Right On Script, Right On Cue
It's fascinating how well oiled and well organized is the Marxist machine that has once more raised its ugly head in America. And true to the script, and right on cue, the "protests" and the riots they spawn are nothing more than a flash mob alert from Soros and his diabolical Captains of Chaos and their simian minions. And absolutely nothing to do with poor George Floyd. So let's review the time line with a jaundiced eye, and see if there's a pattern here, a series of planned events that have a singular purpose.
First there was the the Russian collusion hoax instigated and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, which failed to remove President Trump from office. As Peter Strzok so aptly opined, an insurance plan was necessary. You know, just in case. That Charlie-Foxtrot is now coming unraveled, and certain high profile FBI and DOJ personages will surely do some time in a maximum security private golf club. Fail.
Then came the impeachment hearings, which bug-eyed Adam Schiff held in the House of Representatives basement, with doors locked to all but the most willing accomplices so that the lies and deceit could not be readily observed. The House democrats wet themselves with anticipation, as Nancy Pelosi triumphantly marched the articles of impeachment across the hall to the Senate chambers. Well, she did after she stalled and waited for a week or so. The Senate, made up of mostly adult males, saw through the coup attempt, and in about twenty seconds, voted not to impeach. Again, fail.
Frustrated and terrified after all their failed attempts to railroad Trump out of DC, the Marxists' next step had to be big. Bold. Global. Enter the little bug from a bat. Having had great success with epidemic viruses before, the Marxists clapped their hands in glee as they envisioned a global pandemic arising form the Chinese-made-to-order SARS-CoVid-2 virus. But Trump was quicker on the draw: he stopped Chinese travel into the United States at the first hint of the pathogen coming in. No matter, abliss in pure ecstasy Marxist governors, mayors and other petty tyrants immediately went into full George Orwell mode with their insane lock-downs, "social distancing", mandatory curfews, travel restrictions and, oh, yeah, my favorite, mandatory surgical mask wearing. So in the span of just two months, over two centuries of democratic republic freedoms were wiped away. The greatest and most vibrant economy the world has ever seen was wiped away. But after feeling the heavy boot of tyranny on his neck first hand, the American stood up and cast it off. That's what socialism feels like, and the American didn't like it. And after month three of the Orwellian usurpation of God-given American liberties, the American, now with eyes wide open asks, "What the Hell just happened?" What happened was the so-called pandemic was less fatal and less scary - by far - than the normal seasonal flu, despite the media and governmental hype of it all. And worse for the Marxists, the American saw right through their scam. Fail.
Oh, what to do, what to do? For the Marxists, it's already strike three, and we're only six months away from the presidential election. And, OMG, Trump's approval numbers are high - higher than the Kenyan's at this point - and the economy we thought we destroyed is coming back, as are the equity markets. Real estate is still stable, and folks are eager to get back to their normal lives again. But wait. The Marxists have been telling us for years and years that we just can't have normal; we must find a reason for you - the little people in fly-over country - to embrace the bosom of Big Government. For your own good, and for your safety.
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It's not about race, it's about Marxism. Dude, hold my beer. |
Enter Phase IV of the Marxists' evil Plan to End Trump. Now is the time to incite social unrest, riots, carnage, looting, burning, cop killing, and class envy as we deploy our guerilla troops to destroy small business owners' shops and generate yet more fear in the body public. At this writing New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Seattle, Louisville, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Jacksonville and even here in Tampa, are aflame. Does anyone truly believe this is all organic? That it simply spontaneously arose from an outrage over a black small time criminal allegedly killed by a corrupt white cop? No, this was a planned event emanating right out of central planning. Odd that these cities are all under democrat leadership, isn't it? To orchestrate and execute a plan this vast, this organized, this well paid is anything but organic. And in a week or so, when the democrat leadership asks Trump for bailout and rebuilding funds, and when Floyd's autopsy reveals no asphyxiation, the American will rebuild his cities, and the mouth breathing, drooling "protesters" retreat back into their hovels, life will go on and the incident will be a footnote in history, like the other riotous protests we've had to endure.
And in the end, Trump's approval numbers will soar, as the American confirms it's not Trump who is the problem, nor is it racism - whatever that is. Neither is it capitalism, class envy, economic disparity, law and order, so-called white supremacy and privilege, nor any of the other facets of American culture that the Marxists demonize. It is Marxism itself, and its dedication to American destruction which is the problem, and as such, the enemy. The Marxist left wing extremist domestic terror network - antifa and other fellow travelers - are all primed and ready to burn, loot and create fear and chaos. But what of the ongoing multi-phased Marxist attempt to destroy and remove a duly elected President of the United States? Try as they might, they again fail.