Blue Pill Blues
In the 1999 movie The Matrix, the protagonist Neo is offered a sobering choice: take a red pill which represents freedom from the machine masters' enslaving control but comes with an uncertain future, or take the blue pill
which represents a beautiful prison in which living in safe comfort without want or fear is the norm. To choose one pill over the other was clearly a metaphor for seeing the world as it is, or blissfully living in the fabricated world created by masters. This is a theme that has been around forever - Adam and Eve and the apple in Genesis, anyone? - and it is there to reminded us of the true nature of reality; that life is hard but free, yet easy is neither hard nor free.
So life imitates art, does it not? One could argue that that's the basic choice given to us today. While Genesis and The Matrix portray a personal decision, the choice we have before us now is a societal one. We can eagerly lap up the progressive narrative that bombards us every day, or use our God-given ability of critical thinking to see the world as it truly is. That is, living the truth of
reality, albeit harsher and more difficult than just blindly believing in our masters' ability to keep us safe.
As the tyrannical yoke of state and local government imposed lock downs is slowly lifted, many folks - red pill takers - have come to see that this most recent "crisis" is as meaningless and nonsensical as all of the others, from the Russia hoax to the impeachment circus, and is simply a political ploy to instill fear and terror, through which to control the American people.
But others have gladly swallowed the blue pill. And the media terror machine is working on them. I still see scared, helpless people, safely ensconced behind their face masks, and nothing will make them believe that there really isn't a scary-looking viral pathogen just lurking in wait everywhere. This lie is amplified by the MSM, and one can almost sympathize with the blue-pill-takers who see nothing but death, doom and gloom everywhere, and stacks of bodies piled high in the streets. But of course if one simply goes outside and looks for himself, one can see it's all just an evil and deceitful fabrication. But they will overwhelm you with numbers and charts and statistics. It's all silly and disingenuous. Remember what Mark Twain said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
As I have maintained for months in these pages, the SARS-CoVid-2 virus, aka "bat flu," is little more than a seasonal flu, even if it were in fact subjected to genome modification in a Chinese lab somewhere. And I'm starting to have serious doubts about that now, as well. Hell, if they lie about this pathogen's contagiousness and lethality, why wouldn't they lie about its genesis? They certainly would. After all, we need a villain. Well, other than us, of course.
The good news is that the red-pill-takers are winning. Scores of doctors are coming out and boldly stating the obvious: there's nothing to be afraid of with this lame contagion, and what the governments are doing is emphatically counter intuitive, not to mention counter productive as well. Courts have begun to overturn governors' unconstitutional lock downs, bans, and illegal stifling of basic constitutional rights.
We now know that this "crisis" exists for a singular purpose: to destroy President Trump, the Bill of Rights, the economy and the Americans who support him. Nothing more. The deep state left is threatened by the fact that thinking Americans wholly reject their philosophy of "government knows best," regardless of what name applied to it, Marxist, socialist, communist, fascist or progressive. They are all the same - a powerful, faceless, tyrannical un-elected deep state that - like The Matrix's machine masters - seeks to control every aspect of your life and mine. Totally.
Being consciously and cognitively aware is the first step in resisting the tyranny of the state. It's one's duty as an American to do so. And if that tyranny persists, one's duty demands that that government be dissolved, by force of arms if necessary, and replaced with a constitutionally representative one.
And that's the first step in beating the blue pill blues.
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