Friday, October 30, 2015

Just Say The Words

Andrew Burton/Getty Images
5/7ths of the GOP Presidential Field
As the hoopla continues from Wednesday's GOP debate, some interesting things can be noted.  The first, and probably most important item of note, is that the world saw first hand and in living color the vicious left-wing media - called by some as the mainstream media, or better yet, the Ministry of Truth - trying its best to vilify the Republican candidates.  The CNBC moderators' questions ranged from the openly insulting and antagonistic, to long orations of left wing talking points, to out-and-out inane.  If the mission was to embarrass or "take out" any given candidate, if failed miserably.  In  fact, the exact opposite occurred:  the moderators themselves were booed for their condescension and conceit.  Ted Cruz launched his "Cruz missile" at the unenlightened, deer-in-the-headlights morons posing as journalists, and was rewarded with the entire audience cheering and applauding, all but drowning out the weak protestations of the talking heads. This campaign season has shown that the GOP candidates, at long last, are refusing to be bullied, harried and manipulated by people who are less intelligent, less educated, and less interested in solving America's problems than they are in getting enough face time.  I call this the Trump Effect.  You hit me, I hit back - harder. Trump's been doing this since day one, and now it's catching on.  Good.  And it's about bloody time Republicans stopped letting the leftist media dictate the terms of the debate.  Bravo!

Get Government Out Of The Boardroom
The other interesting thing I noticed in watching this marathon was that virtually all the candidates stated they wanted to reduce the size - and reach - of the federal government.  Some cited the growth of the welfare state, some high taxes, some crony capitalism, and some spoke of overreaching regulations.  All spoke of the debt the government is taking on to finance all this.  OK, I know this in itself is a Republican platform plank, but there's a term for it that can be easily articulated.  That term?  Laissez-faire.  From the French, it means to leave alone or to allow to do.  It is an economic and political doctrine that holds that economies function most efficiently when unencumbered by government regulation. Laissez faire advocates favor individual self-interest and competition, and oppose the taxation and regulation of commerce.  For most of our country's history laissez faire was the established official economic policy, and has only recently - in the last half century or less - been pushed aside in favor of socialism, nannyism and Big Government.  And how's that worked out for us?  Well, gee, it hasn't.  It's created a ruling class that considers individual citizens untrustworthy, and as such must be reigned in - that is, controlled - by a omnipotent and omnipresent government.  Well, you get what you vote for.

If the candidates who espouse smaller, less intrusive government would simply begin using the term, and explain what it means and how it was once our driving policy when the US was healthy and wealthy, they would not get the glazed over reactions when attempting to define complex and confusing economic policy to low information voters.  

So make my day, candidates.  Say the words.  Laissez-faire.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Seeing The Light On The Muslim Occupation

Ahmed Mohamed - aka the infamous "clock boy" - is well on his way in accomplishing his goal of making a political statement that Muslims are victims in the US.  His science project of a disassembled digital clock that he brought to school was perceived to be suspect, and as you will recall, he was summarily arrested as school officials determined the extent - if any - of the threat.  Comments about a child being arrested were vicious, and lost in the emotion was the fact that it was a test run on how to effectively bomb a school.
Terrorist, Terrorist-in-Training, Terrorist

Later we learn the Kenyan invited little Ahmed to the White House, and that his father is a Islamic cultist with delusions of being elected president of the Sudan.  Now we learn that Ahmed flies to Sudan to meet with Omer Hassan al-Bashir, who happens to be none other than the genocidal, brutal dictator of Sudan. And in another video, we learn that Ahmed's family is aligned with another terrorist organization, CAIR.  All this seems to be much to do about nothing if it were only about a clock.  But it's not, is it?  The little terrorist-in-training is luckier in his role as public relations jihadist  than many of his fellow Muslims his age and younger who are assigned to wear the explosive vests.  And his orders come directly from the Muslim in Chief. But while the Kenyan dotes on terrorist children, and gives them awards for whatever psychopathic reason, other countries are beginning to see the light.  They're becoming aware of the irreversible damage done to their culture by admitting these rabid animals into their countries.

For example, Switzerland is leading the European Union in the right direction as anti-Muslim party wins big in Parliament.  Watching the Muslim immigrants' destruction of - and biting the hand that feeds - Sweden, France and especially Germany, and seeing the effective results of border security in Hungary, Slovenia and now Croatia, has apparently given the Swiss pause in this insane European rush to roll over in the face of a massive Islamic occupation.  Islam is a plague, and like all diseases, it must be contained, and then eliminated.

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 10.54.44 PM
Terrorist Awards Night
In the US, however, it's still far too much to hope that the Muslim in the White House recognizes that Islam, Muslim culture and sharia law are wholly incompatible with the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, even as Chicago itself begins to become fed up with Muslim cultists.  He won't.  

It's simple to understand, really, because he's one of them.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Democrats: No Place For Heroes

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Webb is the recipient of the Navy Cross, the second-highest military decoration for valor. He was awarded the Navy Cross for his service during the Vietnam War. (Image via Twitter @TheFix)
1st Lt. Jim Webb, Viet Nam,  1969
Former Senator Jim Webb of Virginia is a hero.    Yet despite his feet-on-the-ground performance at Tuesday Democrat debate, when he declared the Viet Cong who threw that last grenade was his favorite enemy, CNN declared him a loser in that debate.  A loser?  I rise to take issue with that.  The losers were the two fifth grader communists who tried to best each other on who could be the bigger Marxist.  "Free health care!"  "Free college tuition."  "Punish the rich."  Morons pandering to imbeciles.  While the circus was in town - dedicated to ensuring the Hildebeast's nomination and her absolution of traitorous acts while Secretary of State - poor Jim's time was mostly spent squabbling with debate moderator Anderson Cooper over the amount of time allotted to the different candidates rather than in making an impression that would win over voters.  No kidding.  We can't have any American heroes on our network - it might offend the Muslim crazies, or worse, change people's minds about the insane, suicidal policies of the Regressives.

Senator Jim Webb, astoundingly still a democrat, is a decorated American warrior.  And there ain't too many of them left, especially in Congress.  He was awarded a Purple Heart, a Silver Star and a Navy Cross.  That's more than just fruit salad, folks.  That's a hero.  Here are the details of those awards, according to the official Navy Cross citation:

On 10 July 1969, while participating in a company-sized search and destroy operation deep in hostile territory, First Lieutenant Webb’s platoon discovered a well-camouflaged bunker complex which appeared to be unoccupied. Deploying his men into defensive positions, First Lieutenant Webb was advancing to the first bunker when three enemy soldiers armed with hand grenades jumped out. Reacting instantly, he grabbed the closest man and, brandishing his .45 caliber pistol at the others, apprehended all three of the soldiers. Accompanied by one of his men, he then approached the second bunker and called for the enemy to surrender. When the hostile soldiers failed to answer him and threw a grenade which detonated dangerously close to him, First Lieutenant Webb detonated a claymore mine in the bunker aperture, accounting for two enemy casualties and disclosing the entrance to a tunnel. Despite the smoke and debris from the explosion and the possibility of enemy soldiers hiding in the tunnel, he then conducted a thorough search which yielded several items of equipment and numerous documents containing valuable intelligence data. Continuing the assault, he approached a third bunker and was preparing to fire into it when the enemy threw another grenade. Observing the grenade land dangerously close to his companion, First Lieutenant Webb simultaneously fired his weapon at the enemy, pushed the Marine away from the grenade, and shielded him from the explosion with his own body. Although sustaining painful fragmentation wounds from the explosion, he managed to throw a grenade into the aperture and completely destroy the remaining bunker. By his courage, aggressive leadership, and selfless devotion to duty, First Lieutenant Webb upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.

Democratic presidential candidate former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb listens during the CNN Democratic presidential debate Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)
Sen. Jim Webb, CNN Democrat Debate 2015
Senator Webb, I offer you an invitation to join the party of America, the Republican Party, and quit being reviled in and by the party of Regressives.  You have a home here, as you know since you were for a time U. S. Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan administration.  I can assure you that your voice will be heard and you will have a willing audience.  We love heroes - and patriots.

Jim Webb. One tough Marine.  Ooh rah!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Nation's Castration

Obama has turned Putin into the world’s most powerful leader
A Man And His Girly Boy
It's hard to tell for certain if the United States' current global status as Russia's prison bitch has come about simply because of the sexual identity of the current occupant of the White House, but it certainly seems so.  While the Muslim-in-Chief frets about actually doing something to stop Islamic terror, a real man from the eastern hemisphere actually acts.  The United States is embarrassed and humiliated by this passivity toward a 7th century tribal jihad, as it cuts and runs both on land and sea in the face of effective threat neutralization. With astonishing speed, American influence—eroded by years of the Kenyan's pussyism—is fading, as Iraq realigns around Russia and Iran.  Even Israel.  It seems our friend Israel is really now Russia's friend Israel.  The Iraqis are celebrating the arrival of “Putin the Shiite” in Syria, hoping he’ll swing into Iraq to pick up the fight against ISIS. Of course, the Kenyan responds with platitudes and moral equivalency.  That'll show 'em. 

But no matter.  We have real issues here at home.  The US Navy has found the real enemy to fight:  male privilege.  How politically correct.  But we know what PC is for, don't we?  Now it's finally been admitted to.  Besides that, we have totalitarianism to enforce, and can't be bothered with overseas wars.

So the US is emasculated, castrated, and humiliated on the world stage.  But that was the plan all along with this deviant, wasn't it?  Obama voters, witness what you have wrought.

Friday, October 09, 2015

Tha Fallacy of Egalitarianism

Civilization Needs Both Swords And Scales
A concept that has been floating around for a half century is gaining ground, but even though it's seemingly valid on its face, it's been perverted into a destructive concept forming the foundation of political correctness.  I'm speaking, of course, of the concept of egalitarianism; that is, the notion that we're all one big happy family, everyone is equal, and no one is any better than the other.  In the United Sates that equality applies to matters of law - we're all equal in that regard.  Apart from that, not so much.  In current practice, egalitarianism is the effort to bring everyone down to victim status to ensure "fairness," that is to eliminate any form of discrimination via political correctness, by whatever means, and at whatever price. Yet discrimination is good, it's critical for survival.  But egalitarianism is weaponized empathy, and it is misguided and entirely destructive.   

I'm reminded of a thesis written on this subject back in the late 1980s, but that work was limited to addressing practices within law firms.  Ann Puckett's conclusions and observations are valid then and now, but in the last quarter century we've seen PC go global with predictable and terrifyingly destructive results.  In a global arena it is foolhardy - hell, it's suicidal - to pretend that all factions of a given conflict are morally equal, and should be treated such.  For brevity's sake I'll skeletalize this notion to just one example, because to flesh out this concept in its entirety would take quite a bit more space than is available here.  What we're seeing in the global jihad of Western nations and cultures, is a glaring example of the West's misguided dependence on the foolish notion of moral equivalency to justify and permit this Muslim invasion and assimilation.  The West thinks it's giving shelter and comfort to poor, displaced refugees by sharing the wealth of its great nations, but in reality is simply opening the city gates to the Islamic Trojan horse.  We are once again being grossly manipulated into feeling compassion for an invading force by having that force sold to us as being simply a pitiful collection of refugees.  Nonsense.  Islam teaches that it must occupy all lands, and displace the indigenous culture in favor of the Islamic culture.  Muslims do that by coming and staying;  we call that occupation.  And clearly, Islamic teaching under Sharia law is diametrically opposed to the concept of individual liberty and human rights held so dearly by Western culture.  Like the Star Trek's Borg, Islam spreads, assimilates everything into Islamic doctrine, and then moves on to the next victim.  They've been doing that for 1,400 years. 

Jihadi Boy Threatens to Cut Off Obama’s ‘Filthy Head’ Unless He Submits to ISIS
The Death Cult And The Culture of Violence
But the world is waking up to this insidious Islamic jihad, and is attempting to rectify past  suicidal policies
In Germany, despite Angel Merkel's open door policies towards Islamic scourge, the German people are finally seeing the results of this clash of culture.  

In Poland, a nationalist movement resists the historical flow of Muslims into Europe.  

In France, the government stops funding refugee camps after realizing the population is primarily Muslim men of fighting age.   

Slovakia seeks to leave the EU over invasive "immigration" policies which no one wants.  

In Sweden, now the rape capital of the world, 1,500 "migrants" invade Sweden weekly.  

In stark contrast, several Muslim countries have refused to take in any "refugees" at all.  Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees.  They share the same religion, same language, same culture, but they take zero emigres.  What do they know about these "refugees" that Europeans and Americans do not?  Where is their egalitarianism?

And in the United States, thanks to the Kenyan's pro-Muslim policies, we are in mortal danger.  But we know Muslim Brotherhood members occupy level unelected government positions, there's even more threat with communists here, and American cities are implementing sharia law: like Dearborn, MI, Detroit, MI, Murfreesboro, TN and others.

So therein lies the fallacy of egalitarianism.  The left uses our innate compassion as a weapon against us.  It's a false assumption, of course, as is all political correctness, and our survival depends upon recognizing and ignoring these falsehoods.   The truth is the civilized West is not equal to Islam, neither culturally nor morally.  Islam is not a race, it's not a religion, it's not even a nationality:  it's a cult.  It's the greatest threat to humanity and civilization as a whole.  And Islam and its followers of whatever stripe are not the equal of any occidental or oriental civilized cultures at all.

The Arabic letter "noon" is being adopted by Christians to stand against jihadist persecution in the Middle East. (Image source: Twitter)
The Arabic Letter Nun means NO
Islam cannot be reasoned with; it cannot be placated, it cannot be appeased, and it cannot be mitigated.  Individualism and liberty are ideas that are contrary to Islamic doctrine and sharia law as shown above.  Therefore it's not Islamophobic to realize Muslims are in fact out to either kill or assimilate you, and to empathize with them as equals is both foolhardy and suicidal.  The Islamic jihad of invasion must be stopped in every country, and to this threat civilization must say "no."

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Dear Yankees, Thanks But No Thanks

You gotta be kidding me.   Of all the insulting, inane, ridiculous, arrogant, self-serving things in the news today is this one:  Yankees redesign the Confederate flag.   Can you imagine?  Northeastern blue blood liberal fascists (down here south of the Mason-Dixon line we just call 'em Yankees) at National Public Radio spent y'all's hard earned tax dollars to redesign the Confederate flag.  Why, in God's name, would anyone do that?  And by what moral authority?  To further piss off us Southerners, and spit in our collective faces?  Mercy me, I guess so.   

Torn And Frayed But NEVER Forgotten
First off, I wonder which flag this lame design is supposed to replace?  The battle flag?  Or the three national flags?  Do these history revisionists even know the difference?  Probably not.  As a public service, I'll help them out.  The emblematic battle flag shown here was present in the upper left hand field on all but one - well, actually two - of the Confederate National flags.  The Southern Cross as it was called - the battle flag - consists of a blue Cross of St. Andrew trimmed in white - a tribute to the South's extensive bonny blue Scottish heritage - with thirteen white stars, representing the Confederate states, over a red field.  The stars represent the original 7 coastal Confederate States of South Carolina (December 20, 1860), Mississippi (January 9, 1861), Florida (January 10, 1861), Alabama (January 11, 1861), Georgia (January 19, 1861), Louisiana (January 26, 1861), and Texas (February 1, 1861), and subsequently Virginia (April 17, 1861), Arkansas (May 6, 1861), Tennessee (May 7, 1861), North Carolina (May 21, 1861). Efforts to secede failed in Kentucky and Missouri although those states were represented by two of the thirteen stars.

It's A Joke, Folks!
The NPR design is a nonsensical, featureless - dare I say faggoty - mess with no soul or representative meaning whatsoever.  But I guess our Yankee betters know what love for the South still beats in the hearts of Confederates, and are willing and able to design that representation for us.  As if we needed - or wanted - to change it.  My God!  What arrogance.  Well, it's that arrogant northern hubris that caused all that carnage 155 years ago in the first place, isn't it?  So little has changed.  Anyway, aside from the fact that no self respecting Southerner will do anything beyond laugh at this nonsense, it's all just an in-your-face insulting joke.  

Dear Yankees:  Thanks, but no thanks.

Monday, October 05, 2015

Scary Stuff Continues

Moscow says 600 'militants' flee Syria, vows to ramp up bombing
That's How You Do It!!
In keeping with this October's scary stuff, current events keep getting more and more, well, frightening.  While the Kenyan pouts and mopes after being exposed to the entire world as the immature, petulant child he really is, Vladimir Putin is doing a fine job killing Muslim killers.  Russian Sukhoi Su-24M and Su-34 jets flew 20 sorties against IRIS targets from Hmeymim Air Base near Latakia, striking eight self-proclaimed ISIS targets in and around Jisr al-Shugur, Syria.  According to Russia's Defense Ministry, Russian jets destroyed four ISIS command posts in addition to several munitions depots. Good job, Vlad.  In response, the US wags a limp wristed finger at Russian for not hitting ISIS targets, instead targeting US-backed Syrian "rebels."  A glaring comparison in tactics, it would seem.  I'm no fan of ex-KGB operative Putin in the greater sense, but you've got to admit he's more effective in fighting the world's greatest threat than is the homosexual mulatto from Kenya.  In fact, the Kenyan still can't even bring himself neither to recognize the existentialist threat that Islam presents to humanity, nor speak of it aloud.  Why?  The Kenyan's narrative that Islam is a religion of peace is not to be contradicted.  And his compliant lapdogs in the constitutionally protected press reflect his pathology by carrying the water for him. And they wonder why Trump and Carson have such long leads in polls. Meanwhile, the violent moon god worshipers, ever vigilant to return the world culture to the 7th century, destroyed another priceless piece of antiquity, the iconic 2,000 year old Arch of Triumph in Palmyra.

CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man
Photoshopped Into A White Boy
Here on the home front, news of another school shooting by a Negro Muslim sympathizer is being spun to fit the Kenyan's domestic narrative, and that is that only whites kill blacks. The LA Times tired to pass off  the mixed-race shooter as a white supremacist, and CNN went to extraordinary lengths to photoshop the shooter's photo to make him look white.  Actually, the shooter's mother is black (and somehow so far protected from the media, interestingly enough), and his biological father was a Brit, and had little if any influence in his childhood.  No matter the facts.  The news media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of this administration, regurgitating the narrative, as it exposes itself yet again.  

ice President Joe Biden and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch attend the 'Leader's Summit on Countering ISIL and Countering Violent Extremism' at the United Nations Headquarters, on September 29, 2015 in New York City. The Summit, hosted by Obama, addressed national, regional and global initiatives to counter ISIL and the spread of violent extremism. (Photo by )
Americans Are The Enemy
In another cause-and-effect phenomenon, gun sales surged yet again after the shooting became news, and even one victim's mother calls for armed vigilance.  Ever ready to infringe on individual rights, the Department of State wants to label the National Rifle Association (NRA) a terrorist group, but hasn't done so for Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), as has the United Arab Emirates (UEA).  Even scarier is the announcement of  a new executive order on Tuesday which authorizes federal agencies to conduct behavioral experiments on US citizens in order to advance government initiatives.  Imagine using behavioral psychology to individually target people; to individually pressure people into first accepting Progressive policies, and then supporting them.  The examples of how this stratagem can be misused and abused are myriad. Think common core, obamacare, gun confiscation, amnesty, baby parts harvesting, and on and on. And this administration and its Progressive Machine have already proved they will use it to advance their line of thinking…exclusively.  Now we know how he got reelected.

Not American:  All You Need To Know
And, finally, VP Joe Biden and AG Loretta Lynch want to have the UN arrest American citizens as violent extremists.  The United Nations is a sharia-compliant world body, and the Kenyan, speaking there just days ago, insisted that “violent extremism” is not exclusive to Islam, which it most certainly is.  The Kenyan is redefining jihad terror to include everyone - except the jihadists - and redefines political opponents as "extremists.". Lynch wants the UN to override the US Constitution and US law in policing American citizens. The bad news is that Sharia law is incomparable with the United States Bill of Rights.  So will the UN, driven largely by the sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the pro-Islamic post-American born-in-Kenya president, use a “global police force” to crush counter-jihad forces?  If they can pull this off, they will.

It's evident that this administration's goal is to destroy America, on every front and in every way.  And he's winning.  Scary enough for you?

Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Scary Season

Welcome, October!  It's the month of harvest, cooler weather, end of Daylight Savings Time and hurricane season, and my favorite - All Hallows Eve.  But Halloween isn't the only scary thing happening this month.  Scary stuff abounds!

¡Jeb! Funding Revealed
AP Photo/David Goldman
Soy Una Mexicana
What many of us suspected all along has been revealed:  Jeb Bush gets funding from the certain anti-American, globalist groups.  Bush, who considers the current Latin cultural invasion taking place in the US an act of love, and who thinks Common Core - the forced socialist indoctrination of American schoolchildren - is a good thing, is funded by those who would see America diminished. How?  Bush took investment money from HNA Group and spent it to invest in the gas shipping company Dorian LPG, which is incorporated in the Republic of The Marshall Islands.  Who funds HNA?  George Soros.  Scary that he could become president and have to repay all that largess.  But hey, don't read anything into that - just vote Jeb!.

The Beginning of WW III?
A frame grab taken from footage released by Russia's Defence Ministry September 30, 2015, shows precise airstrikes carried out by the country's air force on Wednesday, against Islamic State (IS) ground positions in a mountainous area in Syria. REUTERS/Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Boom!  Russian Airstrikes In Syria
Maybe.  Ever since the Carter administration deposed the Shah of Iran, instability in the Mideast has been the norm.  The removal of Shah Pahlavi of Iran left a vacuum that was immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal was to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate. Bush's removal of Saddam Husein of Iraq (no relation, we're told, to Barack Husein Obama), also left a vacuum that was immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal was to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate. The Arab Spring movement, promoted and  praised by the Kenyan's administration, removed Libya's Gadaffi from power and left a vacuum that was immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal was to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate. And again today, the Kenyan's call for the removal of President Al-Assad of Syria will create a vacuum which will be immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal is to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate.  At least the Russians can accurately read history, and have moved forces into the region to support Assad by striking "moderate" groups allied with the west and opposed to Assad.  America's abdication in the region - promulgated by the Kenyan's Muslim sympathies - has opened the door for Russia and Putin's geopolitical superpower ambitions to take center stage in the Mideast, which will promote Russian interests, but certainly not those of the Untied States.  Even though the US is hitting suspected ISIS positions, it's a halfhearted operation, and only for show.  Historically, however, the United States has always hampered Russian ambitions in the Middle East, stopping Stalin's push into Hungary and Turkey in the 1940s.  But today the Oval Office has a Carteresque worldview, one in which violation of human rights trumps geopolitical strategies, except of course in Afghanistan.. However bad these regimes are, and they are not perfect, they're our regimes.  As of today, that chess piece has gone to Russia.  We can expect Israel to respond to that perceived threat, and exacerbate the tensions.  Very scary stuff as the Mideast goes Boom!. 

Poetic Justice For A Malignancy
Buh Bye Skank
I've described the narcissistic, vile and vulgar utterances of one Lena Dunham on these pages here and here. This disgusting person epitomizes all that is wrong with popular media, and sadly the state of the culture in the US today.  But at last, HBO has dropped her  inane show Girls due to ultra low ratings.  And she's dropped tweeting, because she says it's no longer a safe place for her to be - with her characteristic perfect self absorption.  Well, Praise be.  Ever the optimist, I see this move as an ever so slow return to a normal morality, in which it's neither cool to rape your five year old sister, nor to accuse an innocent man of a non-existent rape. Following her is like seeing someone vomiting - I know what's happening, but I don't have to watch.  Goodbye Lena, your contributions to society are duly noted.  Simply horrific.

Hillary For Prison 2016!
A Campaign To Support
Few things are scarier than the Clinton mafia.  They are so pervasive that even government agencies are cowered by them.  It's more than clear that Hillary is in violation of security breaches during her disastrous stint as Secretary of State where Americans were killed, was hacked by foreign governments, and it's further clear than her campaign is in violation of election laws.  "If you can get away with it, do it," is the pronouncement of the campaign's legal counsel.  Valerie Jarret, never a Clinton friend, threw her under the bus by stating the administration advised her against using a personal email server.  Right.  The entire Clinton Machine is a criminal influence peddling enterprise, foundation(s) and all, should be investigated by a true Elliot Ness, and these career criminals put away for a long, long time.  Not to do so is scary indeed.

The Racial Divide
The Kenyan's Organization
The Kenyan's success at getting low intelligence Negros to identify with him as a symbol of racial victimhood continues to reverberate as society reels from the rise in attacks on whites and cops.  In Nebraska, a black man was arrested for threatening to kill two cops and their entire families.  In Ohio, a drunk Negro woman crashed her car into a restaurant, and advised patrons to attack cops when they came to arrest her.  Why?  Because the Kenyan furthered the Big Lie about Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown being innocent Negro teenagers gunned down by whites.  The reality is they both were wanna be ganstas with criminal records.  But the presidential utterance caused a hate-filled movement or two, all of which seek to eliminate white cops, and white people in general.   Do Negros really want  a race war?  Scary.

Cie la vie!  Where's my zombie costume?  Halloween is coming, and I gotta look the part: SCARY!!