Scary Stuff on Halloween

There's Kaci Hickox, the nurse who just returned from West Africa treating Ebola patients, who insists she's not symptomatic and is not trying to "get anyone sick," yet defies a quarantine order. She's out riding her bike in Maine with her boyfriend, basking in her 15 minutes of fame. As any medical professional knows, not having symptoms of a disease doesn't mean that one may not be a carrier. See Typhoid Mary. You gotta admire her for one thing, though - defying the government. In her case, she knows more than anyone else, and therefore laws don't apply to her. But what if she is a carrier? That's scary.
Panic in the Democrat party is escalating as all major polls show devastating losses for the Dems next week. They fear they'll lose the senate, so they're playing the race card for all it's worth. Mary Landrieu, herself a daughter of the South, is so desperate in her Louisiana senate race that she's taken to defaming all us Southerners as racists and sexists. Because we're racists down here, she says, that's why the Kenyan and his policies aren't very popular in the South. Although over the last six years the race card has been played so often that it's become lame and absurd, she, Kay Hagan of North Carolina and Michelle Dunn of Georgia all seem to think they can fool black folk one more time. Well, they're democrats, after all, so that silliness can be expected. The truth is Democrats - and even the Black Panther Party - are running for the tall grass, lest they be associated with the Kenyan. Liberals in a panic. Fun.
Just in time for the midterm elections, a video goes viral of a young woman roaming - er, I mean walking - the streets of New York. For ten hours. Just so she could record the whistles and catcalls directed her way. Just to show us how sexist we men really are. Oh, boy, here we go again with more misandry, that feminist hate of all things male. Shoshana Roberts (who?), an aspiring actress (aren't they all?), appears to have gotten a double bang for her buck. Her sexist video on YouTube got over a million hits, which gives her some public exposure she would have never gotten otherwise based solely on her "talents." And, she was working with Hollaback, yet another feminist hate group masquerading as a public support group. So in ten hours hiking through New York, she only got 100 incidences of "harassment?" Maybe that's because she's not as hot as she thinks she is. After hearing her speak, she's even less so. Sexy? Not!
But all this nonsense isn't going to deprive me of having fun tonight, as I intimidate the neighborhood kids with my zombie ninja costume. Like I said, I live for Halloween, and I get to be scary, fun and sexy again for one short evening. Boo!
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