Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Cheese With That Pizza?

I was prepared to skip commenting on the scandal  referred to as "Pizzagate," but as more information comes to light, it seems this matter is far more than just a false flag "fake news" item meant to distract.   It very well turn out to be a rather serious sexual Satanic cult story involving certain high profile Democrats.  As there is little factual truth in media these days, as the mainstream media has so aptly demonstrated in the last few years, and internet information is to be taken with an appreciable helping of salt, one must dig deep before accepting anything as true.  But this story is plausible, and continues grow legs.

John Podesta speaks at the National Press Club in Washington in this June 27, 2007, file photo. (AP File Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) ** FILE ** It began with emails to and from John Podesta arising from the Wikileaks dump of Hillary's email.  Included in this truanch were emails in which some interesting interplay between Podesta, Hillary's campaign chairman and Bill's chief of staff, and others refer to a Washington DC area pizza shop known as Comet Ping Pong Pizza.  It's infamous for being a haven for those interested in pedophilia and human trafficking, and was and is frequented by Podesta, his brother, Bill and Hill, the Kenyan and other DC heavyweights.  One particular email, sent to John Podesta, refers to a handkerchief, white on black, depicting a map and referencing pizza.  Deciphering the code reveals the hidden parlance used by pedophiles to describe their sick perversions that range from simple homo-and-hetero sex to sadomasochism and bondage to even death of kids.  This story, it seems, is very, very disturbing, and illuminates behaviors that are so beyond merely taboo as to be the ultimate Satanic evil.  

Spirit Cooking and other deviant behaviors
I'm not going to rehash this horrifying, twisted and complex tale, readers are encouraged to catch up on the story here.  The mainstream media hasn't touched it, and even Drudge, the site that broke the story initially, has backed off it.  And an internet search won't reveal the shear volume of articles and videos on this story, and that tells me a lot.  It seems very high government officials are involved, or it's so pervasive in the government that it's untouchable.  Or both. 

If there's any truth to this revelation, and it looks as though it's probably accurate, it should be a wake up call to all moral Americans as to the Satanic depths and depravity to which the regressive far left has taken the culture.  And perhaps it also serves to trigger the will to reverse that trend.

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