Friday, April 10, 2015

Why We Must Fight Islam

Neek Hallack!  Well Said!
Let's determine what constitutes membership.  Within a given group, one who self identifies with and joins that group must, by definition, subscribe to its ethos; its belief system.  So if one is, say, a self identified Muslim, one must, again by definition, adhere to the Islamic dogma.  That dogma, or ethos, is clearly set forth in the Koran and the Hadith and is not in any way peaceful. In those two works, there are over one hundred verses calling for violence, not the least of which cite the killing of Kafir, or non-believers, at one's discretion.  None of man's other religions call for this type of violent intolerance, yet somehow Islam is known, perhaps euphemistically, as the "religion of peace."  A religion, as defined by most accepted philosophies, in its broadest sense must be about the pursuit of higher value, a seeking of truth, beauty, and enlightenment.  Islam fails these tests, and as such is merely an ideology; a dangerous one at that.  Its language doesn't recognize humanity as a whole, as a community of man, but segregates all people into one of two groups:  believers and Kafir.  It follows, therefore, that if one identifies with this ethos and willfully adheres to it, then there can be no such thing as a "moderate" Muslim.  Adherents to Islam can be said to be an enemy of civilization.  So, are all Muslims terrorists?  Yes, by definition, if not by direct action.  

Further, those dhimmi who support Islam, its tenets and philosophy, are also complicit in terror against civilization.  What's astounding, is that given the true nature of Islam and its radical ideas is being exposed by so many sources, that some people still cannot - or more probably will not - recognize the threat posed to not only them, by to our entire Western way of life. Muslim influence grows daily in this country, the goal of which is to implement Sharia law in the US and indeed throughout the world, and yet the politically correct play the role of useful idiot as none have before.  Universities around the country are discovered to support radical Islam, politicians seek to indoctrinate children into Islam through public schools with the insidious common core program.

The Arabic letter "noon" is being adopted by Christians to stand against jihadist persecution in the Middle East. (Image source: Twitter)
Learn the goals of Islam and why we've been engaged in a 1,400 year long war with it.  Don't delude yourself that it's simply just a  religion.  It's not.  It's an ideological enemy who is determined to "transform America" (does that phrase sound familiar?) in ways we can't imagine.  And it is a very sophisticated enemy, as well.  Images of 7th century savages playing football with severed heads belies the slick campaigns CAIR, the Muslim terrorist front group, and others use to lull Americans into thinking that Muslims are victims of our intolerance.  Yet as with most radical hate campaigns, they are the very thing that they protest.  America is tolerant of everything, and to date, of Islam as well.  But as Muslim immigration and its attendant Sharia law is implemented in more and more local communities, Americans are about to learn what intolerance can really be.  And this enemy must be fought on every front:  battlefield, academia, political, and spiritual.

And to this threat, we must just say "No," with extreme prejudice.

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