Another Attack, Another Muslim
Nine people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, and one was in
critical condition. The incident was initially reported as an "active
shooter" situation, but the suspect used his car to mow down pedestrians, and then jumped out and started stabbing students randomly. A police officer was on the scene within a
minute and killed the assailant. "He engaged the suspect and eliminated
the threat," OSU Police Chief Craig Stone said. Good riddance, and thankfully there were no further casualties.
Following on the heels of a newly released ISIS video, instructing Muslim "lone wolves" how to use edged and other common weapons against unarmed "non-believers", it's unlikely this incident will be anything other than another vicious ISIS incited attack. As the Kenyan rushes to import more of these crazed savages into civilized American communities, we hear the dhimmi supporters tell us this evil and savage butchery is not really Islam. Bullshit. Stop listening to people who tell you Muslim terrorists aren’t real Muslims because “they hijacked the religion.” As I've maintained in these pages, there
is no such thing as “moderate” Islam and no such thing as “radical” Islam. Islam is Islam, and has been such for 1,400 years. Just because your Muslim neighbor hasn’t tried to kill
you yet, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t jump at the chance to force you into accepting Islamic sharia law
under penalty of death.
And quite frankly, the authorities should either immediately deport these savages back to their countries of origin, or perhaps to Saudi Arabia, or just eliminate the threat at first opportunity with extreme prejudice. Identify, intern, deport. Resisters should be shot on sight. And CAIR needs to be
banned here in the US, as it is a terrorist organization with direct
connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, another terrorist organization.
"Run. Hide. Fight?" No. Kill 'em. Enough is enough.
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