Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bob-Tailed Boys

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The Eunuch's Fate
In California, disruptive minority students in public schools will no longer be suspended and sent home, rather they will be retained in class and white students will be suspended instead.  Nationally, the Boy Scouts, in an attempt to prepare boys for self sufficiency in adulthood,  have decided to not allow water fights among scouts with water guns.  Across the United States, because incarceration rates are higher for black men than whites, Hispanic or Asians males, crimes committed by black males will not include jail or prison.  On college campuses, male students are subject to charges of rape regardless of  the facts.  Nationally, police forces are being cast as villains as the Kenyan's administration seeks to destroy local police and sheriff's departments in favor of a brown-shirt federal police force.  As masculinity is culturally and politically destroyed in favor of an egalitarian "equal outcomes" philosophy by those currently in power, the American male has been emasculated, and we are now essentially eunuchs, or as the ancient Chinese called them, "bob-tailed dogs."  It's no surprise that many boys didn't survive the brutal, one-swipe knife cut process in those days.  The blurring of the sexes continues today at the peril of the species.  Societal suicide at its worst.  But in order to protect and serve that despicable harem, the federal government, we men must must be made docile, soft, and dependent.  Castrati for and by castrati, the emasculation of the now sissified American male goes on unabated, and is nearly complete.

John Wayne - john-wayne Photo
American Men Love God, Guts, Guns and Dogs
It's a shame but true that the American male now must find himself a sealable clay jar in which to keep his butchered manhood, for he has been castrated.  The strong silent type of man, characteristics and traits once admired by men and women alike, is now reduced to a mere anachronism, subject to snickers and open ridicule from the trendy and enlightened metrosexuals.  Would John Wayne thrive in today's cultural and political environment?  I don't think so either.  Maybe that's why there's such a relentless push for illegal Hispanic immigration.  Maybe the macho Latino can help teach the beat-dog-down American white man how to regain his manhood - to be a man again - and his rightful place in society. 

Men, take a good look at the two images here.  Which do you want to be?  Don't let them turn you into a eunuch or a homosexual.  Unfortunately that process begins with the hideous, emasculating practice of circumcision, which is performed on male infants who have no voice to resist it.  Ignore the feminist propaganda from your teacher, your pastor, your Jewish doctor, your homo friends, your whinny girlfriend, and become the man you were born and destined to be.  Bob-tailed dogs?  Never.  It's not too late to save the species.

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