Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Paranoia Strikes Deep

picture of paranoia  - Handgun over US flag  - JPG
Defense of Country
Paranoia strikes deep.  Into your life it will creep.  Thanks to Steven Stills of Buffalo Springfield for this sentiment from the 1967 anthem For What It's Worth.  But paranoia is running deep these days, isn't it?  You can feel it in the air, sense it in the comments that readers of news articles and blogs leave on the internet, and even in the news that leaves out so much of the news.    No wonder the government, through the Federal Elections Commission of all places, wants to control - read that stifle - the internet, which as I'm sure you all will agree, is the last bastion of free speech.  The Associated Press is the defacto Ministry of Truth for this administration, and as such is the major source of propaganda for most of the US media, also known as the mainstream media.  And it prints nothing but blue skies and a booming economy.  Really?  That doesn't fool anyone anymore, thanks to a sophisticated populace and alternative media sources.  Want real news?  Try the outlets from the UK.  I kid you not.  At least they actually still report, as opposed to reading and reprinting verbatim AP wire feeds.  That's why the Kenyan's administration wants the Internet neutered and muted.

In Jade Helm operation, Texas gives early lessons on the ‘human domain’ photo
Jade Helm 15 Theater of Operations.  Add LA and FL
For example, what do we really know about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 exercise?  Is this story  competing for ink with the economy, the Republican candidate field or Hillary Clinton's corruption?  The answer would have been absolutely nothing if not for a leak by an internet news source earlier this year.  Now we know that the government - you know, the American government of, by and for the people - will be conducting live military exercises in seven or more states this June.  This exercise - whose motto is Mastering the Human Domain, by the way - is a joint operation including special operations teams from the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines along with regular divisions like the 82nd Airborne, and they will be interacting incognito with citizen civilians in these areas.  That's why it's fodder for conspiracy theorists everywhere.

But wait.  If this unconventional warfare exercise is to prepare our troops for potential asymmetrical engagements against an enemy within the gates, such as terrorists from such groups as La Raza and its radical ‘reconquista’ agenda, or any of the many Islamic terrorist cells that have walked freely into the United States via these border states, then I can certainly applaud the exercise.  And it would follow that these states with the highest incident of illegal immigration will become the battlefield upon which defense of the United States will occur.  After all, La Raza has openly declared its intent to invade and reconquer the whole of the western United States by assimilation, if not by force.  We see that happening now, and to date, it goes unchallenged.  Likewise, Islam has declared that it seeks a global Islamic caliphate, and as such, America as we know it must fall to the dictates of Islam and sharia law.  We see that happening now in Texas and Minnesota and elsewhere as Muslims of all nationalities invade en masse, again marginally if at all challenged.  I hope that that national passivity is changing with the execution of Jade Helm.

<b>Military</b> Employed For Crowd Control At College Football Game This ...
The Blurring of Posse Comitatus
If however, as many preppers and ordinary hard working citizens contend, this is a prelude to an execution of martial law, gun confiscation, dissident internment, and suspension of the US Constitution, then we have a serious problem.  Many points can be made to support this: newly constructed and imposing FEMA camps, the Kenyan's purging of almost two hundred top military brass, the Trans-Pacific Partnership eroding US sovereignty, and the general suspicion that the government seeks to impose a totalitarian government in advance of the 2106 elections.  Can this administration, led by an admittedly anti-American president, really bring down and subjugate the world's last best hope for mankind?  Only if, like Rome succumbing to the Goths simply by assimilating them, we the people let it happen from within. Our greatest deterrent against a hostile government has always been a free and independent press, but that description no longer applies to what's become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.  Instead we must rely on foreign media as well as the alternate internet media for real un-spun, factual news, and that's why the Kenyan wants to shut it down.  

It's not paranoia.  We've been warned.  He has told us himself that he wants to "fundamentally transform America" by ending American exceptionalism and indeed the entire American way of life.  And we've been challenged to try to stop him.  'Nuff said.

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