval Office.  Peachy.  There must be something in the water in Chicago.  Or possibly the corruption there is so prevalent that the air is thick with the malodorous putrescence of the body politic.  That's my bet.
And speaking of death, have you noticed how the far left and its propaganda appendage, the media, views death?  It's perfectly all right to kill babies in the womb, even if the "doctor" or the "clinic" have no minimum safety oversight, leaving the abortion industry to continue to reign unchecked as mothers are subjected to subpar conditions.  Yep, that's what the idiot left wing Jews and their followers on the Supreme Court - Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kagan, along with Kennedy and Sotomajor -  ruled yesterday.  Kagan recused herself, but was of the majority opinion, so the media touts the ruling as 5 to 3.  Whatever.  But while the White House giggles with glee over this ruling, it pushes ever harder on eradicating the Second Amendment.  Americans feel this wind of oppression, and ever vigilant, are arming themselves at the highest rate in history.  Many of these are homosexuals arming themselves for the first time.  FBI statistics indicate that some 52,000 guns are bought every day under the Kenyan's reign.  Muslim terrorism is the catalyst for this re-arming of America, and as the Kenyan seems to hate life in the womb, he seems to also hate American lives as he aids and abets the Muslim slaughter of American innocents.  And that's why he's pushing for total gun registration to brand gun owners as domestic terrorists and criminals, as Hawaii just did.

Bloggers were quick to point out the curiosity of U.N. trucks being transported on U.S. highways.More sightings of fully up armored tactical combat/SWAT trucks in United Nation livery have been spotted on Virginia and Texas interstate highways.  I am reluctant to engage in full-on conspiracy theory, but sightings of UN materiel and troops occurred in Texas in 2014, and the infamous Jade Helm military drills are fresh in mind.  A rather unsettling coincidence.  Also, back in October 2015, VP Biden and AG Lynch called for an international force to "combat domestic terror" within the US.  Or it could be, that since these vehicles are built by BAE in York, PA, they're simply transporting them to ports for shipping abroad.  But don't bet the farm on it.

In a nod to his sexually confused supporters, and as another poke in the eye to moral Americans everywhere, Our Dear Leader issues yet another unlawful edict.  Circumventing Congress yet again, the Kenyan now bans single sex restrooms in all US National Parks.  The fallout on this will be intense, but it clearly illustrates that this man's narcissism knows no bounds.  One wonders if this psychopath will willingly leave office in January, so drunk with power is he.

Sniffing that ill wind, let's review:  discussing Muslim crime is a crime; the US Constitution is "dead", replaced by a "living document" reflective only of the ideology of un-elected judges; the death industry is alive and well; the government continues to disarm and criminalize gun owning Americans; the government seeks foreign intervention to stem and eliminate "domestic terror" of and by Americans; foreign military equipment and materiel are seen within our shores; and the Kenyan takes it solely upon himself to rid us moral Americans of the right to privacy in our most intimate moments.

So.  What could possibly go wrong?

Monday, June 27, 2016

Begin Again Renewed

Renewed.  I've just returned from my vacation, that annual respite from the insanity of modern life, and I feel rejuvenated and alive.  Up in the mountainous high country, you see, one is breathing rarefied air of a high oxygen content due to all those magnificent trees pumping out O2.  They don't call it a mountain high for naught, my friends.  Alas now, a return to the stressful and mundane task of keeping alive in the politically correct world of the Kenyan's America.  So what have y'all been doing for the last week or so?  Let's see . . .

Image result for uk secedesThe big news, of course, is the beginning of the end of the globalization of sovereign nations.  Leading the way, the United Kingdom has made its decision to secede from the European Union, and that sentiment seems prevalent elsewhere as well.  Several other nations have voiced similar misgivings about the EU.  The driving issue, of course, is the forced invasion of uneducated, unwashed and radical Muslims into these countries, against the will of those who live there.  Using the demeaning term "populist", the elites smear those who seek to preserve their national heritage and culture in the face of the dehumanizing homogeny and androgyny of the globalist utopia.  The utopians always seem to disregard basic human nature in their ill conceived schemes, and populism is a form of push back.  Humans naturally identify in various ways; as part of family, tribe, race, nationality and religion, and to deny that individual identity is folly. But the utopians want us all homogenized into a shade of grey, absent definable sex, nationality, race, culture or political persuasion.  Orwell recognized this evil and warned of its implementation seven decades ago, yet even today the elites wish to remake we humans into homogenized androgynous robotic beings.  And we're not.  Not yet.   On this side of the pond, saving sovereignty is the message that DJT has espoused, and the response from Americans is loud and undeniable.  The elites have wet themselves, and are in full scale propaganda mode, slandering everyone in sight, as they see their best laid plans become unraveled.  But January is a long way off, and anything can happen.  The Kenyan has a pen and a phone, you'll recall.

Image result for clinton crime foundationThe house of cards known as the Clinton Crime Foundation is slowly but surely tumbling down.  And that's a good thing.  Finally.  Ridding the nation of a real-world Ernst Starvo Blofeld is long overdue.  Hillary's crimes eclipse those of any other American traitors and spies, as she and Bill have structured a global enterprise whereby one can buy American secrets, technology, energy and influence.  But unlike Blofeld, James Bond's nemesis, Hillary is a real arch-villain, presenting a real and present danger to America.  Her banishment from power - hopefully through life imprisonment or execution as befits traitors - should put an end to the extortion, intimidation and blackmail of so many folks, known and unknown, who know of her and Bill's criminal ventures and influence peddling going all the way back to Arkansas.  For just Benghazi alone, Hillary should be forced to account.  Karma, the cosmic justice, is universal; Hillary's fall will come, and for her lies and deceit, her disgrace will be ever so sweet.

Image result for gays for gunsSpeaking of odd couples, the courtship of the sexually confused lobby with the gun lobby is truly a wonder to behold.  Imagine:  Lezzies with Uzis, Cucks with Glocks, Fags with high-cap mags.  With the slaughter of 49 homosexuals in Orlando by another crazed Muslim two weeks ago, the kiss-kiss, hug-hug crowd now realize that Islam is an existential threat to them specifically, and they and all other Americans are arming themselves to the teeth.  So much so that when wifey and I treated ourselves to a couple of new personal protection carry weapons that following week, the FBI background check took over two hours for each of us, as opposed to the normal fifteen minutes.  In fact, at the gun store we were in, we had to take a number to be helped.  In just one gun store, in a metro area comprising over a million people, they sold at least fifty guns, both long guns and handguns, in the two hours we were there.  That's just one gun store.  But that's good.  Let every man, woman and child be armed against Islamic threats - or any threat.  So to my fellow citizens, straight or otherwise, I say welcome aboard.  Shoot often, and shoot true.

That's not all the news that's noteworthy, either.  But I need another cuppa before I head out into the world to protect my financial interests.  Renewed, and fully armed.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando: When Government Propaganda Fails

Image result for patriotic american militiamenRight on cue, the talking points whispered from behind the curtain on stage left have hit the lap-dog compliant main stream media.  While the likes of the rabidly left St. Petersburg Times continue with their sappy worship of all things homosexual, which includes the unfortunate dead from Sunday's massacre, the rest of the media obeys its master and blames the savagery on everything and anything other than Islam.  

Let's study this incident and see what - or who - really is to blame.  

At the first news of the shooting, Caucasian Christian bigotry was blamed.  Oops.  The shooter is in fact of Middle Eastern descent and a Muslim, who is lionized in Islamic media.  Interestingly, and perhaps telling, is that the Muslim population if Orlando and environs has increased 10-fold in the last ten years.

Then lone wolf private citizens were blamed.  Oops.  The shooter was a security operative, trained in weaponry and employed by a contractor for the Department of Homeland Security.  He was a radical Muslim working for the very organization that is supposed to keep us safe.  Oops, again.  There's much more information that will come out in coming days and weeks that may attest to a larger threat than believed.   Thank God for the inalienable right to keep and bear arms, and thanks to the Bill of Rights that guarantees same.

Then homophobia was blamed.  Oops.  The shooter is now learned to be a closet homosexual.  The Pulse Club was a homosexual mecca, the shooter was a patron, and we presume that many, if not all, victims were homosexual.  They evidently eat their own.

Then racism was blamed.  Oops.  It's been known that the shooter was influenced - coached - by an Imam in Orlando, who is Negro, and witnesses to the shooting have said that the shooter asked each victim if he were black.  If answered affirmatively, the target lived, if not, was summarily shot.   

Then Trump was blamed.  Oops.  He's blamed because of his sensible and logical statements about, among other things, the incompatibility of Islam with democracy, hence the lunacy of importing them into the US. But Trump didn't incite this shooter.  A Negro Imam in Orlando and several as yet unidentified contacts in Saudi Arabia influenced and activated this sleeper shooter.

And now we come to the heart of the matter.  As always, given a perfectly good crisis, the rabid left invariably blames guns.  Oops.  A gun is an inanimate object made of composite and steel, with no volition of its own.  As shown above, this shooter had a lot of reasons to do what he did, and his preferred choice of  tools for the job is almost irrelevant.  In point, another crazed rabid Muslim killed a Paris police officer Monday.  But he used a knife.  Shall we ban them, as well?  But no good crisis can go to waste, so everybody from Jeh Johnson to Bill O'Reilly and Gretchen Carlson want to ban AR-15s.  Okay, why not call for the ban of Glocks, as well?  No problem, the left assures us, we'll get to that.  The UN, Hillary, Rolling Stone, and other totalitarian voices are screaming for "something to be done," which translates into the ban of guns.  

The recap of this story is that when faced with a government sponsored and mandated threat - Islam - Americans must roll over and take it, and not resist.  And the government seeks to remove Americans' method of resistance, which on its face rather alarming, given our history of rugged individualism and self reliance.  But this is the new age of The Kenyan, where in everyone's back yard there's a rainbow, and behind that rainbow is a beautiful unicorn, just waiting to come into your home and fill it with love.  

Ignored by the Kenyan and his psychopathic fantasies is the fact that what's coming into our homes is not a unicorn at all, but a foreign fanatical existential threat that cannot be mitigated, only eradicated.  And for that we need to be heavily armed, not disarmed.

Good luck in disarming Americans, all you fascists.  Molon Labe.  Look it up.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Matter Of Survival

The smoke has barely cleared, and the blood of 50 dead people not yet mopped up, as the lying liberal media, CBS New York specifically, declares the slaughter Sunday morning in a nightclub in Orlando to be domestic terrorism.  Notwithstanding the fact that the terrorist, one Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, is said by the FBI to have sympathies for radical Islam, and was born of Afghani parents, the mere fact that he held US citizenship and lived in St. Lucie county is all that's needed to hide the obvious fact he was a Muslim terrorist, and perpetrate the lie that he's just a home-grown terrorist.  That's a thin criterion, indeed.

To further complicate the disingenuous of the US media, it's known that an ISIS group, declared its intent to initiate a terror strike in Florida just three days ago.  From that report,

" . . . A pro-Isis group has released a hit list with the names of more than 8,000 people mostly Americans.  More than 600-people live in Florida, and one security expert believes that many of those targeted live in Palm Beach County and on the Treasure Coast. The “United Cyber Caliphate” that hacked U.S. Central Command, 54,000 Twitter accounts and threatened President Barack Obama is the same pro-Isis group that’s reportedly created a “kill list” with the names, addresses and emails of thousands of civilian Americans. Reports of the list came to light online when Vocativ reported the list was shared via the encrypted app, Telegram, and called on supporters to kill.  Former FBI agent-turned lawyer Stuart Kaplan says the threat is especially alarming, because the people on this list are civilians who don’t have the security necessary to protect themselves. “It’s going to create some hysteria,” he said…"
In Washington DC, the blame game will be delayed briefly so that the Muslims in the highest offices in the land can take a few minutes to celebrate the slaughter of infidels by the imported jihadists that have been illegally smuggled into the country, and relocated into my fair state of Florida as well:

" . . As one ISIS supporter pointed out, the Florida shooting follows ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani’s most recent speech, in which al-Adnani called upon “soldiers and supporters of the Caliphate in Europe and America” to attack civilians, “spread the terror,” and “open the door of Jihad” in their homes during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan. Another ISIS sympathizer shared images and videos from Orlando and wrote, “there is nothing I love more than the blood of infidels. This is the month of victories and blessings. . . .”
So there it is.  The radical Muslims tell us outright that they're coming to kill us, and the US media tries to tell us the killings are merely lone wolf domestic types.  And it's more gun control that's really needed.  There's no need to fear the religion of peace.  But it's a lie, a damnable lie, and Americans know it intuitively.  We are being killed, and will continue to be killed, as long as sympathies for radical Islam reside in the White House.

And as the terrorists themselves tell us, there will be more killings.  Many more.  It's time we stand up to and kill these savages, wherever and whenever they're found.  After all, it's a matter of survival.

Friday, June 10, 2016

What's Wrong With California?

What can one say about the great state of California?  Notorious for its weirdness and intellectual spaciness, it's been called the Land of Fruits and Nuts and Commiefornia, among other monikers not so printable.  But what's the deal over there on the left coast?  Is it something in the water?  Fukushima radiation?  El Nino?

Let's see what's unique about California.  The wine is so-so (that is, once you get out of the valley and onto the coast) when compared to real and established vineyards elsewhere in the world.  Home to the world's breeding ground for technological innovation, it's still a place of seemingly one-mindedness that, in equal measure, both intrigues and appalls sensible folks who live elsewhere.  The home grown politics are bizarre, even in the context of today's Snowflake generation, and run counter to virtually all established constitutional constructs.  The courts make decisions based on rulings based on meaning that simply isn't there.  The geography is magnificent, I will concede that, but it's the people who live there who make things unpalatable for the rest of the country.

The instances are many.  In Kalifrornia, one doesn't need legal standing as a US citizen to practice law there.  Can you imagine hiring an attorney to represent you in a, oh, say a personal injury suit against an illegal alien who ran you over in his Honda Civic, and the lawyer you choose isn't even an American?  Oh, well, he went through school here, and graduated law school here, so he's a defacto citizen, right?  Nope.  But only in California.

Image result for aztlan
Mythical Aztlan
Speaking of lawless lawyers, how about the facts surrounding one Judge Gonzalo Curiel of San Diego?  He's the judge who has been appointed to decide the bogus and meritless class action fraud suit against Donald Trump's Trump University.  So what's the rub?  Well, it seems the good judge is a member of a radical, anti-American racial group known as La Raza.  As you may know, La Raza is a group of Mexican racists who think that Aztlan still belongs to Mexico and they should have it back.  And that the gringos who live there should go back to Europe.  Peachy.  Imagine the outrage if a Scot-Irish-German American Southerner from, say, Mississippi, called for all Yankees and Negros to emigrate back to their respective ancestral homes.  There would be lynchings of southerners in every tree from here to Boston.  No doubt about that.  The irony is that it's not Caucasians who are here illegally; it's Hispanics.  And despite Americans' largess, they continue to bite the hand that feeds.  Operation Snowflake, indeed.  But, as we've been taught through the left's insidious political correctness, Caucasians are the only race capable of racism; Negros and Hispanics cannot be racist simply because of Caucasian oppression.  Pause here for deep breath.  So we are to believe that Trump can get a unbiased ruling with a racist judge trying this bogus case?  And the fact that the Anointed One herself is under criminal investigation by the FBI is a mere coincidence.  Tit for tat, so to speak.  Only in California.

Lest we stray too far from lawless lawyering, let's consider the matter of Edward Peruta v. County of San Diego, heard in the 9th United States District Court of Appeals, wherein  Appellant Peruta sues for relief of San Diego's unconstitutional gun ban, seeking to legally " . . . carry concealed firearms in public . ."  Considering that a vast majority of states recognize concealed carry as a right guaranteed by the Second Amendment, and considering the US Supreme Court's validation of the right for individuals to keep and bear arms, it's still not astounding that the 9th COA would rule in this way, ignoring and denying existing case law.  Why, you ask?  Because the 9th is most overturned court in the country, consistently ruling not from law, but from a left-wing social justice ideology.  As they have done so in this case.  And again, only in California.

Image result for map of location of hi-tech companies in californiaMoving into technology, it's amazing to me that so many US high tech companies are located in Silicon Valley, and around the Bay Area in general.  The region is home to many of the world's largest technology companies including Apple, Google, Facebook, HP, Intel, Cisco, eBay, Adobe, Agilent, Oracle, Yahoo, Netflix, and others.  While many of these firms espouse an egalitarian philosophy, even defining the corporate hierarchy as being flat rather than vertical, eschewing managers for team leaders.  As a regional manager for one unnamed multi-state San Jose corporation some years ago, I can personally guarantee that that philosophy ends at the corner office.  There are workers bees who are all equal, to be sure, but there are also Queens.  Really.  But the ruse persists, and social justice warrioring is a top priority with many of these tech firms.  Politics have bled into the highest levels of management in the largest of these firms, and the results are Orwellian when the feel-good cyber-security spin is peeled away.  This is crony capitalism at its best, and only in California.

And what's the genesis of the oh-so-delicate snowflake concept?  It arose, consensus has it, from the Self Esteem movement, where success is guaranteed, and one is owed a place in the world.  And what do we reap after a generation or more of this silly utopian nonsense?  Metrosexuals, homosexuals, transsexuals, pajama boy, androgyny and  "men" who aren't men.  Oh, yeah, and feminists who bemoan the declining number of masculine men.  And where should we look for this ridiculous cultural trend ?  Only to California.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The Silent Lie

Image result for political correctness slang
 . .  And Proud To Be!
Readers of this blog know that I have have always considered political correctness - the silent lie we all must endure - to be nothing more than blatant censorship.  Here's why:  if someone tells you not to use a certain word or phase simply because it may offend someone, that's censorship.  And when those censored words or phrases coagulate into an idea, that idea is thereby also censored.  That's serious censorship.  So, censorship forces one to re evaluate the words or phraseology one uses, simply to avoid being censored.  The problem is that, in a civil discourse, very little speech is so incendiary that mature adults must be protected from whatever offense may occur, however slight or unintended.  This is a very powerful weapon used by the left to control the discourse, and by extension, the meaning and intent of ideas.

Image result for political correctness slang
Over Educated, Intellectually Challenged
Let's say I use the word "nigger."   I would immediately be labeled a "racist" even if the utterance was without content, simply because that word is at the top of the list of "offensive" words.  And why is that?  Because someone was offended by its use.  The word is merely a variation of the word Negro, which identifies a race of human beings.  It came about because it's easier to pronounce than Negro, primarily because of the oral construction of consonants and vowels in the English language.  Nothing demeaning about it at all, save for the artificially manufactured offensiveness attributed to it.  One may note that Negros use that very word with each other, with no offense given or taken.  Another variation of Negro is "nigga," which has been recently used in public by a Negro comedian in reference to our very own Dear Leader.  Yet no offense was given or taken by either party, and the matter shrugged off.  So we can see that both variations are merely words, and in of themselves contain no malice.  But they're essentially banned from use by our betters in the political class, rendering any use by Caucasians including use by Mark Twain verboten.  Yet terms like whites, whitey, crackas, gringos, redneck, trailer/white trash, Cletus, yokel, privileged, pink, or other "offensive" derivatives can be use with impunity.  How revealing. The irony of political correctness is that a value judgment - a thing abhorrent to the radical left- must be made as to its application.  In this case the Negro race is judged to be somehow inferior to the Caucasian race and therefore, since leftists have the solution for every problem, must be protected from offense, real or imagined.  And that protection is the manifestation of banning certain words or phrases - or any attributes that may accompany -  that could apply to that race.  

Report: Media Give Gorilla Death 6 Times More Coverage Than ISIS Beheadings of Christians
Muslims Beheading Christians
Once the general populace becomes accustomed to having its language modified for the benefit of some, to the detriment of others, it's easy to  control ideas and opinions across the board.  We can't call illegal aliens invaders; they're undocumented workers.  Convicted felons are now simply judicially challenged.  That's a much softer a description of law breakers, isn't it?  And the Muslim terrorists by whatever brand they may operated under - IS/ISIS/ISIL, Al Qaeda,, Hammas, Boko-Haram, Taliban, CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, et al - aren't terrorists at all. Nope, they're refugees, or asylum seekers, or migrants or civilian combatants. Describing these savages and their abhorrent actions in softer terms makes it easier to sell the small print:  Islam is a religion of peace, when it is neither a religion nor peaceful. 

I believe most Americans clearly recognize political correctness for what it is: Orwellian Newspeak  Thought Control.  Yet somehow there's been no grass roots resistance to it, as the media, political leaders and teachers perpetuate the fraud on a continuing daily basis.  Yet.  It's about the silent lie; to distort the actual meaning in the world for the benefit of radical leftist political thought.  The popularity - and terror to some - of Donald Trump's appeal is that he not only eschews political correctness, but mocks it as well.  The American electorate loves that, but the entrenched power elite find it a threat.  

And that speaks volumes about the silent lie and the real purpose for its intended use.