Why America Is In Big Trouble
One needs only to peruse the current news of the day in order to recognize that this country and our way of life is under a full frontal attack. For example, when judges ignore the law in order to impose "social justice," whatever that is, we're in big trouble. When government, the media and academia twists themselves into knots in order to embrace and even endorse an evil that seeks our destruction, we're in big trouble. And when our government institutions turn on us to placate and silence us, we're in big trouble.
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Racist Judge; Social Engineer |
In seriatim, let's review these recent events. First, the story about the Jefferson County, Kentucky circuit court judge who, as he let an armed robber go free, managed to use the bench to lecture and chastise a three-year old girl for being what he called racist. Here's what happened. Tommy and Jordan Gray and their three-year-old daughter were robbed at gunpoint at their Louisville home in 2013 by two black thugs, and Jordan wrote in her victim's impact statement that her daughter is still "in constant fear of black men." Police report that the thieves pointed a gun in the face of the couple's three-year-old before making off with $1,100 in cash, a cell phone, wallet and small amount of marijuana belong to the Grays. No wonder she's scared. Yet as Judge Olu Stevens was sentencing Gregory Wallace, one of the black home invasion perpetrators, to five years' probation after he and his accomplice, Marquis McAfee, robbed Tommy and Jordan Gray's Louisville home, he managed to wonder aloud if the child's fear of black thugs was somehow a manifestation of her mother's inherent racism. So we're left with the fact that the white victims, robbed at gunpoint in their own home by black home invaders are racists, yet the black thugs are let off with nothing more severe than probation, which is essentially a get-out-of-jail-free pass. In most states, armed robbery home invasion with a firearm is a felony. Not if you're black, one can surmise, at least in Kentucky.
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Another de facto Muslim Brotherhood Headquarters |
Second, the Islamic takeover continues, with not so much as a whimper as American institutions roll over in compliance and fear. The most striking - and unbelievable - case is the Islamization of Dearborn Michigan, according to a noted speaker at the NRA convention in Nashville. Author Steve Tarani said during a presentation last Sunday that he has witnessed “no-go zones” — areas where police cannot enter — while shadowing a friend who serves on the Detroit Metro SWAT Police on a drive in Dearborn, Michigan. He described pulling up to one of the alleged Muslim-controlled areas: "The street signs suddenly went from English to Arabic. There wasn’t a single English word on any shop or any street sign. And in fact, these little yellow signs were posted all along the edges. Jeremy said to me, ‘this is it. We don’t go past this line.’ And I said to Jeremy, ‘what do you mean? You guys are Detroit Metro. You’re the SWAT team. You can go anywhere you want. What if you get a call over there?’ He said ‘this is it, it’s hazardous for our team if we go past this line." I have seen it with my own eyes, witnessed it in the backseat of a car and it is for real. No-go zones exist in the United States. Dearborn, Michigan is not the only place that these settlements exist. They are spread out over the country in various cities. There’s an estimate of over 5,000 known terrorist cells in the United States. However our most persistent and significant threat, right now, to us here today this morning, is the homegrown violent extremists." He's referring to Muslims, CNN and MSNBC, not to white Christian Tea Party members or "preppers."
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States where MOA terrorist training camps are located |
Of course, the liberal web-media has turned itself inside out trying to refute the unmistakable fact of Muslim saturation. You can't believe anything coming from the evil old-white-boy NRA, now can you? Yet, as I've reported here and here, we've seen this sharia law cancer spreading across many communities in the US. It is a clear and present danger, but many still have their heads in the sand. Yet the FBI has estimated there are no fewer than 5,000 Muslim terror cells currently in the US, and some 20 MOA (Muslims of the Americas) terrorist training sites. And the Kenyan still refuses to secure the southern border, or to screen the masses of undesirables flooding across every day.
What Has Become of Liberty? |
And lastly, but not least, the corruption and ethical decay of our government institutions. NASA is less a scientific space exploration agency as it is a Muslim outreach organization. It makes perverted sense somehow when you consider bringing Muslims into civilization by finally leaving the 7th century might be a good thing. And what about the most hated agency in the US, the IRS? The Kenyan and his pet monkey Eric Holder refuse to prosecute the vile Lois Lerner for contempt, because after all, she was just doing what they told her to do, an obvious and blatant conflict of interest. The result of that "prosecutorial discretion" is that now nearly all Americans not only distrust but hate the IRS. And with good reason, as the wealth redistribution agency so far this year collected over $1 trillion of our hard earned dollars. The military is also susceptible to the administration's corruption of all of government. Operation Jade Helm is obviously a precursor to enacting martial law to many grounded thinkers, but to hear the brass tell it, it's really all about soldiers being able to evade and escape in a blown operation scenario, among other things. I have serious doubts about that benign "it's just training" meme. Given the stories above and the many and varied attacks on our way of life, I don't necessarily feel safer with regular forces along with special ops personnel doing these drills in major cities. What's worse, I know some of those black ops guys personally, and I pray they never turn on us. If they do, it would make 1862 look like a summer picnic. I kid you not.
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