Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Short Takes

Memorial Day is now over, and my sweetie and I had a great time watching war movies (Patton, Saving Private Ryan) with the youngsters, who had serious questions about war.  The grill was going for hours as burgers, steaks, chicken and ribs fed us all day and the pool offered a respite from the heat here on the west coast of Florida.  We remembered those who served, and all those who now serve in the traditional American way.  But today the insanity continues.

Baltimore:  Return to the Planet of the Apes
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP
Protesters at Work
Unreported in the mainstream news media is the fact that because the leaderless leadership in Baltimore has given tacit approvals to "protesters" to loot, plunder, pillage and kill, the Memorial Day week was, well, exciting.  It seems the bad actors conducted twenty-six shooting incidents, nine of which had fatalities.  That means that May, so far, is the deadliest month in Baltimore in nearly two decades.    But we all know, don't we, that the "protesters" are merely black thugs with nothing to say except their hate for whitey.  Nice goin', race baiters, in your effort to empower the "community."

Terror on the Cheap
Amsterdam airport
F-16 Escorts Airliner
Iran is months a way from a developing a nuke.  But you don't need a nuclear bomb to be a successful terrorist.  The whole point of terrorism is to instill fear and terror.  That goal takes on many aspects, not the least of which are issuing deliberate false alarms.  If you want to instill fear in the passengers in an airliner in flight, for example, merely call in a chemical threat.  The authorities will have to take the threat seriously, and deploy fighters to escort the threaten jet to a safe airport where an investigation can be conducted.  That happen this weekend to six passenger airline flights around the world.  The bad guys are laughing, because it cost the US a whole lot more scrambling these F-16 fighters to deal with these events than it did the bad guys to make six anonymous phones calls.  Now that's what I call asymmetrical warfare.

Free Speech Silenced
Kirsten Powers
Conservatives have long known their voices don't matter, especially in the Zionist-controlled liberal world view of mass media. But now a self-identified liberal, the very hot Kirsten Powers, has written a book about how liberals, progressives and Marxists use labeling and intimidation to further quell speech in opposition to their liberal narrative, especially on college campuses.  A brilliant observation from her recent interview with Breitbart News is noted :
I have theories on why this is happening but they are not completely fleshed out. One of them is that the people who do this really behave like religious zealots. They have their current capital ‘T’ truth and they cannot tolerate or will not tolerate people who think differently. And it’s actually sort of an assault on them, on their being. I don’t know if that is because this has now become the sort of social signaling issue where, you know, ‘this is who I am’ much in the way a religion would be, an identity issue that I believe all these things that are right. Like I said it’s a very authoritarian impulse… I will not tolerate.
That pretty much sums it up. 

The War on Cops
Tweet posted by @AlanGrayson.
Alan Grayson's Infamous Tweet
Thanks to the Kenyan's militarization of local police, the war on cops continues unabated.  The certifiably insane Alan Grayson, democrat representative from Florida, tweeted a photo of militarized cops with some interesting graffiti in the shot.  "Fuck the Cops" was a sentiment that he circulated, but didn't renounce. He used words like "occupy" and "attack."  Wonder how he really feels.  He's an attorney, you know.  Also in Florida, cops were attacked by "citizens" as they tried to arrest a disorderly man carrying an open container of an adult beverage. Prior to threatening to use his Taser on the mob, the officer received cuts and bruises in the scuffle.  Around here, folks would help a cop in that situation, but in democrat controlled, liberal leaning ares of my fair state, the Kenyan's message of incitement and radical lawlessness is being acted out by his low information followers.  As an aside, concealed carry permits are surging nationally.  Gee, I wonder why.

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