How to Win the Race War
In the chaos of all this nonsense about racism in the United States, especially as is occurring recently in Missouri, we lose sight of the facts concerning the protests. While the media focus is on the death of a certain black teen, we should recall that this was the inevitable outcome of bad attitude driving bad behavior and ultimately bad decisions on the part of the so-called victim.
The media continues to whitewash (pun intended) his criminal image into one of a big, lovable unarmed black teenager. Unarmed? He was a giant, well over six feet tall and weighing some three hundred pounds. I wouldn't call that unarmed. I hold advanced belts in Korean martial arts, and as such, am I unarmed? No, I don't think so, either. But the facts don't fit the left's political narrative. To the progressive media, it's simply a case of a white cop killing an unarmed black man. Period. No extenuating circumstances needed, thank you. Now onto our quest for justice. In come the agitators, the instigators, and all the other left wing vermin to incite the black (and the Birkenstock-wearing and over-educated liberals) communities to seek justice. Um, actually justice has already been applied. See Self Defense, Chapter 1. Oddly, no black or media rage is directed at the thousands of black-on-black instances. Oh, right. That doesn't fit the white America is racist narrative. My bad.
As a result of this event months ago, more spontaneous protests occurred again yesterday, on Columbus Day. That's a white America holiday, fool. Spontaneous, did I say? This was no flash mob - it was painstakingly orchestrated by the race baiters of old, out from under their rocks to take advantage of a perfectly good crisis. Professionally printed signs with neat borders proclaiming Racism Kills and Black Lives Matter. Clever. Oh, and the cool tee-shirts, Hands Up. Don't Shoot - all in white-on-black (get it?) and in grammatically correct English. Joined by white leftists, college kids (always vocally ideological but rarely truly informed), and other anthropomorphic socialists, the mobs found their way into Nieman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Michael Kors, Talbots, Tiffany & Co. and several other upscale stores. Well, at least they didn't burn anything down this time. Cornell Wild got arrested, though, and that's something. Al and Jesse must have been in Vail and couldn't make it. I wish white-hating black people would just get over this whole black victim-hood thing. Mike Brown (remember? supposedly what this is all about) was a teenaged thug headed for even more criminal intent. He got killed for his bad behavior, as did over 400 people in 2012 alone. There's nothing to defend or decry or protest here.
What about this, instead of defending the indefensible:
1. Develop your own positive contributions to your community and to civilization as a whole - that is, find the zen in your blackness and honor and act within it;
2. Find ways to elevate your community through job creation and education - build a business and train, teach and hire some folks and everybody makes money;
3. Realize that people like to congregate with people who are like them - you do and I do, too. That's not racist, it's human nature.
4. And quit letting the leftist ideology in all its permutations shove you around and control your destiny.
Is this the mob-riot-protest legacy you want to leave your children? No? Then move beyond the mindless victim mentality that's being displayed in these events and others, tell the truth by not lying to yourselves, and you'll earn and gain the trust that you seek - and deserve.
What about this, instead of defending the indefensible:
1. Develop your own positive contributions to your community and to civilization as a whole - that is, find the zen in your blackness and honor and act within it;
2. Find ways to elevate your community through job creation and education - build a business and train, teach and hire some folks and everybody makes money;
3. Realize that people like to congregate with people who are like them - you do and I do, too. That's not racist, it's human nature.
4. And quit letting the leftist ideology in all its permutations shove you around and control your destiny.
Is this the mob-riot-protest legacy you want to leave your children? No? Then move beyond the mindless victim mentality that's being displayed in these events and others, tell the truth by not lying to yourselves, and you'll earn and gain the trust that you seek - and deserve.
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