The Scary Season
Welcome, October! It's the month of harvest, cooler weather, end of Daylight Savings Time and hurricane season, and my favorite - All Hallows Eve. But Halloween isn't the only scary thing happening this month. Scary stuff abounds!
¡Jeb! Funding Revealed
Soy Una Mexicana |
What many of us suspected all along has been revealed: Jeb Bush gets funding from the certain anti-American, globalist groups. Bush, who considers the current Latin cultural invasion taking place in the US an act of love, and who thinks Common Core - the forced socialist indoctrination of American schoolchildren - is a good thing, is funded by those who would see America diminished. How? Bush took investment money from HNA Group and spent it to invest in the gas shipping company Dorian LPG, which is incorporated in the Republic of The Marshall Islands. Who funds HNA? George Soros. Scary that he could become president and have to repay all that largess. But hey, don't read anything into that - just vote Jeb!.
The Beginning of WW III?
Boom! Russian Airstrikes In Syria |
Maybe. Ever since the Carter administration deposed the Shah of Iran, instability in the Mideast has been the norm. The removal of Shah Pahlavi of Iran left a vacuum that was immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal was to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate. Bush's removal of Saddam Husein of Iraq (no relation, we're told, to Barack Husein Obama), also left a vacuum that was immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal was to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate. The Arab Spring movement, promoted and praised by the Kenyan's administration, removed Libya's Gadaffi from power and left a vacuum that was immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal was to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate. And again today, the Kenyan's call for the removal of President Al-Assad of Syria will create a vacuum which will be immediately filled by Islamic radicals, whose goal is to return the Mideast to a 7th century caliphate. At least the Russians can accurately read history, and have moved forces into the region to support Assad by striking "moderate" groups allied with the west and opposed to Assad. America's abdication in the region - promulgated by the Kenyan's Muslim sympathies - has opened the door for Russia and Putin's geopolitical superpower ambitions to take center stage in the Mideast, which will promote Russian interests, but certainly not those of the Untied States. Even though the US is hitting suspected ISIS positions, it's a halfhearted operation, and only for show. Historically, however, the United States has always hampered Russian ambitions in the Middle East, stopping Stalin's push into Hungary and Turkey in the 1940s. But today the Oval Office has a Carteresque worldview, one in which violation of human rights trumps geopolitical strategies, except of course in Afghanistan.. However bad these regimes are, and they are not perfect, they're our regimes. As of today, that chess piece has gone to Russia. We can expect Israel to respond to that perceived threat, and exacerbate the tensions. Very scary stuff as the Mideast goes Boom!.
Poetic Justice For A Malignancy
Buh Bye Skank |
I've described the narcissistic, vile and vulgar utterances of one Lena Dunham on these pages here and here. This disgusting person epitomizes all that is wrong with popular media, and sadly the state of the culture in the US today. But at last, HBO has dropped her inane show Girls due to ultra low ratings. And she's dropped tweeting, because she says it's no longer a safe place for her to be - with her characteristic perfect self absorption. Well, Praise be. Ever the optimist, I see this move as an ever so slow return to a normal morality, in which it's neither cool to rape your five year old sister, nor to accuse an innocent man of a non-existent rape. Following her is like seeing someone vomiting - I know what's happening, but I don't have to watch. Goodbye Lena, your contributions to society are duly noted. Simply horrific.
Hillary For Prison 2016!
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A Campaign To Support |
Few things are scarier than the Clinton mafia. They are so pervasive that even government agencies are cowered by them. It's more than clear that Hillary is in violation of security breaches during her disastrous stint as Secretary of State where Americans were killed, was hacked by foreign governments, and it's further clear than her campaign is in violation of election laws. "If you can get away with it, do it," is the pronouncement of the campaign's legal counsel. Valerie Jarret, never a Clinton friend, threw her under the bus by stating the administration advised her against using a personal email server. Right. The entire Clinton Machine is a criminal influence peddling enterprise, foundation(s) and all, should be investigated by a true Elliot Ness, and these career criminals put away for a long, long time. Not to do so is scary indeed.
The Racial Divide
The Kenyan's Organization |
The Kenyan's success at getting low intelligence Negros to identify with him as a symbol of racial victimhood continues to reverberate as society reels from the rise in attacks on whites and cops. In Nebraska, a black man was arrested for threatening to kill two cops and their entire families. In Ohio, a drunk Negro woman crashed her car into a restaurant, and advised patrons to attack cops when they came to arrest her. Why? Because the Kenyan furthered the Big Lie about Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown being innocent Negro teenagers gunned down by whites. The reality is they both were wanna be ganstas with criminal records. But the presidential utterance caused a hate-filled movement or two, all of which seek to eliminate white cops, and white people in general. Do Negros really want a race war? Scary.
Cie la vie! Where's my zombie costume? Halloween is coming, and I gotta look the part: SCARY!!
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