$150 Million and Counting
As tired as I am of reporting on the high crimes and misdemeanors of this illegal and unconstitutional administration under the Muslim Kenyan, I am also tired of the way the media fawns over the personage of one Hillary Rodham Clinton. If there was a contest as to who was more deceitful, corrupt, hypocritical and disingenuous among The Kenyan, Hillary, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, I'm almost sure Hill would come out on top, hands down. And that is quite an accomplishment, given the company she's in.
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Have We Seen That Salute Before? |
As she campaigns (read pander) for her party's nomination for president, she said today that she would seek to " . .. topple the 1% . ." Topple? As in destroy, annihilate, and banish? Yep, I'm sure that's exactly what she means. This I gotta see, because she and her husband Bill's net worth has recently been estimated to be north of $150 million. Wow. That basically puts her in the top 1% of the top 1%, doesn't it? But never mind how much money she's got, when she insinuates she'll go after the Koch brothers for, well, just because they're conservatives, that smacks of hypocrisy, doesn't it? Does George Soros, money man for all things Marxist, slip into her egalitarian cross hairs, too? No, I don't think so, either. All that money the evil Koch brothers have earned through legitimate businesses will have to be redistributed to the victimized and impoverished. Siphoned first, of course, through the Clintons' foundation and other socially aware and committed liberal regressive democrat sieves. At Hillary's going rate of $200,000 per speech, it shouldn't take too long. Never mind that the Koch brothers' businesses and investments create jobs, and for many, personal wealth. Lots and lots of jobs and wealth, and at the end of the day, it's jobs that eradicate poverty. Compare this to Hillary's list of jobs created.
But its her notion that she's actually entitled to the presidency that makes her campaign so lame and annoying. She's pandering to millennials and immigrants, who weren't alive or paying attention during the last forty years when our gal Hill had her greedy hands in so many pockets. In addition to the ongoing private email scandal with which we're having to endure, and the disastrous 2012 Benghazi attack, in which four Americans were left to be slaughtered as she simply turned away, we have a short list of her high crimes and misdemeanors while in office:
Whitewater: The tangled web of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Whitewater real-estate
dealings in Arkansas prompted Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint a
special prosecutor to investigate. Jim McDougal, a Clinton business partner who went to jail over Whitewater, famously described the Clintons as “sort of like tornadoes moving through people’s lives.” First led by Robert Fiske, then by Ken Starr, the special
prosecutor’s office was deeply disturbed by the lack of candor from the
Clintons when they were deposed under oath. Hickman Ewing, Starr’s
deputy, testified in court that after he heard Hillary Clinton say “I don’t recall” some 50 times in one deposition, he gave her an F grade for her truthfulness.
Health-Care Gate: In 1997, federal judge Royce Lamberth
levied $286,000 in sanctions against Bill Clinton’s administration for
“running amok” in a “cover-up” of Hillary Clinton’s health-care task
force. The scandal began when deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster
made contradictory assertions about the first lady’s job status, in an
attempt to keep the work of the task force secret. Vince Foster's body was found later under suspicious circumstances, but of course officially ruled a suicide.
Filegate: The confidential FBI files of up to 900
former Reagan and Bush appointees were sent over to White House security
chief Craig Livingstone. Deputy White House counsel William Kennedy, a
close friend of Hillary Clinton’s from their days at the Rose Law Firm,
would frequently call up the FBI and have someone’s files sent over on
his say-so. Then–FBI director Louis Freeh called it “an egregious violation of privacy.”
Cattle-Futures Gate: Hillary Clinton came under
scrutiny when, during her tenure as first lady of Arkansas, she managed
to turn a $1,000 investment in cattle futures into a profit of nearly
$100,000 in only nine months. She claimed she had learned how to trade
by reading the Wall Street Journal. Her broker had earlier been suspended from trading for a year after he was charged with manipulating the egg-futures market.
Travelgate: In May 1993, Hillary Clinton wrote an
infamous note demanding action to “get our people” into the White House
Travel Office. Billy Dale, its director, and six of his employees were
quickly fired on the basis of rumors that they had engaged in criminal
conduct; the rumors were cooked up in part by a 25-year-old cousin of
Bill Clinton’s who wound up running the travel office. Dale was indicted on charges of embezzling $88,000 from the office.
Jurors took only two hours to acquit him of all charges. Hillary Clinton
refused an interview request from the General Accounting Office about
her role in the affair. The late New York Times columnist Bill Safire concluded after Travelgate that Hillary Clinton was “a congenital liar.”
Billing-Records Gate: The records of Hillary
Clinton’s clients at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas were subpoenaed for
years by investigators looking into Whitewater. They were finally
discovered on a coffee table in the private quarters of the White House.
No one ever explained how they got there. In March 2008, as Hillary Clinton was running for president, Jerry
Zeifman — the chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee at the time
of Nixon’s impeachment and a lifelong Democrat — expressed his profound
disappointment with her work on the committee. Among her transgressions
were lying, removing files from the committee offices without
permission, and arguing that Nixon shouldn’t be allowed any legal
counsel before the committee. “I terminated her employment on the Nixon
impeachment staff,” he told me. “My
only regret was I had not reported her unethical practices to the
appropriate bar associations. I could not recommend her for any
subsequent position of public or private trust.”
Bimbo Eruptions: During Bill's time in the oval office, his philandering was the stuff of legend, eclipsing even the amorous adventures of JFK. But Bill exercised neither the discretion nor class of JFK, and as such, spurned women were literally coming to light daily. Hillary's job was to silence and redirect these scandals, which she referred to as "bimbo eruptions." This meant destroying the lives of these women her husband had had. As an example of her politics of personal destruction, James Carville once noted: "Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get." Classy.
Bimbo Eruptions: During Bill's time in the oval office, his philandering was the stuff of legend, eclipsing even the amorous adventures of JFK. But Bill exercised neither the discretion nor class of JFK, and as such, spurned women were literally coming to light daily. Hillary's job was to silence and redirect these scandals, which she referred to as "bimbo eruptions." This meant destroying the lives of these women her husband had had. As an example of her politics of personal destruction, James Carville once noted: "Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get." Classy.
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We're Tired of You, Too, Hill |
There we have it. Hillary is a crook, a liar, a manipulator and is committed to her own self interest solely and completely. She is not presidential material ethically, psychologically or physically. She's tired, used up, and she's a psychological mess. She has no ideas, no verve, no enthusiasm, and no future. And no clue. She should take her bribe money - the Clinton Cash - shaken down from the corrupt fat cats and foreign governments while she was Secretary of State, and enjoy her miserable life. It's doubtful she'll ever be prosecuted for her crimes, which is a crime in of itself. But in the face of this overwhelming pattern of sociopathic behavior over some forty years - her proverbial political baggage - her minions and the compliant lap-dog media will simply shrug and say "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
A lot, Hill. A lot.
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