I can't figure it out. Seriously. I really don't get it. Has the country as a whole gone completely round the bend? It must be the case, because freedom loving Americans would never succumb to a
creeping, insidious dilution and eradication of their culture, would they? No? They would certainly never even consider trading the US Constitution for
Sharia law right here in River City, now would they? Then why are we being pummeled by this constant drum-beat of Islamamania? That's a term I just coined referring to the love and adoration of all things Islamic. You know, things like Islam's intolerance of anyone not Muslim, the blatant human right inequities embedded in Sharia law, its regressive Luddite mentality, and its extreme and pervasive brutality and violence. Perhaps it's that evil plague political correctness that's done us in. That's the nonsense that dictates that we be "tolerant" of every known intolerable utterance or act.
Brilliant! Point Taken! |
Consider. In just the last few days we've seen cultural institutions cave into the demands by the terrorist organization
CAIR and other Islam sympathizers.
Note Facebook's cave (OK, Facebook's not a cultural institution.. . or maybe it is, to America's everlasting shame) to censor anything remotely "Islamaphobic - whatever the hell that means - yet doesn't censor the hate filled, illiterate rants posted by Muslims.

Aside from the hate this Muslim maggot spews, we have more evidence that there's insanity in the air, as the world renown publishing house in the UK, the Oxford Press, has decided to
not print any reference to pork, so as to not offend Muslims. Unreal. Tell me this: Who cares if Muslims are offended? I certainly don't. In fact, I'm offended that Muslims don't respect - nor are they tolerant of - my religion and faith, which predates Islam by thousands of years. But these savages operate within a 7th century stone-the-infidels mindset, and the entire world quakes at the thought of offending them. They are always offended at everything, especially everything western in culture. So what? Their cast system treats the
kafir (non-believers) as a subhuman class, and as such may be killed at will. And, if Muslims try to leave Islam, they, too, can be killed. Of course, they love to kill each other, too. Sunnis Muslims and Shia Muslims do kill each other, so there's some joy in that. There's a
difference between them, but as an American Christian of European and Anglo-Saxon ancestry, I really couldn't care less. The bottom line for me is that they are the savage enemy by their own decree. And even in my gated, upscale, relatively affluent neighborhood, Muslim sleeper cells exist. This I know for a fact, but I will post no citation for that statement, because I don't want to see my dog's head impaled on a stick in my yard some day. But my instincts have never failed me, and I am ever vigilant.
I hope you are, as well.
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