Further Apart
It would seem that in the last two years, the disloyal opposition in this country has lost its collective mind. Our structure of republican government is deliberately designed to work perfectly and harmoniously with disagreement and discord. But the caveat is that, at the end of the day, both parties - despite their political differences - will be united in their loyalty to the United States.
Not so anymore.
The Democrat Party, now unrecognizable to democrats of only twenty years ago, has moved so far left that it's no longer the party of John Kennedy or even Bill Clinton. It more resembles something one might find in Stalin's regime. It has become a full-on communist revolution, and its tyranny is out in the open for all to see.
And the trigger for all this insanity is the popular election of Donald J. Trump as president. Imagine the audacity of the American people to elect a man like Trump, who promised to make America once again that "shining city on the hill" that Ronald Reagan envisioned. Worse, the several states agreed, and the electoral college sent Trump to Washington DC in a landslide.
The American form of self government is the single best and greatest system of government ever devised by man. But that in of itself is reason enough for the insane left to seek its destruction. And add to that the contagion of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), and these maladies have fueled the left's hate and ideological vapidity to uncontrollable levels.
The MSM, no longer an unbiased news apparatus, is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. And their goal is to destroy the swamp-usurper DJT, his successes, his popularity, and his legacy. How dare the rubes in flyover country choose DJT and his populist MAGA message in favor of the swamp's designated successor to the Kenyan, the corrupt and criminal Hillary Clinton.
But Americans did. And the left never got over it.
So the prevailing attitude in Washington is "Trump gets nuthin!' So there!" How very mature of them. When hundreds of thousands of foreigners amass on a country's border, that by definition is an invasion. But the entrenched democrat disloyal opposition obstructs any attempt to enforce American law or construct a barrier, instead they welcome the invaders, and reward them in the process. When Trump turns the economy around and adds millions of new, high wage jobs, we get crickets from the swamp and its pet dog media. When Trump backs down America's existential enemies - namely Iran, North Korea and Islam - the left goes insane and does everything in its power to sabotage his efforts.
But he prevails in spite of all their subterfuge, and that drives the left even further left, and further apart from real Americans.
The real reason for the left becoming so emboldened, so radical, and so anti-American is the carnage wrought by the disastrous eight-year reign of the despicable Kenyan and his apparatchik. He promised to "transform America," and in blindsiding an unsuspecting electorate, was wildly successful in doing just that. He expanded and amplified the notion of identity politics to include all kinds of sexually confused people, social justice warriors, perpetually offended snowflakes, illegal alien invaders, anyone non-white and non-Christian, and of course the criminally insane. These poor folks were elevated to the status of valid voting blocks, joining the ranks of traditional democrat voters such as non-citizens, multiple-voters and dead people.
But as the left and its media lapdog drive Americans further apart, not only politically but ideologically, an opportunity for positive change arises. Despite the constant negative barrage of anti-Trumpism in the media and in Hollywood, more and more real Americans are beginning to recognize what the left really is. And that is pure evil. True Americans will never tolerate embracing evil.
We can expect the left to up its game, especially because they know they're losing the ideological battle with conservative Americans. So in the near future we'll see more impeachment attempts, legal challenges, gun confiscation, censorship of conservative voices, hate hoaxes, and more unsubstantiated allegations against Trump.
But the irony is that all that divisiveness will eventually re-unite us. The political winds are changing. Reunification may only occur after a full throated American resistance to the swamp - perhaps under force of arms - further decides the matter. And then the left will be driven back underground - back into Hell - where it always has resided.