The lies aren't working anymore, apparently.
Back in the good old days, when we unwashed rubes here in blue collar America had only three broadcast television channels (and an unreliable UHF channel) we trusted the government and dutifully believed the propaganda that came from talking heads like Cronkite, Murrow, Brinkley, Huntley, Jennings, Brokaw, and others. Even in the ensuing decades when cable brought the government message directly into our homes, we still believed what we were told. Cable born babies like CNN, MSNBC and Fox joined the "mainstream networks" NBC, ABC and CBS, and helped promote and fuel the lies.
But with the advent of the Internet, through which a host of new voices began telling us otherwise, we began to see cracks in the government's approved narrative. Social media took that phenomenon to the next step. Regular folks could now voice their own opinions and beliefs directly to the world. The town square became digital, and anonymous. Regular folks were now getting real news, fake news, no news, conspiracy theories, insane nonsense, rants, diatribes, personal opinions, and other bits of information. It was all entertaining, but it is up to us to filter the nonsense from the real. It wasn't - and still isn't - easy to do. But as this alternative media gained traction, the government began losing ground. Now it is on the ropes information-wise.
Extreme measures needed to be taken. As leftists always do, the first step is to manipulate the language. New nouns entered the discourse: misinformation, dis-information, fact checks, and so on. Anything not in lockstep with the approved narrative was labeled as mis-or-dis-information. Then it was "fact checked" by government sycophants. The next step was to establish a government approved bureaucracy to deliver and administer the narrative, now that the mainstream media has been found to be untrustworthy. Enter the Ministry of Truth. Next, it was imperative to throttle all dissenting voices by deleting wrong-think from all public platforms, blogs, social media and news sites by the means of algorithms. Easily done.
In spite of all the efforts to combat opposition and challenges to the official government version of truth, the propaganda is failing. The MAGA campaigns and the Trump presidency brought the lies into the light, and made critical thinking popular again. With proper unfettered analysis, the government lies were shown to be wanting. And lie the government did, and still does.
As the leftist deep state digs in ever deeper, revealing fully its true Godless agenda in the process, the righteous stand firm. And that's a serious situation, isn't it? Will the left chance the outcome of a popular election in 2022, knowing full well that the last two elections were rigged, and that we the people know they were rigged? Will they chance a civil rebellion against their global aspirations? Will they put tanks and troops in the streets of every town in the nation as they brand thinking citizens domestic terrorists?
Or will they stage another distraction - a false flag incident - like WW3 or more Covid nonsense, or whatever? Well, there's an answer to that.
You bet they will.
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