A Visual Message?
Look closely at this photograph. It makes a statement, one that should give Americans pause. It's obvious some of us weren't wrong about the Kenyan's true mission. Think about it: in his final months in office, the Kenyan releases this particular posed photo. Why? Let's analyze the body language displayed here.
First, note the finger gun pointed at the desk. Remember that this is the historic Resolute Desk, It was made from the timbers of HMS Resolute, an abandoned
British ship discovered by an American vessel and returned to the Queen
of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. When the ship was
retired, Queen Victoria commissioned the desk to be built and presented it to President Rutherford Hayes in 1880. It represents the solidarity of the democratic West in the US and UK, and has been used by presidents since then. The gun pointed at the desk is clear imagery: "I will kill the Caucasian democratic West."
Second, notice his unnatural pose. No one rests a foot at a waist high level, it's unnatural and uncomfortable. But placing a shoe on a person, or on the desk, is the ultimate insult in Muslim and other Mid Eastern cultures. It's vile and foul to them. To be shown the bottom one's shore, or to have a shoe placed upon a body is the ultimate in disrespect and disgrace. But given Our Dear Leader's leanings, it's a clear visual statement of something like: "The US is a pig in filth."
Third, he's apparently speaking on the phone. Coupled with the first two statements, it's obvious that he's telling someone what's he's thinking and doing. So, he's telegraphing his insult and disrespect for the US to the entire world in this photograph.
What about some of the other props in this photo?
Consider the meaning of the photo directly behind him. It looks photoshoped to me. I've never seen a framed photo of just the extending arm of the Statue of Liberty, so it has to have meaning. America holding the eternal flame and truth of Islam, perhaps? Or maybe it's just a diss to enframe just a portion of this American icon. Whatever, it seems to be disrespectful on it's face.
You'll notice three unusual objects on the desk: a conical object that looks like a stone talisman of some kind, a small engraved possibly wooden brown box, and a triangular object that may be a clock. These are unidentifiable, and most likely have meaning to him, but whose meaning is yet to be deciphered .
QuiƩn sabe. I may be way off base, but there is something too odd about this obviously posed and structured photograph. What do you think?