Is Isn't Isn't
I recall way back in elementary school, my teacher, in a lesson in punctuation, gave us this sentence and asked us to properly punctuate it:
That that is is that that is not is not.
Not all of us at that grade level got it right, of course, but it was something that stuck with me throughout the years, as it clearly demonstrates the importance of proper punctuation, and how even a misplaced comma can change the meaning of a sentence. Here's the proper punctuation:
That that is, is; that that is not, is not.
Think about the impact of this simple statement: What is true, is true. What is not true, is not true. But spin doctors seek to blur the lines between truth and non-truth. Changing the meanings of words, and the bastardization of the language is a prime example of this. Homosexuals are now gays, notwithstanding that they actually may not be all that gay. An abortion of a viable fetus is a woman's choice, not premeditated murder. Intolerant is the label applied to those who merely question the political correct nonsense. A racist is anyone who is white. Period.
So as the Kenyan opens the borders, and invades us with millions of diseased, undereducated and criminal aliens and ships them to every state in the union, we may not criticize this treason because, well, that would be racist. But these labels don't apply to the militant La Raza, who call for the annexation of the entire southwestern US to Mexico. If one believes the Kenyan is the Antichrist in part because of his globally destructive policies, they are labeled an intolerant religious zealot. Muslims, as they kill and maim with impunity, of course, are not. If one believes that this government has become bloated beyond the people's control and that it is critically and criminally intrusive in our lives, then one is labeled a separatist, prepper or worse. The labels applied come from the manipulation of the language by the political correct leftists.
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