Friday, May 08, 2020

The Beat Goes On

Does anyone else see a consistent theme in the news over the last, oh say, three months of the year of our Lord 2020?  I know I do.  Hoax after hoax after hoax.  Lie after lie after lie.  For what purpose, one may very well ask. We've been lied to by the Ministry of Truth - by that I refer to the mainstream media - for so long that many folks, and I being one, can't believe a single thing emanating from this propaganda arm of the Democrat National Committee.

Maybe we should revisit a few of the more egregious lies, deceits and downright falsehoods that have been fostered on the American people.

Trump concluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.   This one has been put to bed forever, given that the government has just dropped its case against Lt. Gen. Micheal Flynn for "lying." to the FBI in a manufactured Trump spy operation - er, I mean investigation.   A federal judge dismissed the government's case with prejudice, which means, "Hey, fool, don't ever bring this matter up again.  It's done."  If anything, Russia would prefer the 2016 presidential win to go to our gal Hil, because she's corrupt to the core, and for a few rubles, would give knee service to Putin if only he would ask.  

The CoVid-19 contagion is the plague of plagues.  Nonsense.  I firmly believe the obviously genetically engineered contagion known properly as SARS-CoVid-2 was a dismal failure if the goal was to create an unstoppable bio weapon.  It is highly contagious, that's true.  However, it's largely unnoticeable, and then only if one was aware of its symptoms.  Further, it's easily cured and preventable.  But apart from the disastrous and error-prone computer models used early on, and the push of those certain billionaires with a vested interest in a pandemic-in-search-of-a-vaccine, this pathetic pathogen would not even have been recognized as anything other than a different flu strain. But Fauci and Birx inflated the death numbers to make it look scary, so that they and their fellow authoritarians could have a chance to lock down the entire country in an attempt destroy both the culture and the economy.  And it was all done for the purpose of erasing the success Trump has had in reversing the Destroy America Campaign of the bastard Muslim Kenyan.

Only a new vaccine will stop the plague.  Again, this is nonsense.  The purpose of the release of this pathogen was two fold:  create a panic of fear and hysteria, fanned by the fake news media; and then have "government" step in to provide a "solution."  This is a classic totalitarian approach to tyranny. But the reality is that countless cases of SARS-CoVid-2 were cured completely in a matter of days with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and zinc.  Further, in-the-field case studies prove it's effective in preventing the virus as well. Even remevidinaol has shown some positive results.  But for some reason, the fake news media and the "experts" Fauci and Birx downplay HCQ's effectiveness, all the while demanding that the country stay in lock down until such time as a vaccine is developed,  which they admit may take months or years.  Oh, really?  Why? Well, because big Pharma can't make any money on cheap, available, HCQ.  But Bill Gates and Gilead can and will make billions of dollars off a product - patented by them of course - that will be mandated for use in every human being on the planet. Do the math:  seven billion people times $1,000 a dose.  That's greed and grandeur on an order of magnitude.

But there's a silver lining in all this.  And that is exposure.  Had our gal Hil been elected in 2016, none of this would have come to light.  But through Trump, the power and influence of the Kenyan-appointed un-elected bureaucrats in the Deep State is crumbling as the ever more visible alternative media exposes more of their duplicity. The main characters in the coup d'etat are starting to turn, and those bad actors in the FBI and DOJ, when finally indicted, prosecuted and removed, will help return those agencies to their previous transparency and dignity.  And as more Americans realize that the dirty democrats in Congress care only about the destruction of President Trump, and care nothing for the good of the country, all their lies, manifestations and projections will render them not only impotent, but jobless come next election.  And history will rightly scorn them for their traitorous activities.

But I think a more positive result will occur.  Thinking Americans will see that the constant tsunami of lies, deceits and attacks against Trump and his base, will reveal the left's true purpose: the destruction of Trump and the American middle class.  We're witnessing the last gasps of power-hungry leftists as they pull out all the stops to go all in on Operation Destroy Trump.  But the American is slow to anger, but resolute in his application of justice.  So as the left continues its attacks, the American is awake and watching.   

And for now, he's just letting the left's beat go on.

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