Monday, November 28, 2016

Another Attack, Another Muslim

Image result for ohio state somali killerEarly reports from Ohio State University's ruthless and murderous attack this morning validates what simple logic would suggest: a crazed Muslim killed and wounded some Americans. Abdul Razak Ali Artan, now deceased, was an 18 (or 19 or 20 according to some reports) year old Ohio State student, a Somali refugee who was a legal permanent resident of the United States.  Thanks, Kenyan.  Another imported "refugee" martyr for Mohammad.  How humanitarian.

Nine people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, and one was in critical condition. The incident was initially reported as an "active shooter" situation, but the suspect used his car to mow down pedestrians, and then jumped out and started stabbing students randomly.  A police officer was on the scene within a minute and killed the assailant. "He engaged the suspect and eliminated the threat," OSU Police Chief Craig Stone said.   Good riddance, and thankfully there were no further casualties.

Following on the heels of a newly released ISIS video, instructing Muslim "lone wolves" how to use edged and other common weapons against unarmed "non-believers", it's unlikely this incident will be anything other than another vicious ISIS incited attack.  As the Kenyan rushes to import more of these crazed savages into civilized American communities, we hear the dhimmi supporters tell us this evil and savage butchery is not really Islam.  Bullshit. Stop listening to people who tell you Muslim terrorists aren’t real Muslims because “they hijacked the religion.”  As I've maintained in these pages, there is no such thing as “moderate” Islam and no such thing as “radical” Islam.  Islam is Islam, and has been such for 1,400 years.  Just because your Muslim neighbor hasn’t tried to kill you yet, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t jump at the chance to force you into accepting Islamic sharia law under penalty of death. 

And quite frankly, the authorities should either immediately deport these savages back to their countries of origin, or perhaps to Saudi Arabia, or just eliminate the threat at first opportunity with extreme prejudice.  Identify, intern, deport.  Resisters should be shot on sight.  And CAIR needs to be banned here in the US, as it is a terrorist organization with direct connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, another terrorist organization.

"Run. Hide. Fight?"  No.  Kill 'em.  Enough is enough.


Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 12.45.32 PMThe Donald has been sighted wearing a new hat as he left his Florida mansion, and it seems to be a visual site gag.  It's a red hat with "USA" in white lettering  on the front over the bill, and "45" in white on the side.  Outstanding!  It is unclear whether an official version of the hat will be offered for sale online or at Trump’s various souvenir stores.  Now most folks may assume the 45 refers to Trump being the 45th United States President, and I'm sure that is the case. 

But some, including myself, think there may be a tongue-in-check reference to America's favorite handgun cartridge, the ubiquitous 45 caliber.  That caliber is available in ACP, Long Colt, GAP and 445 Webley.  The addition of "45" on Mr. Trump's new hat is such a great double entendre that I had to comment on it.  We know Mr. Trump has a concealed carry permit, but we don't know what caliber he carries.  Is this a clue?  Brilliant!

Image result for 45 acp v 45 long coltAs the shell-shocked (pun intended) and rejected left tries every nonsensical ploy like calling for vote recounts to either nullify or delegitimize - or both - Mr. Trump's historical election victory over the entrenched globalist elitists, this seemingly innocent cross reference may have a somber implication.  And that is simply, as Ted Cruz recently said, if the newly elected officials (by that I mean the GOP) fail to enact their outsider platform that got them elected, there will be torches and pitchforks in the streets in Washington, DC.

And those torches very well may illuminate weapons that use America's favorite cartridge.  Forty-five indeed! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Consequence Or Magnanimity?

In a political environment it is sometimes necessary to be magnanimous rather than just.  That may very well be Mr. Trump's reasoning in his decision to not appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Mizz Clinton and her foundation.  After all, her electoral defeat is utterly complete: her reign in public life is over and done.  She's toast.  To let the dying die alone may be a practical and pragmatic approach to this national embarrassment, and Trump's position on this matter is evidence of his Solomanesque good character.

Image result for clinton for prison
Make It So
It's an admirable decision, and despite its wholesomeness, I disagree with it.  I would like to support it, and executive pardons of nasty and criminal people are granted every day, I get it.  But in Clinton's case, her disregard of the law, of protocol, of national security, of American sovereignty, of human life and of the public trust, it is incumbent upon the Justice Department to investigate her and her money laundering enterprise thoroughly, and if warranted, indict, prosecute and imprison her for her obvious seditious criminality.

While not prosecuting her may be a feel-good, emotionally healing decision, consequence of action cannot be merely overlooked, most especially with a career long, highly placed public official.  No one else gets to skate from the consequence one's actions, let alone of treason and criminality, so why should she?  There's just too much that stinks with her crime family, and the most feel good healing will occur after justice is served.

I expect that Trump will not personally initiate an investigation.  I think that task will be left to others.  That will be the proper way to show both magnanimity and consequence.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Why Rush Technology?

I'm not a Luddite by any means, but I do caution the world in its insane rush into all things autonomous.  In the just last few years, we've seen the advent of self driving cars from every major automotive manufacturer, we've seen smart phones that are capable of more tasks than users are capable of controlling, we've seen robotics that are designed to replace human sexual relationships, and we've seen the rise of computer control of every single aspect of modern life from regulating refrigerator temperature to monitoring blood pressure. 

But is it a good thing?  There are wonderful and useful examples of technology embedded in our daily lives, and that's fine.  But why must all of this effort go into these kinds of - dare I say ridiculous - pursuits?  Convenience?  My watch can answer my phone as I ride to work in a self driving car, at the same time I'm being orally serviced by a fabulously beautiful human-like robot.  Now that scenario is something right out of a science fiction movie, but it is actually real and possible today.  But is it a good thing?

Have we as a society become so lazy that we can't do anything for ourselves anymore?  I can understand science and technology progressing for its own sake.  Ideas and concepts are built upon those that have gone before.  I get it.  But electronic banking?  Self driving cars?  Tire pressure sensors?  Robotic companions?  Virtual reality sex?  Why?  Just because we can?

Image result for robotics and sex
I'd rather be hiking outdoors in the real
Maybe my main objection is the fact that every time we give up a sliver of control over our lives for mere convenience, we give up a sliver of control over our lives.  How many times has your computer failed and actually made more work for you?  My bank account is merely a series of zeros and ones.  Anyone nowadays can go and get my money any time.  But it's convenient to use a debit card instead of carrying cash; I might get robbed carrying cash, you know.  My smart phone watches me to see if I'm using the interface.  It tracks not only my movements, but my calls, messages and any links to the internet I may open.  Why?  Who needs to know where I am and what I read?   The answer to that is in the question.  Someone wants that information, and they will have it with or without my consent.

I am, however, an advocate for the self aware, intelligent and educated (as opposed to indoctrinated) adult.  I'm an advocate for self reliance and self sufficiency.  These are admirable characteristics in my view.  I'm an advocate for space exploration, for applied scientific and medical research and development, and for greater human evolution into the awareness that we live in a marvelous and wondrous universe that we barely understand or acknowledge.  We don't need to - and we shouldn't - exchange the existential reality of being for the nonsense of fabricated pseudo-technology.  It's my view that all these wonderful modern conveniences that have such a wow-factor are merely substitutes for reality.  And it's my view that they tend to erode the very humanistic traits that make us, well, human. Worse, nobody woke up one morning and decided that his watch should be able to fry his morning eggs; all this is merely product driven rather than consumer driven.

Philosophy aside, what happens when we rely on these things completely and they either become self aware, or they break down?  Or are controlled by nefarious actors?  We are at their mercy one way or the other.  Pretty scary, either scenario.  So let's think this through very carefully before we rush headlong into unproven and dicey technology.  It may make life easier and simpler when it all works as planned, I will stipulate that point.

But should we really bet our lives on it always working?  

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

TPP: It Could Be Worse, And It Is

American voters got it right last week.  And one of the biggest bones of contention they have with the Kenyan's current style of governance is the dictatorial way he enacts laws.  I didn't say "passed" laws, because the president doesn't pass laws; he signs bills passed by congress, which then become law.  The Kenyan, of course, knows better than congress and the people it represents, so he's entitled to "fast track" legislation that bypasses congressional review and essentially becomes law.  That's how we got stuck with Obamacare.  He snookered congress into passing a bill they hadn't even read.  We all remember Nancy Pelosi's famous utterance, "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it."  Brilliant.  But none would question the motives of this president because, well, he's black and we don't want to be accused of being racist.  No matter what harm may befall the country and society, we just can't be called racists.  So we'll just sign off on whatever Marxist destruction he deems fit to impose upon us.

Image result for tpp
TPP Nations
Now we're presented with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.  Like the Obamacare scam, TPP, which is not simply a “trade deal” but the creation of a new global governing structure, which weighs in at 5,554 pages and can only be reviewed in a secret, secured room in Washington, D.C. by congressmen and aides with certain security clearances. Under current fast-track rules, it cannot by amended or filibustered by Congress, according to Breitbart news.  Well, isn't that just swell.  I've heard of the notion of one man, one vote, but I'm not sure this is what was intended.

That said, the realities of political governance require a delicate touch.  Trump is brilliant in his selection of personnel for his team; he needs some outsiders to counter the status quo as promised in the campaign, but he also needs some guys in the inside as well. General Patton saw the need to leave mid level Nazis in place in Berlin in 1945, just to ensure the trains ran on time, after all.  Don't throw out the baby with the bath water, and all that.   Personally I don't trust Paul Ryan as far as I could throw him, but I'll wait and see if he's on board, or if he continues to act behind the scenes to sabotage the Trump agenda.  My last post warns against trusting the hidden hand, and I hope president-elect Trump will not let the globalists dissuade him from ending the ill advised erosion of national sovereignty.

Once bit, twice shy.  Obamacare is a destructive disaster.  It turns out to be even worse than we thought. So will be the TPP.  Voters know that what they don't know may rise up and bite them yet again.  And they are wary.  Very much so. So anytime a massive bill of any kind is brokered in back rooms and in secret red flags should go up.  If the people's business can't be conducted in the harsh light of day, it has no business being considered.  TPP should be rejected on its face, for just that reason.  Yet in the personage of House Ways and Means committee chair Kevin Brady another hidden hand reveals itself inside the GOP, as he urges the renegotiation of the TPP, rather than it's withdrawal.  Even the Kenyan's administration has admitted there is no way forward for this ludicrous surrender of sovereignty.  But big money donors to both parties are evidently still burning up the phone lines.

Again I say, trust no one, Mr. Trump.  And kill everything the Kenyan has done in the last eight years.  The voters are with you.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Beware The Hidden Hand

Obama Vows to Work With President-elect Donald Trump
Note the expressions on their faces
There is nothing - in my experience - more vile, deceitful and duplicitous than a hardcore Alinsky-ite left wing democrat.  They will stop at nothing to enforce their perverted worldview on others.  That's more than just an opinion, by the way, as several studies have shown that folks of this persuasion have notably different brain activity patterns than do folks who tend to be constitutionalist conservative in their outlook. The former use less of their cognitive function, but more of their emotional response.  That in part is why it is hard for them to see reality;  they believe a thing even in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence.  Like climate change is real and a threat.  Like Marxism works for the good of all.  Like big government tyranny is better than individual liberty.  Like guns are inherently bad.  And like Trump voters are ignorant, uneducated rubes.

So while the media - still licking its wounds and whimpering - covers the so-called transition of power meeting between the Kenyan and president-elect Donald Trump, it tries to present the Kenyan as conciliatory and respectful of the new president, emphasizing the Kenyan's vow to do everything possible to ensure a smooth transfer of leadership.  How noble.  How classy.  How disingenuous.

The problem with that sweet scenario is that, as we all know after the last eight years, the Kenyan falls neatly into the former category described above.  In his mind, it's a personal affront to him that DJT, the most imperfect and improbable presidential candidate in the first place, to have won the election so resoundingly.  Absent in his calculus is the fact that the American people rejected the Kenyan's worldview, culture and policies out of hand.  Completely.  Undeniably.

So while the Kenyan summons DJT to the white house to sit for the requisite photo ops, George Soros, his puppet master, is out there continuing to fund  riots, protests, vicious media articles, secession movements, all kinds of disruption and chaos, and yep, even calling for Trump's assassination.  Why?  Because hardcore Alinsky-ite left wing democrats never give up their fight to impose their perverted worldview on others.  Not ever.  And certainly not just because they lost an election.  It's not about the good of the people.  It's not about the will of the people.  It's not about jobs, or middle class security.   It's not about multiculturalism.  It's not about anything they say it's about.  It's only about them holding power over you.  Period.

So to Mr. Trump I say:  beware the hidden hand when one extends his hand to shake.  When the smile is broad, the eyes are dead, and the other hand is hidden, you're in the presence of a monster.  And that goes for those in either party and the media as well.

Beware the hidden hands.  Trust no one, Mr. Trump.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016


Image result for trump 2016  electoral map states that flipped
Wrong!  Why Americans Don't Trust the Media
Now that the balloons have dropped, and the fireworks display has been cancelled, it's time for the Democrats to pop a couple of Advil and knock back some strong coffee.  Nausea, sobbing and headaches will undoubtedly be the order of the day for the Media/DNC/Globalist elitists over the next few weeks.  And they have every right to be - er, uncomfortable - now that their stranglehold on political discourse has been irrevocably and  undeniably broken.  They thought they could continue to bully and demean real Americans by running the corrupt Hillary like they did that other corrupt Chicago community organizer.  They thought they could take on the American people - you know, we despicable rubes who live out here in flyover country - and they lost.  They lost big.  Whoa.  Didn't see that one coming.  

I'm trying to be as gracious as possible, but the cold hard facts are these:  There was an internal coup d'etat orchestrated and perpetrated by the Media/DNC/Globalist elites headed by the Kenyan/Clinton/Soros crime syndicate. That silent coup lasted eight long years.  Thanks in large part to Wkileaks and The Veritas Project, those crimes, schemes and sedition were uncovered and made public.  And the public, far from being too dumb to realize they were living under a corrupt and tyrannical dictatorship, rose up, found a leader and put down the coup.  Clinton's criminality, and by extension the Kenyan's perverted and hateful version of America, has been resoundingly rejected.  Let freedom ring.  Let corruption and treason be punished.  Let the terrorists be terrified.

Now the unfinished business of putting the country back together again after two terms of the Kenyan's divisiveness begins today.  The good guys won the Oval Office, and held onto majorities in the House and Senate.  The FBI can now throw off the oppressive and repressive edicts from Director James B. Comey and his fellow traitors in the Department of Justice, specifically Attorney General Loretta Lynch and assistant attorney general Peter J. Kadzik, and investigate the rampant criminality and treason that has permeated Washington DC for a decade.  That investigation will go all the way to the top, and the FBI knows it, the entrenched elites know it, and we the people know it.  The Clintonistas have good reason to fear.

For the rest of us, we can still see - through the fog - that shinning city on a hill once more. And as we cleanse ourselves of the filth of this eight-year-long nightmare, the world - along with us - breathes a sigh of relief.

America returns to greatness again.