The Third World At Home
Ah, America! The shining city on a hill. An idea manifested as a place where dreams come true for anyone who is willing to adopt a sense of personal responsibility, hard work and self sufficiency. The crowning achievement of man's effort to govern himself and others fairly and equitably. It was and remains the best system of self governance ever devised. That is until the perpetually offended took the reins of power, led by a homosexual, mulatto bastard from Kenya.
By way of the left's doctrine of incrementalism, individual liberties have been eroded within America to the point where the country's culture is almost unrecognizable as it was when founded. Political correctness is censorship used to quell free speech, and victimhood is used to promote the benefit of the minority over the will of the majority. A government of, by and for the people has become instead a government of elites over the people. Lies, deceit and misinformation are the norm today as the once reliable free press has become politicized as nothing more than a propaganda arm of the ruling class.
Embattled, but still flying |
So we get blacks who are taught to believe in their cause of victimhood, and are justified in killing police. Any police. We get uneducated Hispanics who form gangs that rob and kill, and whose kids go wilding in malls all over the country. All of which are coordinated and planned and well funded. We get Muslims whose only goal is to establish a global caliphate, and that means destroying every western government in the world.
I myself had a brush with arrogant, ignorant Muslims just last night. My significant other and I went to one of our local restaurants, and a Muslim group was subsequently seated in the booth directly behind us. They yammered all night in Arabic or possibly Farsi, but certainly not in English. A lone male joined the group, left briefly, came back, left again and returned again. As it was a sports themed restaurant, I turned in my booth seat from time to time to watch the Miami game being played on the television behind me. This apparently disturbed the peaceful tribe behind me, because as we finished dinner and started to leave, I spoke briefly with the manager, whom we know. I was drenched in hateful glares from these imported savages from the barren deserts of God knows where. They must have noticed that we wear gold crosses. Mine's Celtic, hers Catholic. But as I pulled out of the parking lot, the lone male and others decided to intimidate me by driving their car aggressively and tailgating me. I don't intimidate easily, and certainly not from untrained, indoctrinated cultists like these. I accelerated and took a quick right turn into what I knew to be a bank parking lot to verify their intentions. Sure enough the idiot followed me in. But before he could get to the bank lot, I had quickly turned my car around and now faced the entrance. Startled to see me face on, he sped around me and attempted to circle the bank drive in lanes to come after me. At that point the wife and I racked the slides of our carry .45s, and awaited what may become a confrontation. But savages and bullies are always cowards, and these Muslim thugs high tailed it rather than face free, armed, well trained American citizens. But as these in-bred bastards continue to invade, with help from the unapologetic Kenyan and his Muslim advisors, we should be prepared for even more third world violence. And for incidents like this.
But political pendulums swing from side to side, and we Americans received a wonderful Christmas present this year. There will be corrections to the Kenyan's treasonous policies in the weeks and months to come. My hope is that these will be diplomatic and peaceful. But if the poorly trained, poorly armed and uneducated Muslim and Hispanic hoards want to confront us, they will learn what other enemies of the United States have learned over the last two hundred fifty years. And that is this: the greatest fighter in the world is a well armed, well trained and determined American citizen.
If you want to die for Allah's glory, I'm here to help.