Friday, November 11, 2016

Beware The Hidden Hand

Obama Vows to Work With President-elect Donald Trump
Note the expressions on their faces
There is nothing - in my experience - more vile, deceitful and duplicitous than a hardcore Alinsky-ite left wing democrat.  They will stop at nothing to enforce their perverted worldview on others.  That's more than just an opinion, by the way, as several studies have shown that folks of this persuasion have notably different brain activity patterns than do folks who tend to be constitutionalist conservative in their outlook. The former use less of their cognitive function, but more of their emotional response.  That in part is why it is hard for them to see reality;  they believe a thing even in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence.  Like climate change is real and a threat.  Like Marxism works for the good of all.  Like big government tyranny is better than individual liberty.  Like guns are inherently bad.  And like Trump voters are ignorant, uneducated rubes.

So while the media - still licking its wounds and whimpering - covers the so-called transition of power meeting between the Kenyan and president-elect Donald Trump, it tries to present the Kenyan as conciliatory and respectful of the new president, emphasizing the Kenyan's vow to do everything possible to ensure a smooth transfer of leadership.  How noble.  How classy.  How disingenuous.

The problem with that sweet scenario is that, as we all know after the last eight years, the Kenyan falls neatly into the former category described above.  In his mind, it's a personal affront to him that DJT, the most imperfect and improbable presidential candidate in the first place, to have won the election so resoundingly.  Absent in his calculus is the fact that the American people rejected the Kenyan's worldview, culture and policies out of hand.  Completely.  Undeniably.

So while the Kenyan summons DJT to the white house to sit for the requisite photo ops, George Soros, his puppet master, is out there continuing to fund  riots, protests, vicious media articles, secession movements, all kinds of disruption and chaos, and yep, even calling for Trump's assassination.  Why?  Because hardcore Alinsky-ite left wing democrats never give up their fight to impose their perverted worldview on others.  Not ever.  And certainly not just because they lost an election.  It's not about the good of the people.  It's not about the will of the people.  It's not about jobs, or middle class security.   It's not about multiculturalism.  It's not about anything they say it's about.  It's only about them holding power over you.  Period.

So to Mr. Trump I say:  beware the hidden hand when one extends his hand to shake.  When the smile is broad, the eyes are dead, and the other hand is hidden, you're in the presence of a monster.  And that goes for those in either party and the media as well.

Beware the hidden hands.  Trust no one, Mr. Trump.

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