The Purists' Fallacy
Many conservative purists are part of the Never Trump movement, and I wonder why. A purist is a conservative who embraces economic freedom, personal liberty, smaller constitutional republic form of government and a laizze faire approach to business by government. I am one of these. But many purists cringe at Trump; they say Trump is not a conservative. They say he's just in it for fame and glory. A bit of envy, perhaps, as they may be in it for fame, glory and acquiring excessive wealth. Trump already has excessive wealth. And the purists know that the other party's candidate is a dinosaur entrenched in crony capitalism, globalist agenda, big government and total control of everything and everyone, whose election will absolutely ensure a continuance of the Kenyan's unparalleled destruction. Everything a conservative despises. Yet purists insist that she's a better choice for president than is Donald Trump. Wow. I disagree, yet I wonder why the purists hold this to be true.
Yes, I'm a conservative, and I wish we had a conservative in the race. But I also realize this race isn't about ideology. It's about survival. It's about preserving who we are as a people and a culture. The road back to the conservative nation we once were, with laizze faire economic freedom and personal liberty is long and arduous. And right now, the good people of this great nation are in survival mode. Right now they must fight the threat at the door which is a clear and present danger, and other threats will just have to wait their turn. And right now we need to win this battle first, so we can fight on to win the war. And winning the war will be the return to what the American experiment was all about. So it's truly all about this battle. Right now.
And therein lies the purists' fallacy.
And Trump is the only one in position at this time to take on the threat at the door. He is a leader, and that is exactly what is needed now, not an another intellectual pondering the meaning of "conservatism." He stands up - alone in many cases - against the politically correct ooze that threatens the nation and its way of life. I get it, and so do scores of millions of other Americans of all creeds, colors and status, who see this threat as a fight to the death for our way of life - and for our children's future. This nation has fought external enemies and prevailed. How it fares against an internal one remains to be seen.
Rather than ridiculed and defamed as a fraud or huckster, Trump should be lauded for having the testicular fortitude to take on the threat directly and forcefully; the big government globalists, the sycophantic media, the leftist pundits and the dumbed-down millennials cowering in their snowflake enshrined safe places.
So to all you purists out there I say, you best be gettin' with the program, bro. We'll come back to Goldwater and Buckley and others after we win this one. But right now we need you on our side so that the American experiment will not be lost forever.
And certainly not lost due to a political fallacy.
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