2015 Christmas Gifts
The Occurrence of Eradicated Disease
This is the gift that keeps on giving. Just think: diseases that were wiped out decades ago are now being diagnosed all across the fruited plain. E. coli infested Chipotle restaurants all over the country; Tuberculosis found in the east; Leprosy in the northeast; Dengue Fever in the southwest. That's just a few. According to the CDC, all of these outbreaks are attributable to illegal aliens from Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Philippines, Vietnam and elsewhere. Many of these diseases came from the children that were allowed into the US unaccompanied. Why haven't we heard more about this? Here's why: To protect the Kenyan's insane immigration policies. If you think the truth about illegal alien crime is suppressed from public awareness, just try to find information on the contagious diseases brought across our borders by illegal aliens. Looking at official government data of the past fifteen years, it's clear we are still being invaded daily by dangerous diseases. There is good reason to believe the government is minimizing this risk as part of its disinformation campaign to sanitize illegal immigration and to portray all critics as anti-immigrant. And although the U.S. Border Patrol publishes frequent reports on the number of individuals apprehended crossing the border, no government agency publishes reports on the diseases they bring with them. And no, the 700,000 illegals that came across in 2015 were not - and are not now - screened for infectious diseases.
The Demise of the Republican Party
As this government of both parties continue to govern against the will of the people, it's no surprise that the political outsider candidates are blowing up the polls. Our political structure is based on the two party system: one party is in control, and the other party acts as the "loyal opposition." Opposition to political policy, not to the nation's constitution. But that's all upside down now as the Republican party more and more resembles the Democrats in policy and ideology. That poses a problem. Americans are sick and tired of being lied to, condescended to, and having their wishes and fears ignored in favor of the policies of some obscure global oligarchy. The revolution of the grass roots conservative base versus the entrenched Yankee Republican establishment will render the Republican Party unrecognizable in the near term, as conservatives, finally having had enough, take over the party from the neocons. But this is just the beginning. This revolution will spread outward, and if successful, will return the nation to a two party constitutional republic again, leaving the totalitarians to with and die. Make no mistake: there will be a revolution, be it at the ballot box or in the streets. The establishment knows this, and that's why they have been trying so very hard to disarm Americans since 1968.
The Privatization of Space
Long the province of well funded governments, space exploration and technology is now being picked up by private enterprise. SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin are currently the most visible, but there are others; as many as a dozen at this writing. Remember all those science fiction movies in which corporations are the owners and operators of deep space mining, exploration and colonization projects? Well, that's soon to be science fact. Already private space companies are making deliveries to the International Space Station, and this will continue as governments find more Earth-bound projects to fund. NASA is still the patriarch in space research and technology of course, but I see investment in space oriented companies as a far better bet than any of these current silly "green energy" nonsensical boondoggles. Humans are explorers by nature, and space is right out there to discover. The new and advanced technologies needed for deep space exploration will have a trickle down benefit to everyone on Earth. Hopefully we can focus on exploring and expanding humankind, rather than regressing to a 7th century mindset. Maybe my grandkids will have the opportunity to honeymoon on Luna or perhaps visit friends on Mars. And if I get a chance, I'm going!
Hope and Change Fraud Exposed
Even the die hard, goofy, can't-we-all-just-get-along hippy types are beginning to see what their breathless endorsement and worship of the Kenyan has wrought over these last 8 years. We're less free, less wealthy, and more controlled, and these present day Benedict Arnolds must now take responsibility for their unicorn chasing hunger for utopia. They now are coming to recognize that all that "hope and change" rhetoric has hidden a very sinister outcome. Think of the divisiveness we've seen in the last seven years: distrust of whites, blacks, and Hispanics; distrust of cops and government; spying on everyone; gender bending that has now become completely absurd. What about us versus them in the government? Well, white people and men in particular, Christians, Southerners, cops, and conservatives are all targets of the Kenyan's well oiled hate machine. The weaponization of government bureaucracies like the EPA, IRS and NSA are good examples of government control. And even the media's epic failures in covering for this regime are evidence of the press's loss of influence and prestige with much of the public. Do you believe the New York Times or the Washington Post? Me either. The media, whether aware of it or not, will continue to lose face as the Kenyan's deceit and their complicity in it are fully exposed. Evil will shrink back and wither and die when exposed to the direct light of day, and it's dawn in America, folks.
The True Face of Islam
News, photos and videos this year alone from France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Greece, north Africa, Hungary, and elsewhere have shown to the world the true face of Islam. Far from the peaceful and homey images their propaganda and public relations campaigns spew, Muslims continue to conquer with a medieval ferocity not seen in a very long time. As the killings here in the US by Muslims - at Fort Hood, Garland Texas, Chattanooga and San Bernadino - clearly show, Islam wants to kill you or convert you. In every county they invade, they aggressively seek to convert endemic cultures to sharia law. They have been a terror organization for centuries, and even Thomas Aquinas wrote of his distrust of Muslims eight centuries ago. Despite attempts by CAIR and the DC media to whitewash Islam's intents, history proves otherwise. Now we have ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and countless other terrorist groups killing, beheading, stoning, drowning, hanging and raping across the world. And many of these extremists are in high level positions within the US government. If you study history of the world's never-ending conflict with Islam, you'll recognize that this is their last big push for dominance, culminating in a WW III and the Apocalypse. And as facts continue to leak out, it'll be publicly known that the Kenyan has been, and still is, instrumental in aiding, abetting and arming this Muslim insurgency.
The True Face of Islam
News, photos and videos this year alone from France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Greece, north Africa, Hungary, and elsewhere have shown to the world the true face of Islam. Far from the peaceful and homey images their propaganda and public relations campaigns spew, Muslims continue to conquer with a medieval ferocity not seen in a very long time. As the killings here in the US by Muslims - at Fort Hood, Garland Texas, Chattanooga and San Bernadino - clearly show, Islam wants to kill you or convert you. In every county they invade, they aggressively seek to convert endemic cultures to sharia law. They have been a terror organization for centuries, and even Thomas Aquinas wrote of his distrust of Muslims eight centuries ago. Despite attempts by CAIR and the DC media to whitewash Islam's intents, history proves otherwise. Now we have ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and countless other terrorist groups killing, beheading, stoning, drowning, hanging and raping across the world. And many of these extremists are in high level positions within the US government. If you study history of the world's never-ending conflict with Islam, you'll recognize that this is their last big push for dominance, culminating in a WW III and the Apocalypse. And as facts continue to leak out, it'll be publicly known that the Kenyan has been, and still is, instrumental in aiding, abetting and arming this Muslim insurgency.
So with all these great gifts received during 2015, I can't wait for next Christmas, when we, as a Christian conservation nation, can reciprocate in kind with our own gifts back to our current gift giving benefactors.