Some Thoughts On That
Always eager to embellish his legacy, the Kenyan is somewhat shying away from his landmark ObamaCare destruction of the world's finest health care system as his legacy, focusing instead on more - um - bourgeois accomplishments that are easier to understand. Consider just some of these "firsts" from the Kenyan:
- He's the first community organizer from complete national oblivion to become US President in only two years
- He's the first non-natural born US President (please don't insult me by citing that lame, sophomoric Hawaiian photo shopped birth certificate)
- He's the first President with several aliases, and fraudulent Social Security numbers
- He's the first mulatto President
- He's the first Muslim President
- He's the first Communist President (there have been progressive presidents, but none compare to his scale)
- He's the first President to emulate Jimmy Carter's foreign policies
- He's the first quasi-open homosexual President
- He's the first President with a common law transvestite "wife"
One can only gaze in awe at the machine that put this poser into office - twice! Through lies, deceit and a plethora of unqualified voters voting early and often, the American electorate has, I fear, been handed a one-two knockout punch. A sucker punch at that. The destruction to the US Constitution and to the American culture is yet to be fully understood, but when it is, it ain't gonna be pretty.
In Defense of Bigotry, Hate and Intolerance
Folks, I rise in support of personal freedoms as may be manifested by Bigotry, Hate, and Intolerance. You might say I'm tolerant of intolerance. Yes, I am. I'm all for it. Here's why: Let's just say I hate Brits. Can't stand 'em. Hate their culture of colonization and global domination. Hate their bloody accents and even hate their cuisine. Now let's say you are of British ancestry, and you are seriously at odds with my position of Bigotry, Hate, and Intolerance regarding the British. Why should you be wrapped around the axle about what I think or believe? And why should I be forced to cease and desist in my Bigotry, Hate, and Intolerance to suit your personal preference? The answer is, I shouldn't, and neither should you. Know why? Because Bigotry, Hate, and Intolerance are the bedrock of our rights and freedoms embedded in notions such as Freedom of Association, Freedom of Speech, Religious Freedom and many, many more. If you really are supportive of personal freedom, then you should be the last guy to decry Bigotry, Hate, and Intolerance in others. Hate Jews? Let's have a beer! Member of the Ku Klux Klan? Dinner's on me! PETA devotee and Sierra Club advocate? I'll drive you to work! But no, we have to homogenize our beliefs to keep us on point in the
Orwellian progressive narrative. And as such we have endless pointless civil
lawsuits about who may not be denied service, or to whom one may not refuse commerce. We have racial riots, social unrest and all sorts of other chaos arising directly
from the absence of letting people believing what they believe. If an owner of a restaurant won't serve Jews or homosexuals, so be it. They can and will eat elsewhere. They aren't welcome here so why force a situation that is uncomfortable for both parties? There should be no law or public pressure to force me to engage in practices of which I disapprove, nor of you to accommodate me in such. Live and let live. But that said, however, if you're a member of a movement that promotes violence and terrorism to further your ends, whether Black Panthers, jihadist Muslims, Green Peace or some other cowardly-driven bully like the United States federal government, then I'm going to hit you back, with extreme prejudice. And I am both able and capable to do so efficiently, effectively and quickly. Be advised.
So lawmakers, pass no law that infringes upon or diminishes my personal freedoms to act, think and believe as I please. It's simply not possible to legislate personal tolerance, and it's not advisable to do so. Let laissez faire prevail as our founding fathers always intended. And in exchange I'll hold you harmless for the social adjustments that will be made when others trespass on my God given freedoms and rights.
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