Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Random Shots

Where to begin?  Such is the question whilst trying to make sense of all the nonsense, from ill conceived foreign policy to tyrannical domestic policy.  The answer, of course, is that it is all nonsense, and it's put there purposely.  To distract, obfuscate and confuse.

Adventures Abroad
The US is now engaged in yet another military action (despite yet more broken promises by the Kenyan about getting us out of Iraq at all costs).  Not learning from earlier lessons, we're committed to aiding and arming radical religious groups that will undoubtedly turn against us in the near future.  See al Qaeda, 1980s.  Even though it was a noble enterprise at the time, the unintended consequence was horrific in terms of blood and treasure.  And, it eventually had to be undone.

While striking from afar and above in Syria, yet protecting our troops from harm on the battlefield, e.g. no boots on the ground, the Kenyan boldly orders 3,000 American reservists into West Africa to "combat" Ebola. Well, no bullets are flying or bombs exploding, so where's the harm?   Let's not consider the exponential element of infection spreading to the US after the troops are rotated back home.   But Ebola, to the Kenyan, is a greater threat to Africa than ISIL is to the free world.  No matter; it's all part of his evil nonsensical plan.  And it's all for show.

Adventures in Babysitting
WHO asks for more health workers to fight Ebola as death toll growsAnd speaking of diseases spreading across open borders, the hypocrisy of this administration regarding disease and borders is astounding.  Why, we must send troops - American troops! - to Africa to stop this spread, but the federal government will stay, investigate, harass, sue and arrest anyone attempting to do so at the US southern border.  We must be the designated caregivers - babysitters - to these youths seeking asylum here.  Right.  It's an invasion of sovereign US territory, and as it's being orchestrated from the White House, it's treason on it's very face.  Meanwhile, the undesirables continue to stream across, and the feds transport them to cities across the country, to ensure maximum damage to the culture and  economy.

nfl domestic violenceBut the nanny state knows no bounds.  Enter now the politically correct vipers into the NFL, where it's the public's business what goes on in one's private life.  Suspensions abound; forced resignations threatened!  Now I'm not in any way offended if some athlete takes it out on the misses.  Nor do I care if she slugs him upside the head.  They alone are the sole actors and audience in their little passion play, and neither I, nor the NFL, nor the perpetually offended have anything to say about it.  But this is an ideal way to continue the distraction:  let's debate whether this behavior is somehow inconsistent with the standards of the NFL.  Are you kidding?  Who cares, except to the extent that it can further the progressive left's radical, totalitarian agenda.  Anyone debating this non-issue - I'm speaking of so called "domestic violence" - is furthering the destruction of the American culture of individual privacy.  Hit your wife, spank your children however you please - it's nobody's damn business but yours.  And that's as it should be.

Dude.  You're old.  Go Die.
Why I Hope to Die at 75
Ezekiel Emanuel
One of the most shocking parts of ObamaCare was the notion that after a certain age, one was expected to merely  ahem - die - in order to spare the "community" from further medical costs associated with keeping one alive.  The progressive left mocked and ridiculed anyone who questioned or even pointed out this particular gruesome tenet in the plan.  Until now.  Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects of ObamaCare - Rahm Emanuel's brother, no less - has publicly endorsed the concept by stating he'd like to just die at age 75.  This should tell a thinking person all one needs to know about the discordant world view of the progressive left.  This and their stance on abortions is indicative of their view on life:  they hate themselves so thoroughly, that they wish they had never been born, and now that that have been, that they die soon. Is self-hate a Jewish thing?  It must be.  I just hope someone visits Ezekiel Emanuel on his 75th birthday with pistol or syringe in hand.  We'll see how he feels about dying then.      

The progressive left is simply evil.  It is quite open about its ambitions, and it is never satisfied.  Everything must be homogenized, equalized, quantified, qualified and bastardized.  Elevate women into men; emasculate men into women, blur the lines.  Kill the unborn, infect the living.  Erase standards, morals, borders, cultures, and individualism in favor of the dull gray world of homogenized totalitarianism under their tight control.  And that is, and always has been, their goal

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