Every man who has ever been in a relationship with a woman knows that the myth that there's no such thing as a man being abused by a female is emphatically false. In fact the abusive female stereotypes are ingrained in our culture: picture the hefty harpy in hair curlers with a rolling pin; the high maintenance broad complaining about - well - everything; the henpecked milquetoast hubby; lyrics from Pink Floyd " . . . their fat psychopathic wives, beat them to within inches of their lives"; and even Shakespeare writing about the taming of the shrew. Clearly men have been abused, harassed and victimized since time immemorial. Yet furthering and doubling down on that abuse of men is what the feminist movement has been all about for the last fifty years: denigrate men, worship women.

Started in earnest during the "enlightenment" of the 1960s, this vile movement was formed by women too smug, too angry, too vicious and yes, too ugly to ever attract a man's attention. A whole generation of women, taunted with the false notion of "If a man can, I can too," have been lead into an adversarial relationship with men. Studies today indicate a majority of millennial men want little or nothing to do with a male-female relationship. It's just too damn vexing to deal with a post feminist self absorbed woman. As proof of this just consider the number of selfies posted by young women on social media in the last few years. Narcissism and self absorption is the rule for today's girls as they scream,
"I love me, so I don't need you!" Yikes. What man needs that? One can readily see why the gay movement has blossomed, and why many men want to become women. Because of feminists' belief that men are rapists waiting for an opportunity, and that men are violent by nature, men who are involved in relationships are being abused more than ever. On study even finds that up to 48% of men in the US have said they've suffered domestic abuse in their relationships with partners.
Here are some actual verbatim comments by men who are in, or are recently free from, disastrous male-female relationships where the man is the victim of spousal abuse. Absolutely anonymous, of course.
It takes a village...
Female abusers succeed by co-opting the
social infrastructure, institutional supports, and popular beliefs that
become complicit in the abuse. Female abusers exploit, manipulate, and
ransom not only men's resources but their personal security.
To catch these predators one has to know what weapons these femdom adherents use. These include alienation of children, financial waste, hiding assets,
triangulation (affairs), divorce, gaslighting, deliberately triggering anger, ignoring, marginalization, public disrespect, insulting, and false reporting.
All of these are not only acceptable for women - they are routinely
supported and encouraged in our social and civil institutions and talk
about abuse.
Men, have you noticed any of those weapons aimed at you? Anyone? Yep, I can guarantee every man reading this has experienced all or most of these in each of his relationships with women.
Duplicitous double standard . .
We not only don't believe men's
stories - we actively marginalize them in our laws and institutions. We
are duplicitous even in our morality and reasoning: when men cheat they
are dogs - when women cheat it's because they are unappreciated
at home. More than 2/3 of divorces are filed by women, not men. Women
press for commitment, get exactly what they wanted then devalue it. Abused
men don't stay in these relationships because they
can't recognize the abuse - they stay because women have an
entire village to help them perpetrate this insanity without pause, or
reflection. And God help the poor bastard who ever tries to fight back. He can't; he's just got to take it.
The truth of the statement "Women
press for commitment, get exactly what they want, then devalue it" cannot be overemphasized. That should be a canon taught in second year law school.
Divorce will free me . .
In the hands of an abuser or narcissist woman, divorce and related law is a
tool with devastating potential - it provides women the means to coerce men
with the very real and demonstrable threat to deprive a man of his very
liberty, alienate his children, and destroy his reputation. Divorce is
not a way out for abused men. It doesn't end the abuse - it
escalates it. It is a paralyzing reality for any man faced with an
abusive spouse.
Men who have lived through a divorce or two, especially with kids involved, might not disagree in any way this this.
Masculinity is at stake . .
Men are abused with lies, deception, gaslighting,
alienation and manipulation on a stage with an all too willing public audience.
Masculinity? Seriously? This is what you think troubles an abused man
most? How about the very real prospect of legal, parental, and social
suicide within that non-believing public so aptly described? Where do
you naively expect them to find actual safety?
I can answer that: With the boys. Or in solitude.
Criminal enterprise . .
Female abusers
operate more like white collar criminals - victims are targeted and destroyed with
little or no consequence to the perpetrator. Unless physical wounds are present, no crime other than misandry is committed. There are no shelters for
men, because shelter is not what would save them. The only thing they really
need is societal objectivity - and it's not forthcoming.
There you have it. The ugliness of societal misandry as it manifests itself as spousal abuse. It's legal, it's supported by both society and law, and it's committed every day, in ever greater frequency. But we don't see it - yet - because men typically won't admit that they have been - or are now - victims of domestic psychological spousal violence. The problem will come to light, however, because there are thousands upon thousands of relationships in the US alone that are being destroyed by female domestic abuse. And that abuse and its attendant resentment will eventually boil to the surface, where it can be seen and recognized by all. And hopefully stopped.
Until then boys, heed Paul Simon's sage advice: ". . Make a new plan, Stan. Drop off the key, Lee. Slip out the back, Jack, Just get yourself free." Amen.
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